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Online journals and finding who could be anonymously reading one........


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Okay this is a bit complicated so please keep with me........

I have a buddy who has one of those online journals that people are into these days right. Each month, it will keep count of the number of people who have read it, and at the end of the month the number goes back to zero.

Now here is his problem. All the people who know about the journal get sent an e-mail with a link when he adds a new entry and when they read it they leave a message. But there are more people who read an entry that who are on the list that gets the e-mail indicating a new entry. My buddy thinks he knows who might be reading it so many extra times isn't 100% sure about it.

He wants to know if there is any way to determine the IP addresses of the people who read that journal, both the ones who leave a message as well as the anoymous ones who don't, and if it can all be done without any illegal hacking or other law braking.

I told him that he might be asking a bit too much, but that maybe some of the computer experts on here just may be able to help if indeed this is possible.

Any thoughts.................

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Originally posted by BDBuddy23

I know that livejournal has a function where you can record the ip of the viewer. I've seen it somewhere on the page, but I'm not sure.

I should have included that his journal is on Easy Journal

My bad :doh:

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if you don't want random people reading your journal, then don't post it in the public domain of the internet. I'm not ****ing at you specifically, Its just that i had to dum my last girlfriend becuase of these stupid ****ing online journals. She would go on there and post journal entries ****ing about me and the things i did. So I would naturally read it every now and then, and when i'd bring up something she wroite on there, she'd yell, "You're not allowed to read that, it's my private journal!" but it's on the internet, public domain, i'd tell her, if you don't weant me to read it, don't write it somewhere that everyone in the world can access from their bedrooms. Then i wouldn't get laid that night. F- the internet, and F- everybody who thinks the interent is a good substitute for logical thought.

My advice if you don't want random people raeding your journal...

write it in a ****ing book and put it under your mattress. If you want your friends to be that involved in your personal life, why don't you put your pants on and give them a call and talk to each other with spoken words?

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

if you don't want random people reading your journal, then don't post it in the public domain of the internet. I'm not ****ing at you specifically, Its just that i had to dum my last girlfriend becuase of these stupid ****ing online journals. She would go on there and post journal entries ****ing about me and the things i did. So I would naturally read it every now and then, and when i'd bring up something she wroite on there, she'd yell, "You're not allowed to read that, it's my private journal!" but it's on the internet, public domain, i'd tell her, if you don't weant me to read it, don't write it somewhere that everyone in the world can access from their bedrooms. Then i wouldn't get laid that night. F- the internet, and F- everybody who thinks the interent is a good substitute for logical thought.

My advice if you don't want random people raeding your journal...

write it in a ****ing book and put it under your mattress. If you want your friends to be that involved in your personal life, why don't you put your pants on and give them a call and talk to each other with spoken words?

The problem for my buddy isn't that random folks are reading his journal. He KNOWS that can and does happen.

He thinks that one of the people who says they are reading it are in fact reading it more thgat once, and he wants do know if this may be true. In fact he is HOPING this person is, as it is an ex girlfriend he thinks might be and if indeed it is, then he wants to know why and hopes that if she is, so that he might be able to find out why she would be and see if they can get something started again.

He isn't going to confront her if he gets the info, but he just wants to know if it is her so that he will know what's up and have an idea if there is a chance again to get something rekindled. I dodn't wanna get into all of that, because I didn't feel comfortable giving up too much info on his situation, but your post FullbackIsKey made me think I had to clearfy all of this

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yeah, sorry, i've got lots of animosity towards these things, sorry. But the only way i know of how to see what IPs are looking at your journal is to contact the server administrator, I know he'd have those stats, but i don't know if he'd give the stats up. Plus I don't know if you can find out what IP belongs to what person without some sort of legal action...but i don't know the specifics of the laws.

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Originally posted by FullbackIsKey

yeah, sorry, i've got lots of animosity towards these things, sorry. But the only way i know of how to see what IPs are looking at your journal is to contact the server administrator, I know he'd have those stats, but i don't know if he'd give the stats up. Plus I don't know if you can find out what IP belongs to what person without some sort of legal action...but i don't know the specifics of the laws.

