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Taylor thoughts


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i think this guy will have no trouble living up to the hype , he is

by far a great athlete he is a playmaker on defense and i am disappointed in the fact that he might not be playing much this year .... i cant possibly think of how he coulda performed so poor in "practice" that would wipe out a phenomal pre-season ... he was the reason we won our game against denver ...if not fir his 2 INTs we would have lost ....anyway just wanna get your thoughts on this and see if you think he might be starting this week and playing a lot or if he might be fading out this year

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Taylor did not start because he is new and hasn't memorized and grasped the defense as well as Gibbs demands. Gibbs just doesn't seem to go with inexperienced players. Once Taylor passes all of Joe's mental requirements, he will be in there. We don't like the waiting, but that's just how he is.

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Originally posted by herrmag

He'll probably be starting by week 6, if not sooner (IMO). He has too much skill not to. However, he has a lot to learn about the NFL, and there will be some growing pains. Lott is playing well, but he can't compete with Taylor's natural ability.

I don't believe we will pull a LaVar on him and he'll be starting week 2.

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I also thought I read somewhere coach Gibbs saying he was going with experience or something. I know Andre Lott doesn't sound like much experience but hell he was in more games than Taylor was at his career. Throughout the season though Taylor will probably end up starting the whole game.

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Originally posted by riggins44

I heard he was sick and missed some meetings the first of the

weeks, so he didn't get the start. Sounds like Gibbs and Williams

are sending this kid and the team a subtle message.

Riggins44 is absolutely correct! It was on sports talk 980 when I drove back to Virginia Tech. Gibbs did not release it to the press and kept it in the family. He will start next week unless he screws up again.

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Its all part of the way you ease a rookie into it. I think they just want to teach him a few lessons first, maybe even hide him for a few weeks then unleash him on Dallas??

But safety is the QB of the defense, he's gotta be mentally focused, if they saw that he wasnt, it was good of them to hold him out.

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Concerned, but not worried.

I think all the physical tools are there, and he's shown he can make plays. I firmly believe Gibbs and Williams are very carefully trying to manage his ego and attitude. This kid was getting all kinds of outrageous hype coming into the league and has had a rocky first few months. No doubt they are keeping him down, reining him in, playing the mind games to keep Sean grounded and secure. They will unleash him when he's ready.

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