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Listen to Gibbs Press Conference

Dead Money

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Something Gibbs says right off the bat couldn't be more true.

When he praises Snyder, citing all he was asked to do and all he did, immediately, Gibbs is absolutely right that Dan has done his part. This is what makes Snyder probably the best owner in sports. It's the owner's job to give his football people what they ask for. What Gibbs asked for he received.

Failure now, as it's been the last couple of seasons, is in the hands of the coaching staff and players now, not the owner. The owner did everything he's supposed to do. He can't do anything more than he's done. If there's failure, it's on someone else and Snyder will have to continue doing the great job he's been doing for another staff if failure does occur.

Unfortunately the national media and ignorant fans of other teams seem to think Snyder should not only do everything he does, but, then should be responsible for the coaching too. He's not. Snyder does his job better than any other owner by a big margin.

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I hate real player. It is nothing more than spyware you can watch. If you have real player, do a ctrl-alt-delete to bring up the task manager. Even if you have not used real-player since your last boot, it is sitting there, active. Watching everything you do and reporting it back to the real player comany.

I will not use it.


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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

I hate real player. It is nothing more than spyware you can watch. If you have real player, do a ctrl-alt-delete to bring up the task manager. Even if you have not used real-player since your last boot, it is sitting there, active. Watching everything you do and reporting it back to the real player comany.

I will not use it.


I make a point of switching off realsched.exe every time I boot. I really don't think that RealPlayer sends any sensitive information back to headquarters. Anyway, I have bigger fish to fry, what with those damn black helicopters and jet contrails stealing our precious bodily fluids. :D

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Originally posted by Frunobulax

I make a point of switching off realsched.exe every time I boot. I really don't think that RealPlayer sends any sensitive information back to headquarters. Anyway, I have bigger fish to fry, what with those damn black helicopters and jet contrails stealing our precious bodily fluids. :D

Define "sensitive" information...websites browsed, articles read, e-mail sent and received...

It's doesn't need to be login IDs and passwords to be sensitve.


Just a minute...

ok, better. My aluminum hat fell off. They can't read through aluminum, you know. Can't read through lead either, but the hat was too heavy. And the underwear chaffed.

:paranoid: :laugh:

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