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Why Kerry doesn't pass the smell test


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On a non partisan note, people on both sides need to be very afraid of what the other side is attempting to pull off in FLA.

Bush wont avoid all 3 debates, but I can certainly see a reason for him not to do a 3rd if the 1st 2 end up like they did in 2000. Why give Kerry a chance to rebound if Bush "wins" the first?

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The reason the Vietnam issue is important to the election is because it speaks volumes to the character of John Kerry. He is either telling the truth or he is lying. It's looking more and more like he is lying. He has already boned up to lying about being in Combodia during Christmas. Now he is testing the waters by having his peeps say that it is possible that the first injury for which he received a purple heart was a result of a non-combat injury. Why??? Because his journal a week later states that his boat hadn't received enemy fire yet. Usually when two people argue about how something occurred, the one who changes his story is the Liar. No ones perfect, and we've all stretched the truth. But, 30 years later he ought to be man enough to come clean. If he had admitted up front to having pushed for the purple hearts to come home, this would be behind him. Heck he was a young kid who was probably scared out of his wits. I think he's a head case, and I would never vote for him. He's done nothing as a senator. But he could have handled this so much better.

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Originally posted by redman

Kerry 2004 = Dole 1996.

If that's true, then:

Bush 2004 < Clinton 1996

...because Kerry is polling a lot higher than Dole ever did, and Kerry will almost certainly get more of the popular vote and more electoral college votes than Dole did in 1996.

As much as the Republicans want this to be about Kerry, the election is really going to come down to whether or not the swing voters want to fire Bush. This time around the decision is a lot harder than it was with Clinton.

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