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Tidewater Redskins fans


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My wife and I have Season tickets and drive up to every home game. We are looking for other in this area that might be interested riding up to the game with us. We have a suburban can fit 4 more in addition to us very comfortably. If you might be interested get back with me. Also would like to hear from other fans in the area cool to know who is around.




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Hey, I also live in Va Beach (rudee inlet area). I'm hopefull I can get to a couple of games this year. I went to three last year. I lost my ticket connection though. A guy that worked with my brother inlaw had season tickets and would sell them (4) at face value. I have no problem with buying from a broker. If the stars are in alignment I would to go again this year. There is no feeling like going to FEDEX and cheering for my team.

Shoot me an email anytime. pbogdan@cox.net

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I'm in Chesapeake and also looking for a place to watch the away games, although I have the Sunday ticket and wouldn't mind hosting any get togethers. I should make at least 5 games this year and will probably be travelling alone, so I just may be in touch with you beachsknsfan.

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I'm here too, at the Courthouse. I'd like to get together with area Skins fans to watch some games. Jillian's in downtown Norfolk has a Redskins section there if you like that kind of thing.I f ya get together let me know I've got alot of Skins fans in the family!!!:wewantd:

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Hey to all you local skin fans , I live in the birchwood area of the beach, which is between thalia, and kingsgrant. Great to know we have this many locals on extreme skins. I've been going to skins games since 1980 , go at least once a year through Great Atlantic Travel Tour at the beach. Its a weekend package deal where you stay overnight before the game, nice not having to drive!! and can party on bus. Great to here from you guys, skins are going to be exciting to watch this year now that JOE JACKSON GIBBS IS BACK WHERE HE BELONGS!!!!!

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