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The problem with our Offense....


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The problem with our offense is that we dont have a tone setter someone who plays with an attitude/mean streak and brings a confidence or swagger to everyone on the field....


Do we have this player on our offense already or do we need to go out in FA or draft and get one.

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Originally posted by jtyler42

Good point the play-calling may take from the attitude on offense but even with that being said it doesnt seem that we have any nasty/confident players on our O...

You seem right too. IDK what to say then. I just hope our skins get it together soon, and head into the offseason on a high note. Also some successful teams dont have that stand out nasty playey, but they play as a team and succeed. (PAtriots for example) I just hope we have either or before next season

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Huh?? Nobody with attitude? That's the least of our problems. How about just being able to perform on a consistent basis (Rod Gardner??) or how about finding a guy on the OLine that can do both RUN AND PASS block? If that isn't it then how about these ridiculous formations where every single player lines up practically within the hashmarks? I'm just saying that it isn't one thing that's wrong with this offense, it's everything and it all comes from the top. I'm praying we see a new OC by the time training camp rolls around next year, but I doubt it will happen. Gibbs is old and stubborn.


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Originally posted by Shadowplay

Huh?? Nobody with attitude? That's the least of our problems. How about just being able to perform on a consistent basis (Rod Gardner??) or how about finding a guy on the OLine that can do both RUN AND PASS block? If that isn't it then how about these ridiculous formations where every single player lines up practically within the hashmarks? I'm just saying that it isn't one thing that's wrong with this offense, it's everything and it all comes from the top. I'm praying we see a new OC by the time training camp rolls around next year, but I doubt it will happen. Gibbs is old and stubborn.


That's exactly my point we dont have anybody who performs consistently, I think b/c of a lack of confidence or swagger, we dont have anyone that steps up and performs consistenly at a high level....

Granted the playcalling sometimes can leave you scratching your head the players still have to execute on the field...

These jumbo and bunch formations can work and are still used today we just dont have the players w/the mentality to execute this ball control o...

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Originally posted by Shadowplay

Huh?? Nobody with attitude? That's the least of our problems. How about just being able to perform on a consistent basis (Rod Gardner??) or how about finding a guy on the OLine that can do both RUN AND PASS block? If that isn't it then how about these ridiculous formations where every single player lines up practically within the hashmarks? I'm just saying that it isn't one thing that's wrong with this offense, it's everything and it all comes from the top. I'm praying we see a new OC by the time training camp rolls around next year, but I doubt it will happen. Gibbs is old and stubborn.


What a first post. :laugh: I agree with you though, having read your post.Its more than just one thing. Thats what somebody was talking about earlier though. They said that Gibbs should get a young OC in here to mix up our play-calling with Gibbs. I think it would work. But then what would Breux do? Or is that the question we want to ask.

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The problem with our offense is that we dont have a tone setter someone who plays with an attitude/mean streak and brings a confidence or swagger to everyone on the field....

I think that this problem that you describe trandcends throughout the entire team, and has done so for years.

I've always said that this team lost a whole lot of character once Brian Mitchell left the team years ago.

No use living in the past though. It's time to start finding those types of "difference makers" again.

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The image that sticks in my head (and I wish to god I could get it out of there..) was during the first half of the Monday Night game against Dallas. I think it was towards the end of the half, you know when they were burning TOs like they were sparklers on the 4th of July?, and Breaux, Buges and Gibbs were all huddled around and the three of them had a collective lost look on their faces. That was the first time I really felt that the bloom was off the rose in regard to Joe coming back.

My point is not to bash Gibbs, if needbe I'll do that at a later date, but we all know old people. They sometimes can get dogmatic concerning their approach to things and are not able to see the forest through the trees. Admitedly, I haven't watched as much football this year as I would have liked but I fail to see any other team in the leage running these bunch formations. Maybe there are a few, I don't know. All I know is that it's simple geometry - large objects moving in a smaller space have a tendency to bump into each other, hence have trouble seperating. I could be wrong....but the proof so far is in the pudding.

