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For all the Ramsey fans


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Michael Wilbon: If you want to be a Ramsey apologist, go right ahead. I've defending him a half-dozen times over the past three years. I don't know what you were watching. And in my case, I've got the benefit of watching and talking later about it, who I'm betting the ranch knows a helluva lot more than you and me put together.

Ramsey stunk.

He doesn't see the field, and every coach and scout who has seen him on film knows it and says it. So, you'll have to excuse me taking the word of coaches and professional scouts of 20 years and more...over yours kisses and hugs for Ramsey. He's got to get better, or he'll be No. 3 with an anvil really soon.

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

Interesting. I guess I'll look to Wilbon to decide who our #1 and #2 QB should be, instead of Joe Gibbs? After all, Wilbon rants on TV a lot.

yes and wilbon talks to nfl people, your hand puppet of ramsey doesn't count :laugh:

then again you think Ramsey is better then Carr, Harrington, and Leftwhich :doh:

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Here is more:

As for Ranmey, the quarterbacks I've talked to think he doesn't see the field. And a defensive player I talked to on the Giants--and I won't mention his name--told me Ramsey holds the ball way too long and isn't good if the deep receivers aren't open...
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typical sports writer :puke:

when ramsey does great there is praise when they do the wrong things they'll be nailed to the cross . i don't read their stuff anymore , i'd much rather read logic , which i get from this board :cheers:

:ravensuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Ramsey did play bad for the most part and his Farveesque throw into triple coverage on the 5 was horrid.

But Wilbon is always angry and never has anything good to say about anyone. Let him judge his beloved Chicago Bears.

If he was an actual Redskin fan I may actually atleast listen to him and take him seriously.

Funny because he has no problem calling out one of OUR players out in the papers but wouldnt dare say who the Giant is that made the comment about Ramsey holding the ball to long.

If Gardner or Coles dont drop many passes yesterday then Wilbon would be praising Ramsey and annointing him the next Joe Theismann.

If he actually thinks that Hasselbeck should start over Ramsey then he is plain ignorant.

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Again, so what if Ramsey looks confident throwing INT's, he still has always thrown a lot, always stood around too long unable to make a decision and throw. He was never good, just now that its his 3rd year we cant say "hes young, he's gonna come around and be great!!" i never understood what that was based on, but face it, this may be it folks.

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Originally posted by jbooma

yes and wilbon talks to nfl people, your hand puppet of ramsey doesn't count :laugh:

then again you think Ramsey is better then Carr, Harrington, and Leftwhich :doh:

Good God, can all the denseness in the world be condensed into one person?

Wilbon talks to NFL people. Wonder-freakin-dul. Gibbs IS AN NFL PERSON. He played Ramsey the other day. His decision. Do I care what Wilbon thinks - need I remind you that he was a proponent of the Ben Wallace / Ike Austin trade?

Before you expose yourself even more, start spelling Byron's name right. HINT: there is no "which" in his name. And yes, I know you'll go back and edit those posts and claim that you were right all along. That's ok.

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Originally posted by RedskinsNation

Ramsey did play bad for the most part and his Farveesque throw into triple coverage on the 5 was horrid.

But Wilbon is always angry and never has anything good to say about anyone. Let him judge his beloved Chicago Bears.

If he was an actual Redskin fan I may actually atleast listen to him and take him seriously.

If he actually thinks that Hasselbeck should start over Ramsey then he is plain ignorant.

Tony thinks Tim should start as well and he is a fan and has covered them for a long time.

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Dang, I can't believe the hysteria on this board after one loss.

We have some posters referring to Portis as Leon, some saying that Gibbs' coaching looks no better than Spurrier and now Ramsey is the worst qb/prospect we ever drafted.

Should someone post a suicide watch in case we get beat by the Cowboys?

Take a deep breath......................serenity now.........:doh:

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

Good God, can all the denseness in the world be condensed into one person?

Wilbon talks to NFL people. Wonder-freakin-dul. Gibbs IS AN NFL PERSON. He played Ramsey the other day. His decision. Do I care what Wilbon thinks - need I remind you that he was a proponent of the Ben Wallace / Ike Austin trade?

Before you expose yourself even more, start spelling Byron's name right. HINT: there is no "which" in his name. And yes, I know you'll go back and edit those posts and claim that you were right all along. That's ok.

