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<a href="http://http://" target="_blank">Sustain Campaign</a><br /><br />**This URL deleted because I will NOT tolerate this board being used as advertising space for devisive and hate-filled crap.... Sorry.**~Blade<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 06, 2002, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Blade ]</small>

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Kefka, precisely what does putting up web sites containing fanatical information espousing the killing of the Jewish people have to do with your points? Don't you even see how you drive yourself further down a path of exacerbated insanity with each demonstration of where you get your information from?<br /><br />The U.S. funds Israel, just as it funds the Palestinian people because the U.S. is a humane government. The U.S. also funds Israel because strongly we believe the Jewish people have a right to exist. You've said repeated the Jewish people do not have a right to exist. Until the views of fundamental fanatics like yourself cease, the U.S. is in no position to discontinue support of the just Israeli cause and fight for survival. <br /><br />Also, during WWII it's known the Allies, especially the Americans, targeted civilian populations in an effort to break the will of the people that were our enemies. From the fire bombing of Dresden which killed over 100,000 people in just a few days, to the big bombs against Japan, war, at that time, saw a specific targeting of the civilian population with the belief being they are in the mess because they let themselves get into the mess.<br /><br />Now, war has changed over the years in the "civilized" nations and civilans are no longer targeted. Collateral damage is kept to a minimum where possible and this is the same with the case of the Israeli government. Yes, innocents do die. Hell, an Israeli soldier shot and almost killed a Jew for mistaking him as an attacking Palestinian. But, there is a difference between the insane and backward targeting of innocent Jewish settlers by your brothers and the response by the Israeli state against such an outrage.

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Yeah whatever Art, you have shown your true appearance. A racist, arrogant, zionist. Who could care less about the situation in Palestine. I'll tell you again, take some time, a few seconds of your precious time, to pray to God to guide you. It won't hurt you, it won't cost you anything but maybe a few seconds. Don't let your ego get in the way. Adios.

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Kefka, I'm sorry you have had difficulty seeing better information than you are aware of provided in the face of your facist, racist beliefs as taught to you by your violent, criminal religion. But, when you call for the extermination of Jews and question their right to exist, you are not winning any arguments. You keep asking me to open my heart to God but let me ask you to close yours to your hateful diety and open your mind to reality and fairness and the just Israeli cause in these times of Muslim persecution of the Jewish faithful. Take time out to quit spewing your views that would make Hitler proud and join the rest of the civilized, reasoned world in peace. Be better than your brothers and your people, Kefka. Be something other than what you are.

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Sorry your WRONG. The truth is there, why do you deny it? You again bash Islam, don't know a thing about it do you? Islam calls for unity among ALL races, ethnic groups, and people to come under the law of God. <br /><br />There exists only ONE diety, though you don't believe in one, no point to argue w/ you since you bear witness against yourself b/c you can't prove your own existence. Use that God given brain of yours. Think about it. I'm NOT going to reply to any of your clueless dribble. If prove your ignorance by repeatedly bashing Islam, no point in talking when your heart is sealed.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 01, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Kefka ]</small>

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Again, Kefka, I don't bash Islam. You do. By calling for the extinction of the Jewish people in the Israeli state. By calling your religion peaceful, yet no where they live is there peace. Calling your religion peaceful when the book itself calls for war against the Jews and all infidels.<br /><br />Sorry there little buddy, but, your backward, hateful, propoganda just reveals you as a human lacking in any morality or decency. I just pray you and your Muslim brothers talk out at all cost and continue to explain the "reality" of the situation so the rest of the world may see the truth instead of listening to our Politicians dance around what you really are. You prove it with each hateful belief you adore.

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" Again, Kefka, I don't bash Islam. You do. By calling for the extinction of the Jewish people in the Israeli state. By calling your religion peaceful, yet no where they live is there peace. Calling your religion peaceful when the book itself calls for war against the Jews and all infidels. "<br /><br />lol keep on showing your proving your ignorance Art. Post this crap on other message boards and you'll see the response you get. Islam calls to fight against those who are doing injustice towards the poor and oppressed. People you don't care for. <br /><br />"...just reveals you as a human lacking in any morality or decency. "<br />Sorry your posts do all that. You keep putting words in my mouth claiming that I call for the "extermination" of Jews. Which I have not. Don't lie Art. Thought why would you care, you don't believe in God thus no need for morals.<br /><br />Art good learn about Islam before you bash it. And again, pray to God to guide you. Don't let your ego get in the way. I have to go pray to God now. So don't go spitting your poison until I come back.<br /><br /> <img border="0" alt="[yes]" title="" src="graemlins/yes.gif" />

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Kefka, while you are feeling up babes on your trip to Hajj next year, I'll be sure to care about your morality, you horny devil you. Again, you've repeated stated that the state of Israel has no right to exist. You are clearly saying Jews have no right to exist.<br /><br />You say Islam is peaceful. Sure. For people that believe as a Muslim. If you don't, it's most certainly not peaceful. It's hateful, immoral, corrupt and backward. Why does the truth disturb you so to see? It is the life you have chosen. Why hide from it by pretending it is something other than that?

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"Kefka, while you are feeling up babes on your trip to Hajj next year, I'll be sure to care about your morality, you horny devil you"<br />lol, nice show of your moral. So thats what you think of 24/7. Not very nice. Women aren't piece of meat for you to druel on. Have some respect.<br /><br />"You say Islam is peaceful. Sure. For people that believe as a Muslim. If you don't, it's most certainly not peaceful. It's hateful, immoral, corrupt and backward. Why does the truth disturb you so to see? It is the life you have chosen. Why hide from it by pretending it is something other than that? "<br />Again you post your ignorance and lack of knowledge when Muslims/Jews/Christians lived peacefully during the Khilafaat of Muslims. But you wouldn't know that. <br /><br />I'm late for class (where you go to LEARN), bbl. You should try it sometime.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 01, 2002, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Kefka ]</small>

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Kefka:<br /><strong>There exists only ONE diety, though you don't believe in one, no point to argue w/ you since you bear witness against yourself b/c you can't prove your own existence.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">As artist Barbara Krueger once (ironically) stated: "I shop, therefore I am." <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" />

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