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Selected Reading Beofre You Vote

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Politics of Truth, by Ambassador Joseph Wilson

House of Bush House of Saud by Craig Unger

The price of loyalty by Ron Suskind

Against all enemies by Richard Clarke

Worse than Watergate by John Dean

Why America slept(the failure to prevent 9/11) by Gerald Posner

The man who warned America by Murray Weiss

Who let the dogs in by Molly Ivins

just a few suggestions if you are really interestd in getting a glimpse behind closed doors

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The books named are good, like Palast's book. But they are rather one dimensional, in that they just bash Bush and don't go past that.

I would recommend books that are a tad different than just 'Bush bad, blah" like say:

Noam Chomsky "Hegemony or Survival - The U.S. Quest for Global Dominance"


Chalmers Johnson "The Sorrows of Empire - Militarism and the End of the Republic"

And I would always recommend "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman... Probably one of the most important books ever on the subject of the media.

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Chomsky is a sick f$%k! This guy claimed for decades that the Cambodian holocaust never happened, all the while giving props to the most genocidal regime since the Nazis.

If I suggested everyone read a book on Kerry written by a right-wing nutjob who insisted the Jewish holocaust never happened, how long do you think it would take for the mods and members to toss my ass (and rightfully so!)

Also, you can't take anything written by Dean seriously. Read Silent Coup first - it documents in excrutiating detail how Dean was the one who cooked up Watergate behind everyone's back, then turned around and blamed everyone else and blatantly perjured himself to keep his ass from going to prison.

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