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New Green Day

Chopper Dave

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Holy crap. That's all I have to say. Now, before you laugh and change threads, hear me out.

This is NOTHING like anything they've ever done. It's unbelieveably more mature and artistic. It's centered around two 9 minute epics, which are just brilliant. If you want the album, since I don't want to post the link here, do a google search for "crogalski american idiot", minus the quotes. Go to the first link, and it's at the top. Trust me, if you have a high-speed connection, even if you don't like their other stuff, give this a try.

And also, if you really like it, buy the album when it comes out. This is just for people who can't wait to hear it.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Dookie is still their greatest album of all time.

But of course thats just me being emotional about it because it takes me back to my middle school days

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Originally posted by Chopper Dave

Let me tell you, the song "American Idiot" is great. It's also the worst song on the album. Go figure.


This girl I worked with used to go out with Billy Jo. They broke up right around when Dookie came out. She just quit her job. I wonder if that means they got back together and he's writing good songs again.

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He's married, actually, so I highly doubt that.

I don't really see how you can like Dookie and not like the stuff they put out afterwards, but I can tell you that this is the best album they've ever made. It has the maturity and polish of Warning, but it's a little closer to their roots. It's incredibly well written and well put together. It has a very epic feel to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so I bought the album this weekend on Chopper Dave's recommendation. I am very pleased. It certain is much more majestic than anything else they've put out. Dave, you're right that "American Idiot" is one of the weaker efforts (it more closely resembles their previous stuff than the other tracks). I like the lyrics on the album, as well as the deliberate clichés. The whole thing reminds me a lot of Abbey Road in several ways. Thanks for the rec.

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I can never get past that guy trying to sound like he's british. It's the most annoying ****ing thing on the planet. He's not british. Funny enough, he;s the only one in the band with any talent. The rest of that band is a bunch of hacks.


Isn't punk music supposed to be anti-establishment?

****ing hypocrites.

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Originally posted by Chopper Dave

He's married, actually, so I highly doubt that.

I don't really see how you can like Dookie and not like the stuff they put out afterwards, but I can tell you that this is the best album they've ever made. It has the maturity and polish of Warning, but it's a little closer to their roots. It's incredibly well written and well put together. It has a very epic feel to it.

dude, no offense meant in the least, because i know what its like, but you need to save this paragraph and re-read it to yourself in about 5 years. You'll get a smile out of it.

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

I can never get past that guy trying to sound like he's british. It's the most annoying ****ing thing on the planet. He's not british.

He doesn't sound particularly British to me. That said, there is a punk "style" that refers back to the Sex Pistols and Clash. Australian country singers will often adopt an American twang when they sing. It's a genre thing, I think.

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

I can never get past that guy trying to sound like he's british. It's the most annoying ****ing thing on the planet. He's not british. Funny enough, he;s the only one in the band with any talent. The rest of that band is a bunch of hacks.


Isn't punk music supposed to be anti-establishment?

****ing hypocrites.

He's the only one with talent? You don't get as big as they are (were, actually, but if this album sells well they'll be big again) without talent. Just listen to the new album. You might think differently.

And if you've seen SLC Punk, you'd know that the best way to beat the establishment is to take it down from the inside ;).

BTW, no prob, Anc. Glad you like it.

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What? Since the beginning of modern rock, music and politics have gone hand in hand. Going along with this logic, your opinion of the Clash, Sex Pistols, U2, etc. must be really low.

And BTW, there are only 2 politically themed songs on the album. The rest may have some political allusions, but nothing too political.

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Originally posted by Ford

I love Green Day but whoever says they're punk, has not the faintest clue what punk music is.

I would absolutely disagree with you. My girlfriend did her honors thesis in college on punk and the punk movement. She is deeply into the punk scene, and she used to be a punk. She says that Green Day is punk. I believe her.

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Originally posted by johnyquest

This album is a definite suprise to me, since their last few albums have been just 'ehhhh'. Some solid rock tunes. This is a good album no doubt, but its not up there with Dookie or Insomniac imo.

I dunno. I loved Dookie, and Insomniac was my favorite up until this one. It's just so perfect.

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