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Rick Snider Radio Todbit on Jansen....


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I was off work yesterday, listening to 980 and Kornheiser or Thompson had Rick Snider of the Times on discussing the draft, and the Jansen trade offer rumor.

One thing Snider said was that Jansen WILL NOT BE BACK when his contract expires because he does not like it here. Snider would not reveal his sources.

Now if this rumor is even partially accurate, what's up with that? Does Jansen not like the organization, Snyder, what?

Anyone heard this before?

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Ha, ha, ha. You guys are gonna lose your starting Right Tackle. That sucks. Sorry, but no sympathy coming from me.

He's probably pissed at the fact that Deion Sanders is making more money than him by NOT playing football. That's gotta suck.

He's also probably pissed seeing old man Bruce Smith making cart loads of loot even though he's old and can't play anymore. That's gotta suck.


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if the Redskins WERE about ready to trade Jansen than I find it surprising the team did not draft an offensive lineman in the second round after Ramsey as insurance for the future.

Now Rod Jones can and has played RT, although he is not as good as Jansen obviously.

But we have to be careful because the tackle spots are the key to any offensive line.

As the Cowboys learned after Erik Williams went south, that outside spot is sometimes hard to recapture :)

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Unfortunately, 9inarow, your pass rushers eat up even Samuals and Jansen every year. How come they don't play like that against everyone else?

It really surprises me to here that Jansen is unhappy here. I've always seen him as the old school hog who loves playing for the Redskins. I'm sure a nice contract extension would relieve all that unhappiness.

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Dude. You guys had 5 wins last year. You might get 7 this year if monkeys fly out of my azz. Last time I checked, you had a knucklehead at QB who wouldnt have even started on his own college team.

I know "He beat you guys" blah blah blah. Well, unfortuneatly he doesnt get to play us 16 times a year. He didnt do jack against anyone else. And dont give me San Fran, your defense won that game. Bottomline: Qunicy's best play will be handing the ball off to Emmitt. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

Dude. You guys had 5 wins last year. You might get 7 this year if monkeys fly out of my azz. Last time I checked, you had a knucklehead at QB who wouldnt have even started on his own college team.

I know "He beat you guys" blah blah blah. Well, unfortuneatly he doesnt get to play us 16 times a year. He didnt do jack against anyone else. And dont give me San Fran, your defense won that game. Bottomline: Qunicy's best play will be handing the ball off to Emmitt. :laugh:

7 wins would be 40% improvement. That's sweet. :cheers:

No comment on Quincy Mr. Carter. But just think, you guys could have had him with a low 2nd rounder last year also ... he, he.

Then you could have picked up Andre Gurode this year. But instead, Andre the Giant will be wearing the Silver Star. Ain't life grand?


Hey, so whatever happened to Tony Banks? :cheers:


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Originally posted by TheChosenOne

Alright guys... we have almost an entire year to change his mind. Who wants to be in charge of the "Make Jansen happy to stay with the Skins" club?

You know, I have an idea. I think his contract should be re-written to offer more incentives:

1-5 pancake blocks: first choice of any cheerleader

5 or more pancake blocks: first choice of any TWO cheerleaders

1-5 sacks allowed: first choice of any fat Eagles cheerleader

5 or more sacks allowed: first choice of any TWO fat Eagles cheerleaders

That should keep his game up. Hell, I'd be an All-Pro and never want to leave town...



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I think if ever there was a Marty supporter among our young building blocks, it would be Jansen. He has been here through the entire Snyder regime, meaning a lot of chaos. So to hear that he may want to leave does not surprise me. However, John Keim reported that he and his wife like the area and would like to stay but are open to the idea of leaving...either way this is not good, Jon Jansen is, I believe, the best RT in football. The proof is in the puddin', just look at how he handles Strahan. It would be a real loss, I hope management does their best to rectify this situation instead of poisoning it like the Brad Johnson mini-drama.

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