I don't really care. I just don't know what you see in Ramsey over these other QB's and am waiting to find out.

Look I do like Ramsey but something is wrong and now it is becoming more obvious.

You do know he played Ramsey because Tim was not dressed, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Thanks Mrs. Bee on the spelling :laugh:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Tony thinks Tim should start as well and he is a fan and has covered them for a long time.

Cut the jokes - JBooma.

Tony (if your referring to Korndog) is a self-proclaimed Giants fan from Long Island.

Ask anyone. He's mentioned it many times. He cant exactly go around boasting his loyalties because he's one of "our" sportswriters - YUCK. Send him back to NY as well.

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Well i cant speak for others Dieslpwr44, but i have never liked ramsey, from day one of his holdout, to the 6 int's he threw in the saints game 2 years ago, to his sorry ass performance yesterday afternoon. When Brunell went down i crossed my fingers that Gibbs would send in Hassleback, but unfortunatly he gave it to Ramsey. Its not a one game thing, its a his whole career thing.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I don't really care. I just don't know what you see in Ramsey over these other QB's and am waiting to find out.

Look I do like Ramsey but something is wrong and now it is becoming more obvious.

You do know he played Ramsey because Tim was not dressed, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Thanks Mrs. Bee on the spelling :laugh:

If you claim to be such an expert on QBs I'd think you'd be able to actually spell the names of the guys you scout correctly.

If you "really don't care", then why are you posting this blowhard's opinion? All you're trying to do is rag on the Ramsey fans.

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Originally posted by buzzlightbeer81

Well i cant speak for others Dieslpwr44, but i have never liked ramsey, from day one of his holdout, to the 6 int's he threw in the saints game 2 years ago, to his sorry ass performance yesterday afternoon. When Brunell went down i crossed my fingers that Gibbs would send in Hassleback, but unfortunatly he gave it to Ramsey. Its not a one game thing, its a his whole career thing.

Well I can say one thing, if this board thinks that Brunnel has a noodle arm, wait til you get a load of Tim "Ramen Pride" Hasselbeck...

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

If you claim to be such an expert on QBs I'd think you'd be able to actually spell the names of the guys you scout correctly.

If you "really don't care", then why are you posting this blowhard's opinion? All you're trying to do is rag on the Ramsey fans.

i am posting it because unlike anyone on this site he talks to people that know the game, and it was interesting since he has defended Ramsey in the past, untill now

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Originally posted by buzzlightbeer81

Well i cant speak for others Dieslpwr44, but i have never liked ramsey, from day one of his holdout, to the 6 int's he threw in the saints game 2 years ago, to his sorry ass performance yesterday afternoon. When Brunell went down i crossed my fingers that Gibbs would send in Hassleback, but unfortunatly he gave it to Ramsey. Its not a one game thing, its a his whole career thing.

Then you're simply a hater. It's funny you spoke of his holdout, and the NO game, but left out his good performances where we relied on him to get back into the game.

Simply put, you're a hater and you're ignorant.

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Tim sees the field well I'll give him that but his deep throws are irradic at best. Unlees you plan on keeping the passing game short I'd stick with what we have. I still believe Ramsey will be the man one day and even after Sundays diabolical display I still believe.... say with me everyone... I still believe.... I still believe.... see feelin better already huh?

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What has anybody seen out of Hasselback to want to play him over Ramsey? He has no arm strength and commits just as many turnovers, if not more, and is just as inexperienced (he might be a few years older but has far less game experience). It's not like he lit it up in the preseason. The only advantage he has is a little mobility.

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Ok Ghost, i mean i cant go through every start he ever had, but when he went down with an injury and Hassleback came in, he looked a lot better. He also looked a lot better all through preseason. Yes Ramsey had a couple of good throws here and there, but the simple fact is he was never that good. Its easy to throw the word ignorant around, but you dont actually have a clue what I know, and just because I gave an opinion without 5 pages of backup doesnt make my point or myself ignorant, but assuming i am, well not sure what that makes u

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Originally posted by jbooma

i am posting it because unlike anyone on this site he talks to people that know the game, and it was interesting since he has defended Ramsey in the past, untill now

This makes his opinion even more irrelevant. All of a sudden, after ONE bad game, he thinks Ramsey sucks? Talk about a revisionist. What a spineless thing to say.

So if one bad game dictates your career, how about Tim 0.0 Hassebleck - Wilbon wants him instead???

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