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Coach GIbbs Post Game Snyder Story

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Did anyone catch Coach Gibbs post game stories? He started by saying it's hard to tell behind the scenes type stories when you are mired in a losing streak. He went on to say how proud he was of the players for hanging in there during the tough stretches. He sighted numerous players who continued to play through injuries in a season in which it would be easy to just stay in the training room.

He went on to tell a story about Dan Snyder. He said when Rashad Bauman's infant daughter passed away a few weeks back, some of the players were in a quandry about attending the funeral. Commercial flights were going to make the timing of a round trip flight to Oregon awfully difficult.

When Dan Snyder got wind of the dilema, he ponied up his jet. Problem solved.

I have to believe players want to win for an owner who has their backs like that.

Snyder doesn't get much positive ink. I thought he deserved some.


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I have never said a bad word about Snyder. You have got to give the guy a lot of credit for putting what he thought was the best chances for a team to win. In time, I think a lot of the Snyder bashers will at least admit that he made the golden choice to get Gibbs here now, and Spurrior, and Shotty in the past. I respect him for just being just like one of us huge fans. Everyone makes mistakes, and he has really learned a lot a long the way. That in its self, will make him a great owner some day. I don't see him making the same mistakes over and over. He has learned each time, and is now learning from the master.


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