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Cowboy fans want Roy gone and wants Sean!


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Its funny how none of them would listen then. I even told many of them on this web site that he was one dimensional. Nobody listened. All the sudden he has to play some coverage for a while and he's less than mediocore.

In his defense for last night though, on the one TO TD to the corner of the endzone, the CB wiffed on the jam at the line and it was cover 2 so Roy never really stood a chance. But he still cant cover.

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Originally posted by red zone

Apples to Oranges to Grapefruits to Bing Cherries. I don't care how you compare them. Sean Taylor is a better football player than Roy Williams. Period.

Oh and cuz Roy hasn't been playing well THIS YR, you can make that judgement? Roy's played well last 2 yrs since he's been in the league. And Taylor's played not even half a season and he is a better football player? That is RIDICULOUS and just stupid to even think. Period. There's NO WAY you can say that and actually be serious or you cannot be taken seriously.

Besides, Ed Reed is better than both players. And best in the league. He's proving it week after week. He can play the run just as good as Roy and cover as good as a CB. And right now is DPOY over Ray Lewis. As for Sean becoming the best safety in the league. It CAN happen. But he has A LOT of ground to cover. But will he be dedicated enough as Ed is? And Ed has been playing great from day one. He pushes the envelope every yr. Maybe Sean could have used the extra yr in college that Ed took to mature and prepare himself?

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