Well my buddy has that covered as well. All he wants to know is the IPs of both the people who have left a message and the ones who anoymously have read the journal.

The ex g/f in question has left a couple messages saying that she has indeed read it and she says she has read every entry, but he thinks she is reading it more than she says and thinks if she is that maybe it is a sign of renewed interest in their relationship, and he wants to find that out without her knowing as he thinks if she knows that he knows, then she might back off.

It all sounds like a game of one-ups-manship to me but oh well, I thought with the vast membership we now have on here that someone could help out.

As for your situation with your ex, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She tells you not to read her journal but it's out there for the whole Internet to see.

Sounds like she isn't the sharpest pencil in the box if you ask me, but that's just IMHO

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Originally posted by TC4

Okay this is a bit complicated so please keep with me........

I have a buddy who has one of those online journals that people are into these days right. Each month, it will keep count of the number of people who have read it, and at the end of the month the number goes back to zero.

Now here is his problem. All the people who know about the journal get sent an e-mail with a link when he adds a new entry and when they read it they leave a message. But there are more people who read an entry that who are on the list that gets the e-mail indicating a new entry. My buddy thinks he knows who might be reading it so many extra times isn't 100% sure about it.

He wants to know if there is any way to determine the IP addresses of the people who read that journal, both the ones who leave a message as well as the anoymous ones who don't, and if it can all be done without any illegal hacking or other law braking.

I told him that he might be asking a bit too much, but that maybe some of the computer experts on here just may be able to help if indeed this is possible.

Any thoughts.................

Turn IP logging on the Webserver -- very easy.

Then compare the "posting" times with the time the IP address was logged. -- Remember sometime people come from the same IP address for a few days before the DHCP server of their local ISP gives them a new IP address.

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Originally posted by Dexter's Better

Turn IP logging on the Webserver -- very easy.

Then compare the "posting" times with the time the IP address was logged. -- Remember sometime people come from the same IP address for a few days before the DHCP server of their local ISP gives them a new IP address.

Can you detail this a bit more, as both myself and my friend are not as knowledgeable as to how to do this, or if in fact his journal, Easy Journal(The FREE version, as he is TOO CHEAP to pay for the Pro version.......LOL) will even allow this to be done.

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He can add code on his Easy Journal to include a tracking image in each journal entry. Ones like StatCounter and SiteMeter are exactly what you're talking about. Have him give those a try and he'll be able to get the IPs of everyone that views his entries.

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I have one question

My buddy tried the StarCouner one, and he seems it get the idea, but it says you have to insert some lines of code into the page to be tracked. The problem is that once he tries to do that. it does not save 6he code you ned to add, and it seems to make it sound like you had to be the one who created the website itself to be able to do this.

If you are not the one who made the site, can you still do this?

And many thanks to you all thus far for your help...........

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Originally posted by TC4

Well my buddy has that covered as well. All he wants to know is the IPs of both the people who have left a message and the ones who anoymously have read the journal.

The ex g/f in question has left a couple messages saying that she has indeed read it and she says she has read every entry, but he thinks she is reading it more than she says and thinks if she is that maybe it is a sign of renewed interest in their relationship, and he wants to find that out without her knowing as he thinks if she knows that he knows, then she might back off.

It all sounds like a game of one-ups-manship to me but oh well, I thought with the vast membership we now have on here that someone could help out.

As for your situation with your ex, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She tells you not to read her journal but it's out there for the whole Internet to see.

Sounds like she isn't the sharpest pencil in the box if you ask me, but that's just IMHO

I don't know squat about internet tech, but I know a little about interpersonal communication. I'm having trouble understanding why it would be better to find out if she is viewing the journal, then for your friend to give her a call and say something like "I have been thinking about you lately and about how much I enjoyed spending time with you when we were seeing each other. I thought I would give you a call and find out if you would be interested in going out again sometime?"

It seems to me like he could end his uncertainty quickly with some honest and open communication. It would be a lot quicker and easier. It would gauge her interest more accurately. And, there wouldn’t be any sneakiness involved, which could lead to hurt feelings later if discovered. In most cases (not all), open communication is a positive thing in a relationship, even if it feels uncomfortable or risky at the time.

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