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Dallas Week


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I read somewhere today that coach gibbs had the defense planning for tampa back as early as june....As important as it was for us to get our first win, Im sure Coach knows that we have to beat Dallas, how long do you think we've been preparing for the cowgirls?..I remeber growing up and hearing the fans at RFK screaming we want dallas..Hopefully we'll get that old thing going again...

Hail to the Redskins

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Originally posted by RaleighSkinsMann

I read somewhere today that coach gibbs had the defense planning for tampa back as early as june....As important as it was for us to get our first win, Im sure Coach knows that we have to beat Dallas, how long do you think we've been preparing for the cowgirls?..I remeber growing up and hearing the fans at RFK screaming we want dallas..Hopefully we'll get that old thing going again...

Hails to the Redskins

In specifics I truly believe Gibbs doesn't prepare for the team before the week of the game. WHy would he? It would take some of his focus and the team's off of beating whoever was playing them before that.

Matchups always change with performance and injury, with the Cowboy turnover there's no sense in preparing for them in the preseason. Scouts do that stuff, they bring the info to the club....and then Gibbs probably tweaks his plan accordingly....but not til that week.

I think that to beat anyone in the NFL certain things are basic, so in general Gibbs has been preparing his team and game plan since he signed on, but a specfic Dallas plan? Nope he's not even there yet.

He's too busy reminding the players that strangerthings have happened than losing to NY.

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I think he already has a bare bones game plan in mind for every team on the schedule this year. I'm sure he has a bit more in mind for Division games, especially Dallas because of the rivaly, and especially Philly because they are the key to the whole season.

He'll finalize the plan the week of the game.

At the very least, I'm sure he has had an assistant compiling data and analyzing weaknesses of all the teams on the schedule since January.

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Originally posted by RaleighSkinsMann

hearing the fans at RFK screaming we want dallas..Hopefully we'll get that old thing going again...

I tried at the end of the game, but no-one in my vicinity was up to it, and I was a little hoarse by that time.

The FedEx Field usher-lady liked it, though.

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