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I can get a monkey to work hard, it just won't make him an NFL QB. Quincy doesn't have the tools to make him a great NFL QB. He may be good enough to justify a starting position somewhere in the league, but I thought you guys had higher aspirations than that. Plus, if your own team actually thought Quincy was the real deal, you wouldn't also have two other longshot prospects on your roster: Hutchinson and Leaf.

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Guest Goatroper
I can get a monkey to work hard, it just won't make him an NFL QB.

You know there are a lot of folks these days who would consider this a racist slur, but I'm not one of them.

With all due respect, I think you and others here are underestimating Quincy Carter's talent. Granted, most of you believe I am overestimating his talent. Guess that is why we are going to line up and play those games this year.

What continues to baffle me is not that you slam QC -- heck, lots of Cowboys fans are doing that -- but that you are doing so with such a huge question mark at the QB position on your own team.

You're throwing stones from a glass house -- one with a lot of cracks.

Y'all could be setting yourself up for a lot of grief come mid-season.

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First of all, Barry Sanders is a running back that would excel in ANY system. Second of all Barry Switzer proved you wrong about a bad coach winning it all. The 'pokes were loaded that year. I could probably have brought them the Lombardi trophy.

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What amazes us is you continue to talk about our "jumble" of QBs when you have Hutchinson, Carter, Leaf, Stoener, Wright and Dantzler now. What is curious to us is you refuse to even recognize that Ramsey is today a far better player than Carter was entering the league a year ago. Yet, somehow we are lost and you guys are just fine.

I have no idea how Carter will ultimately do in this league. But, admitting that puts me a step ahead of you because you can't admit the same.

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Guest Goatroper

For better or worse, Carter has completed his rookie season. Compare his numbers with the rookie season of whatever QB you like.

Ramsey may be an outstanding lad, but he has not logged his rookie season yet.

When I say "jumble" I refer to the fact that the QBs who started for you last year are not factoring into the discussion in here. You may have some bright prospects, but they are that: prospects.

Going in, you don't know who your starting QB is. OK, whoever he is may or may not be better than Quincy Carter in his second year.

You talk as if anyone who suits up in the burgundy and yellow is going to perform better than Carter. I just don't buy it.

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Thanks for all of the replies.

It sounds as if the O needs a heck of a QB to win. It also sounds dangerous for the QB. Dallas does not send everyone after the QB, but I bet the Skins are going to have a hard time against teams like the Eagles. Getting everyone on the same page is going to be vital or there are going to be a lot of sacks and INTs.

It sounds like a good O to run the lead draw out of, and a Faulk type back would be perfect.

As for Barry Switzer, he was a little embarrasing to watch at times and was not much of a coach in the NFL Im not so sure SS will be much better. Reading articles after the skins first minicamp and after the draft makes me wonder if SS is pro material. Lewis on the other hand... I think he is a heck of a pick up for you guys.

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Blitzing teams do not scare Spurrier. He has faced the blitz a lot from Woody Widenhofer from Vandy, Mickey Andrews of FSU, John Chavis from UT and Joe Lee Dunn at MSU, Carl reese from LSU (now Texas). When his offense is executing properly, Spurrier picks the blitz apart. He did a lot of max protecting, 2 man routes this year on Miss St and they hung 52 on them.

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Just as a human interest story, it'll be fascinating to see if the best offense in college football translates effectively to the pros. Some offenses that dominate in the NCAA----like the option or the wishbone---don't. The run & shoot was a short-lived fad in the pro ranks, like the Rubik's Cube, or sobriety. Will Spurrier's offense work??? I don't know the answer, but I can't wait to find out!

If you think about it, the last great offensive innovation was the WCO. Martz's offense might also catch on (eventually), but you don't see the other teams in the league racing around, signing his assistant coaches, hoping to emulate it. Some say that Martz's offense was begat by Norv, who was begat by Zampesie, who was begat by Don Coryell. To me, Martz's creation looks like something completely different, the way it uses its RB and WRs.

What was the last great defensive innovation? The 3-4? Buddy Ryan's 46?

It's been a while. The league has been stagnant for quite a bit.

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The run & shoot did work in the NFL, but, it has almost become a bad word now. Houston ran the run and shoot while going to the playoffs every year from 1986 to 1993. Martz' offense is based on the Coryell tree. Spurrier's is based on the Tiger Ellison tree, and the run and shoot. Both are distinctly different and yet both are similar in ways. The WCO was a very new system for the NFL and Walsh did come up with quite an amazing way to coach.

Spurrier's advantage coming into the pros is that he doesn't appear to need one heck of a QB in order to win. He needs a QB who knows what's going on and where to go with the ball, but, that's more mental than physical. This is demonstrated by the fact that his best QBs have done nothing in the pros. Same with his receivers. He seems to have these players playing above their abilities and that's going to be something we have to hope carries over into our team. I'm with Ralph in that I'm greatly looking forward to what is to come.

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