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No need to worry!


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But we're holding back a ton in these preseason games. I don't even know everything in our offense just yet. We had about 15-20 plays going into the game and I know the playbook is much bigger than that.

A quote from Cooley's diary. Lets hope he's telling the truth.

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Gibbs said a while back that he is adding a couple of plays Denver ran last year for Portis in his playbook this year. He also said that he looked at the top offenses last year and took something from them. He has shown none of that in preseason. All he has shown is the typical plays that everyone knows.

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Last night the announcers were discussing exactly this "watered-down versions of the game plans." They had interviewed John Jansen earlier and he said "at least we have game plans." He continued to say that over 2 years there was no game plans in either the preseason or the REGULAR SEASON. He said that Spurrier had no plan, Bostic lamented that they had Orange plans, Blue plans, Red, etc.

He has been away from the game for 12 years and some people say they may not be able Deal with the NEW NFL. I think that he has had 12 years to come up with some new innovative ideas. I have worried that maybe he will fail but I remember back to the 0-5 start and think it may take a couple of weeks but he will rebuild this team. I think back to the 1982 season when we went 0-4 in the preseason and won the first 3 games with the scabs, we also won the superbowl.

Anyway people can worry, it is the nature of being a fan for a team that has been, for lack of a better word, disappointing. We won't win them all but our team will be prepared. You won't hear Joe Gibbs saying "Well I don't understand they blitzed us all the time the first game."

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The only problem I have is that every year - going back to the Norv years- we heard the same after poor pre-season performance. Same line - "just you wait we hae not opened our play book yet". I just hope Gibbs is up to his old tricks.

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Originally posted by fosback

The only problem I have is that every year - going back to the Norv years- we heard the same after poor pre-season performance. Same line - "just you wait we hae not opened our play book yet". I just hope Gibbs is up to his old tricks.

Norv was a good playcaller. Gibbs is a Hall of Fame playcaller.

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Oh, c'mon folks... who's worried? Not me, thats for sure.

I've said it numerous times in the past... I do NOT know football, but I am a huge fan of it and I bleed burgundy and gold. To me, in the 5 days between games, I thought I saw improvement.

Sure, there were more penalties, miscues, and such, but the team seemed to be a little bit more comfortable and confident in what they were doing. We still have 3 more preseason games to go. We'll be just fine.

Will we make a run at the playoffs this year? I'm willing to bet we'll be in the hunt up until the regular season ends. Will we make it into the playoffs? I don't know, but I sure hope so.

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