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Gibbs' Mouth

barry wilburn

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The one strategic detail Spurrier seemed to grasp was the need to disguise his play calls by shielding his mouth with the laminated card he carried during games.

I remember noticing during the Broncos game that Gibbs didn't cover up when calling plays. In the broadcasts of subsequent games I haven't seen a shot of Gibbs actually calling a play. has anyone noticed whether or not he "covers up?"


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Gibbs has already addressed this. He said "go ahead and read my lips" you will probably read me saying "you idiot hit the open man" I wouldn't worry about. He knows what he is doing. You will not see any emotion from him. To tell the truth, one thing I am waiting for is for the Skins to score a TD, crowd goes crazy and the camera pans to Gibbs and he will be stoic as usual. Classic Gibbs!

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Originally posted by afparent

Gibbs has already addressed this. He said "go ahead and read my lips" you will probably read me saying "you idiot hit the open man"

That's like when he talked about learning how to use the wireless connection to the QB: "It's easy, you press the button and go: "you idiot!"

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Wouldn’t Don Breaux be calling plays from up top and Gibbs will change the call if necessary? I would assume that they have some system that we're not aware of to make this all happen.

If you watch all the head coaches in the league you will notice the ones that call the plays will cover up... back in the day George Allen even covered up when calling plays!

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Originally posted by barry wilburn

The one strategic detail Spurrier seemed to grasp was the need to disguise his play calls by shielding his mouth with the laminated card he carried during games.

Spurrier didnt cover his lips because he wanted to entertain us with his "flubbering fish lips" impression on National TV, whenever we got our butts whooped. It makes sense, because that was the only thing entertaining about his brand of football.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

They focused in on his mouth once during the Carolina game and I was clearly able to read "50 gut" and low and behold it was a run up the middle

I don't think its a big deal, but it wouldn't hurt to cover it up

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