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My assesment...


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My assesment...


First let me say I know this is a preseason game and That I am a cowboy fan...

Offense:Everyone seemed to execute except the line...

QB:Vinny looked good except for that fumble play. He was 7-11 for some amount of yards, and seemed to make good reads. He didn't show much presence on that fumble play, but the play broke down pretty quick. Drew Henson looked great except for the costly int. He locked on to AB which isn't a very bad Idea seeing as he is a starting quality reciever against a second team defense, but ab was well covered and Witten seemed to be open in the seam.

Romo sits to pee was too ugly for words, to the waiver wire for him...

RB:If george starts, I will copy a very cheesy movie and "kill bill". George is too slow, too hesitant and too old to start on this team. They're were holes for him, he just didn't see the cutbacks or hit the hole hard. Reshard lee looked good, and he hits the hole harder than any player ive seen in a while. He has some wiggle and power. JJ looked great. He was very deceptive, he had a second gear and knew when to use it. What I liked most was his cutting ability. He cuts north and doesn't lose a lot of momentum, making defenders look silly in the process.

OL: The run blocking was pretty good, they're were a lot of holes. On that Vinny fumble, correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was Kurt Vollers who got beat. He looked very bad in the whole game and I'd be surprised if he is on this team tomorrow. Jacob Rogers was alittle inconsistant. Pass blocking below par, run blocking pretty good.

WR:Keyshawn and Terry haven't lost it just yet. I think ab went without a catch, but he was either covered well when thrown to, and open when not thrown too. Patrick Crayton has gauranteed himself a roster spot, and Im not even talking about his special teams(which was great). No other noteworthies here...

TE: Jason witten still has the hands and speed, and campbell looked good blocking.

Defense: In a few words, very, very sloopy.

DL: The de got a good pass rush, but were manhandled in the run game. Wiley was pretty good in his debut, Greg ellis was nothing special. Coleman looked horrible. Glover picked up where he left off, got a lot of pressures, and never got pushed off the line.

LB: Dissapointing. In the beginning it looked like nguyen picked up where he left up. Then he looked like the dat of 2002. What we must understand is our whole defense is schemed so that the lbs are free to flow to the ball, and make plays. None of them did that.

CBs:Newman looked solid except he will only be remember for that touchdown(the life of a cb)pass. But in reality, carr created a lot of time and threw it only where the reciever could get it. I couldn't get a read on hunter. He plays 5 yards off and lets up a first down on one play, and then he plays perfect coverage the next. He gets dragged five yards by a te on one play, and forces a fumble the next. Thornton looked like the best RCB, and that pass interference call was bull****, since the reciever initiated the contact.

Safeties: Roy williams put in some big hits and saved us on a good amount of plays. Tony Dixon was horrible. He wasn't agressivein run coverage and was useless in in pass coverage. Anyone see anyplay where dixon was anywhere close to the ball?


Punting/punting coverage: Mcbriar was solid, but I think we will have to suffer another year of Randall williams. Our mediocre punt coverage was exposed when he is not there forcing fair catches.

Kicking: Cundiff, screw you.

PR: Patrick crayton is a play maker, he just has great vision and a knack for getting guys off balance and breaking though their arm tackles.

KR:Nothing special, nothing orrible.

Players of the game: JJ is obviously number 1. Reshard lee was good too. Patrick crayton, and glover round it off.

Losers of the game:Kurt vollers, tony Romo sits to pee, billy cundiff, tony dixon.


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OK lay off this guy......I swear to GOD....In the past 6 months some of you have lost ALL class. Let the trolls hang themselves. So what he posted about the Cowboys....they got spanked and now he's TRYING to look on the brightside. Like we say everytime we lose....."It's only preseason."

If I were a mod....OMG.....never mind I'm going to bed......

leave this guy alone....and as for you rw31 quit posting stupid B.S. to tease these guys....your 2nd post on this thread was pointless.


P.S.~ Sonny I noted the "wink"

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Ahh Brice lighten up! I liked RW's post it was pretty funny. He obviously spent a lot of time on it and tried to analyze his teams talent like a real sportswriter. He wasn't completely biased and it is interesting seeing other people's points of view other than Skin's fans. I can read 1000 posts glorifying Joe Gibbs :notworthy so why not something new and different. If you don't want to read his view then don't bother clicking on it.

My 2 cents - If I was a Dallas fan I would be looking at the QBs availible to draft next year right now! It's gonna be a very long season if Testaverde gets hurt

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

OK lay off this guy......I swear to GOD....In the past 6 months some of you have lost ALL class. Let the trolls hang themselves. So what he posted about the Cowboys....they got spanked and now he's TRYING to look on the brightside. Like we say everytime we lose....."It's only preseason."

If I were a mod....OMG.....never mind I'm going to bed......

leave this guy alone....and as for you rw31 quit posting stupid B.S. to tease these guys....your 2nd post on this thread was pointless.


P.S.~ Sonny I noted the "wink"

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