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Good to be Back


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If you've noticed the absence of lame 'caption needed' pics, quasi-obvious redskins insight, and scantily clad women pictures, its because ive been away from a computer for the last week

It truly is good to be back.

Me and my family drove to Orlando, FL last Sat (8/21) an have been there this past week. We arrived in Fairfax around 1am Sunday (8/29).

Disney was great, Universal was great, and Sea World as less great, but still good.

We stayed at the Renaissance across from Seaworld, and we had a great time. Only regret is that we didnt bring a computer. No internet for an entire week for a lazy suburban kid is roughin it.

Off to sleep now, but i go knowing you cant truly apprecitate something until you dont have it anymore. looking forward to the FedEx forums, and the Daily Babe Thread

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