And one other thing, JT, do you really want another go around of a coach trying to find the players to fit his system? I swear didn't we try that the past two years? Are we supposed to field TEs at the WR spots so we can assure that the passes in the flat will be caught and we'll be able to average 5 yards a catch?

Sorry but I'm writing a term paper and my hope is these posts will get my creative juices flowing.

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I agree that Gibbs and his staff have looked lost at times this yr and I'm not even against bringing in a young OC in the Gibbs mold that preaches ball control but is a little more explosive in the passing game. I just dont want to let the players off the hook for the poor play of the O...I dont think we necessarily need a major overhaul on O just a few tweaks and adding a few players w/a mean streak/swagger...

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As each game happens, I continue to wonder what is going on. Well game 11 is here and I can only think of one thing. Gibbs standards are so high that he will not let the offense open up. What I mean is, he doesn't have confidence in the QB or receivers to go deep. You would think he would just try it, but I think Gibbs is so stringent about his offense that he doesn't believe Ramsey to Coles/Gardner/Jacobs are Williams/Monk/Clark and they are not. This is also true for the offensive line. In other words, in his mind, he doesn't want to do certain things because he doesn't think the 2004 Redskins can pull it off.

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Originally posted by afparent

As each game happens, I continue to wonder what is going on. Well game 11 is here and I can only think of one thing. Gibbs standards are so high that he will not let the offense open up. What I mean is, he doesn't have confidence in the QB or receivers to go deep. You would think he would just try it, but I think Gibbs is so stringent about his offense that he doesn't believe Ramsey to Coles/Gardner/Jacobs are Williams/Monk/Clark and they are not. This is also true for the offensive line. In other words, in his mind, he doesn't want to do certain things because he doesn't think the 2004 Redskins can pull it off.

If that's the case...these guys don't belong in the National Football League.

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Originally posted by afparent

As each game happens, I continue to wonder what is going on. Well game 11 is here and I can only think of one thing. Gibbs standards are so high that he will not let the offense open up. What I mean is, he doesn't have confidence in the QB or receivers to go deep. You would think he would just try it, but I think Gibbs is so stringent about his offense that he doesn't believe Ramsey to Coles/Gardner/Jacobs are Williams/Monk/Clark and they are not. This is also true for the offensive line. In other words, in his mind, he doesn't want to do certain things because he doesn't think the 2004 Redskins can pull it off.

I kinda see your point on that afparent he doesnt seem to have any confidance in any player on O other than Portis...This team had a good Deep passing attack last season but it doesnt seem that he believes they can do it in his O....

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I would like to believe that it is the players. The problem I have is name one place on offense where you think the guy probably doesn't belong in the NFL? Not on the line where every guy would have a job somewhere else, save the RT maybe. The WRs, everyone of them would be snatched up in a second. RBs? Nope, same thing. That means we are pretty much left with the QBs. Nuff said there I think.

One of these days I'm going to write a 20 page essay on why Dan Snyder is evil.

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I have been saying for a long time the Skins don't have people with fire and attitude....but it doesn't have to be on offense. The Redskins need that kind of attitude on defense. If the Skins had a mean and nasty defensive tackle or defensive end who could make others on that defense mean and nasty, then when Mr. Nasty and compnay met the offense on the practice field, that nasty attitude would wear off on the offense.

Eventually the offense would get tired of getting their butts kicked and of being insulted, and the offense would develop an attitude. Plus, when we played other teams offenses, our defense would kick ass instead of just being about finesse.

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Originally posted by harriet

I have been saying for a long time the Skins don't have people with fire and attitude....but it doesn't have to be on offense. The Redskins need that kind of attitude on defense. If the Skins had a mean and nasty defensive tackle or defensive end who could make others on that defense mean and nasty, then when Mr. Nasty and compnay met the offense on the practice field, that nasty attitude would wear off on the offense.

Eventually the offense would get tired of getting their butts kicked and of being insulted, and the offense would develop an attitude. Plus, when we played other teams offenses, our defense would kick ass instead of just being about finesse.

I agree whole heartedly....I think we have 2 players right now on D w/the nasty attitude....Sean Taylor and Lavar...

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