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Tasty Waves???

Johnny Punani2

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That's not BS.

That's tow surfing ;)

Been going on for about ten years now. Do a search on Laird Hamilton. Craziest sh*t ever.

That looks like footage from the movie 'riding giants'.

There is great footage in another movie called "Step Into Liquid" as well.

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It seems that the more "unreal" something like this looks the more likely it is to be true. It is truly amazing what extremes some people will take themselves to. It is also amazing that others would discount this craziness just because they are too afraid to think about doing it themselves.

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Originally posted by Destino

Aren't there enough ways to die already? Why do people go looking for new methods to accomplish what jumping off a bridge would do just as well.

The same thing was likely said to the Wright brothers...

But these guys train for this, they are in top physical shape and practice by carrying weights at the bottom of the ocean.

They are watermen that use some of the same training techniques as Navy Seals...

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Originally posted by IAMBG

The same thing was likely said to the Wright brothers...

But these guys train for this, they are in top physical shape and practice by carrying weights at the bottom of the ocean.

They are watermen that use some of the same training techniques as Navy Seals...

While I can't think the Wright brothers were terribly sane after looking at that popsicle stick flyer they flew around on....at least they were trying to invent something.

But hey, I was just joking about these guys. If they want to risk their lives to pilot a board around a wave nature intended to kill us with....more power to them.

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Originally posted by Destino

While I can't think the Wright brothers were terribly sane after looking at that popsicle stick flyer they flew around on....at least they were trying to invent something.

But hey, I was just joking about these guys. If they want to risk their lives to pilot a board around a wave nature intended to kill us with....more power to them.

That is the difference, that these guys aren't neccesarily inventing something that would benefit society as a whole, but sh*t who the hell knows?

Maybe one day we'll be using hydro boards(yet another invention they have pioneered- http://home.worldonline.nl/~hbsmits/hydsurf_0.htm) to travel between islands or some crazy sh*t!!!

I have paid close attention to these guys for years and they are just now getting some recognition.

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