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If you compare salaries, coles is the dud.

Ignatius J.

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Originally posted by The Showstopper

coles should be paid like a star reciever, he guts it out every week with 3 injuries, would t.o do that?...no he wouldnt, coles is out there hurt, trying his hardest to make plays, but you, ignatious j, probably sweat rod gardners jock strap and are pi$$ed that hes being outperformed by a better reciever

TO played with a severe groin injury his last 2 years in San Fran. He had to get it shot up every day before the game just so he could play. TO is a competitor.

Btw, Todd Pinkston is having a better year than Gardner and almost as good as Coles:laugh:

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

to compare marvin harrison (never seen him drop anything) has 4 drops and catches 61% of his passes. (TO has 5 drops)

while koren robinson has 10 drops and catches it 41% of the time.

Where do you get these stats from? I am curious. I have looked for a site that posts "drop" stats but have never seen one.

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Originally posted by The Showstopper

coles should be paid like a star reciever, he guts it out every week with 3 injuries, would t.o do that?...no he wouldnt, coles is out there hurt, trying his hardest to make plays, but you, ignatious j, probably sweat rod gardners jock strap and are pi$$ed that hes being outperformed by a better reciever

This argument that Coles guts it out every week is :bsflag: :bsflag:

If you are well enough to play, then you should be held accountable for your play. There are too many excuses for Coles play this season.

If he drops a ball, ....it's because of his finger.

No yards after the catch,..... his toe is bad.

He get's hit hard over the middle, and Drops a pass...... Roy Williams is a Dirty player.

It just seems that as Redskins fans we go out of our way to overcriticize certain players AND coaches, while others seem to get a free pass, for whatever the reason.

I am in no way a fan of Rod Gardner, but LC is beginning to piss me off just as much. If your injuries are going to affect your play, then SIT THE HELL DOWN and heal.

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yes coles has dropped passes, but gardner has droppped more, randy moss drops passes, marcin harrison drops passes etc.... id like to see you go out there with a bad finger, hip, and foot and try to run across the middle and see if oyu can hang on to the ball, the man has a passion to play, dont get on his ass for that, there is no one on this team that can gut it out like he can, plus would you rather have him just sit there making a sh!t load of money and not be doing anything?, we already havesomeone doin that in lavar arrington, so ill answer that for ya, no

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Hell, I'm POd at both of them. Gardner inexplicably has always dropped passes. Coles is droipping them now for whatever reason.

Fact is, if you can't catch passes that hit you in the hands becuase of an injury, then you come OUT of the game so you don't further hurt your team.

"Playing hurt" is all well and good if you don't cost your team, but Coles playing hurt is doing just that. He can't get separation because of a toe (That he REFUSED to address LAST offseason,, i see no reason why he'd address it THIS offseason..).. He can't catch the ball because of a finger dislocated in week 3.. he can't run after the catch because of a hip... blah blah blah.

All that adds up to not getting it done, in my book.

If you're hurt, SIT. GET WELL. Don't be a hero and go out there and drop a key third down that hits your hands in a winnable game.

Gardner just drops passes. He always has. I don't think anyone is blaming him specifically for this year's problems, I just think folks are showing their frustration of watching their first round top ten pick play like a fifth round pick... wait,, McCants doesn't DROP passes, does he...

it's aggravating when our inept offense actually DOES throw it to one of these guys and they drop it.

It's maddening when they drop it with alarming consistency.

And it's downright frustrating when the QB is fighting his ass off, lays a pass thru pressure right into their hands, and they let it slide right thru,,, like i saw Coles doing in the Steelers game.

enough injury excuses. As I said,, if your injury is HURTING the team, then you aren't doing ANYONE any favors by being on the field, except the other team.

Sit down, LC. Heal up, come back strong next year.


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Its not just the drops with Gardner. Its the stupid penalties, the lazy plays, the loafing, etc...

Coles gets more leniancy because of Gardner's other downfalls and his own past performance. He doesn't have a history of dropping passes, whereas Gardner does.

The drop stat is very leniant toward receivers. The deep ball on Sunday that Gardner had two hands on was not counted as a drop, yet was a ball that should have been caught.

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:wewantd: :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

The reason Coles hasn't had surgery is because the toe surgery could be career ending. He probably will never have it and will have to fight through it. Get used to big games at the beginning of a season. Gardner must go and Coles could be a solid #2 unfortunately he makes #1 $$$$

Damn that TOE

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