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Electronic Drums

Ignatius J.

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So Die Hard's thread got me to notice there are a few drummers on this board, so I figured I'd ask around.

I've been playing drums for a while, but I moved into an apartment this year, and can no longer practice.....

So I'm thinking about getting an electronic kit. I've got about a grand to drop on a setup, but I'd be starting from scratch. While I want it mostly for practicing, It would be nice If it was good enough that I would not be embarrasses to take it out in public.

Does anyone have any advice before I go to guitar center this weekend and bang around on whatever they have available?

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Just a quick suggestion... Musician's Friend has a 5 piece kit from "Hart" that is reasonably priced (around $700 I believe) and comes with an Alesis DM5 brain. It also has mesh heads instead of the rubber coated boards that most kits in that price range have. Mesh heads give it a MUCH better feel. I have one and highly reccomend it. We've used it for demo recordings with very good success.

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yeah, the prodigy Hart kit has piqued my curiosity and am glad that someone endorses it, because it is really in my price range.

Can you tell me, what is the hi hat pedal like? Does it allow for multiple levels of splashiness, or just open/closed?

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I played with a guy who used a hybrid set-up. We were kicking ay-asssss! Until he moved away.... :(

Honestly one of the coolest musical collaborations I did was with this guy. He worked in this delayed tom and reverse-reverb effect on his snare from time to time. I twas pretty schweet...

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

yeah, the prodigy Hart kit has piqued my curiosity and am glad that someone endorses it, because it is really in my price range.

Can you tell me, what is the hi hat pedal like? Does it allow for multiple levels of splashiness, or just open/closed?

Unfortunately Iggie, that would be my one complaint. No, it doesn't have separate hat sampling for mutiple levels of open/closed. Its pretty much either clamped or open. Although, the DM5 does have some open sounds that are decent variations of opened hats.

All in all though, for the dough it ain't too shabby of a deal. At least as good (if not better) than comparable Roland or Yamaha kits.

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First thanks for all the help. I went to guitar center yesterday and played on three kits. The Yamaha TXIII express, the roland TD3, and a really fancy one that was WAY out of my price range.

I liked the TXIII a lot. Unlike the Hart, the hi hat pedal has full expressiveness, which is really nice. The brain is really fancy too, although the feel of the pads was only okay. The roland was the cheapest roland makes and really was not up to par.

So I may go back this weekend to buy a kit and hae basically narrowed it down to two sets:




the roland has the mesh snare head which is nice. Also the brains on these things come with sequencing, which gives me more stuff to play allong with, and also allows me to listen to parts that I play after I play them.

All in all pretty good deals for under $1500.

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