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I've decided to be a partisan hack.

Ignatius J.

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Local elections are tough. (I'm voting for Kerry, so all the stuff below is for the local california elections)

I go to the web pages of canidates, and it's all fluff. I'm looking through my sample ballot and I have no idea who to vote for. Some of the postions have people I've never heard of, and the rest are people I'm not impressed with.

So I'm considering voting like a partisan hack for the party that is closest to my views. I think I might just vote libertarian. Even if I end up voting for someone who I might not like, my vote might help to at least shake things up a little bit. I know that I won't get a bleeding heart liberal, which is dangerous in california. Barbara Boxer is just not an option. But the republican guy looks a bit like a tool, and there's no way for me to be sure that more republicans in congress won't mean more social conservatism across the board.

If anyone has any specific info about the california elections, I'm all ears. I may yet change my mind and simply abstain, and I know my vote is unlikely to mean a thing, since CA never goes red.

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C'mon, I know you can try a little harder. If you were voting in Montgomery County I could help out, but let's see what I can dig up about California. I'm not sure exactly where you live, but for local politics, the LA Times may actually be pretty useful:


Boxer's probably going to win even though she's a left-wing nut. The Libertarian guy actually seems pretty cool - grew up in Pasadena and was a Navy JAG.

Henry Waxman has been a relatively active Congressman - I know his name from the Hatch-Waxman Act governing most pharmaceutical patents these days...

You're on your own for the more local races.

In the weekend I spent in California a few weeks ago, all I learned was that Arnold hates the two Propositions regarding Indian casinos, and although I'm all in favor of bigger and better casinos, I don't have much need for Indian casinos now that I'm over 21.

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Your best bet is to gra a couple of newspapers that you think are relatively reasonable, and compare their recommendations on the editorial pages. The California ballot is too big to do your own in depth research on every proposition and initiative.

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