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Clarett running out of options.


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COMMENTARY: Clarett running out of options



This is what happens to pioneers who fail to find the new land.

While Mike Williams has ditched his agent and returned to Southern Cal saying all the right things to return to college football, Maurice Clarett stands in the darkness, a man without a nation and a running back without a team.

Williams merely walked through the door Clarett temporarily broke down. Now he could return to the Trojans next year and become the best receiver in college football.


No one really knows.

''I think this is a tragic story,'' said Thom McDaniels, Clarett's old high school coach at Warren Harding.

McDaniels used to be close to Clarett. When Maurice had a problem in high school, McDaniels was there to listen and perhaps even fix it. Only this time, no solution seems possible.

The CFL is out, because players must make a two-year commitment to play in Canada. Clarett is only one year away from NFL eligibility.

The bridge back to Ohio State went up last fall in a bigger inferno than anything witnessed on High Street following a Michigan game. As proof, athletic director Andy Geiger said last week Maurice hasn't made any attempt to return, now that his court appeals appear fruitless.

So now what?

A few months ago, Clarett's name was everywhere. He was the reason the NFL's laws would crumble. He would bring down its unfair labor practices and make it possible for all underclassmen across the country to play on Sundays.

Now that the plan has fallen apart, Williams is the prodigal son returning to Los Angeles and Clarett has disappeared entirely. His attorneys vow more court appeals, but we get the picture.

McDaniels hasn't spoken to Clarett since the day after his workout for pro scouts in Columbus. He never bothers Maurice, instead waiting for Maurice's call. Only it hasn't come yet.

''If I did have the chance to talk to him, considering everything that's occurred, I would urge him to go play NAIA football,'' McDaniels said. ''Play. Just go play somewhere. I have contacts, I have people I could put him in touch with. Just go play somewhere this fall and get drafted next year.''

McDaniels wouldn't elaborate on his contacts because ''I haven't even had this conversation with him yet.''

But McDaniels makes a strong point.

Another year out of football could crush any chance Clarett has at a pro career. With the CFL and Division I no longer an option, Clarett has quickly fallen from the best college running back and a brash self-thinker to a defeated, meek young man who listened a little too closely to attorneys just trying to become famous.

''He's got an awful lot of others who are advising him and impacting his thinking, and I suppose they still have his ear,'' McDaniels said. ''In my opinion, that's why he's in the predicament he's in to some extent.''

McDaniels knew Maurice as a typical high school student, before the Texas Tech opener and the 262 yards against Washington State and the shouting match with Tim Spencer and the ESPN cover story and the public feud with Geiger before and after the national championship and the false police report and the ensuing battles with the NCAA and the Supreme Court.

Somewhere inside, he must still see Maurice as the 17-year-old kid so full of potential. Only that potential was benched last year and his options appear limited again.

''If you're going to sue the NFL, certainly you're hopeful to win,'' McDaniels said. ''But if you care about the kid, in the event you don't win, what's your plan? They didn't have a plan and I think that is very short-sighted and very ignorant on their part.

''They didn't care about the kid, I don't think I'm wrong to come to that conclusion. You get to make a name and some money if you win, but if you really cared about the kid, you would've had a Plan B to put in effect when your plan failed again and again and again and again.''

Barring a miracle reversal in court, Clarett's only remaining options appear to sit another season without football, or swallow hard and make the move to I-AA or lower. And depending on the type of damage Clarett did to his grade point average in his final quarter at Ohio State, who knows how much academic work it would take to make him eligible again? Summer sessions at various colleges are already starting.

Dropping down is really his best choice, but it would force Maurice to admit he made a mistake. That's harder for him than shaking two linebackers and a safety.

Maybe his old coach could convince him of that. But first he has to drop the attorneys, forget about the dream to defeat the NFL and make the call.

McDaniels is sitting by the phone waiting. Much like it has been for the past year, it's still Maurice's move.


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Rock.... he can't go play in the CFL... it said right there in the article that he has to commit to two years there if he wants to play up north. That's the last thing Clarett wants to do, go play in the CFL and further delay his dream of playing in the NFL.

The article tends to lean "poor pitiful Clarett" and the "mean angry NFL". It was he that chose to challenge the NFL. It was he that burned the bridges at Ohio St., including filing a false police report. He is as much to blame as his advisors for his demise.

Suck it up and play 2A... or spend the year working his rear end off and entering next year's draft and be grateful when someone picks him on day #2. Work his tail off and make a roster, work his tail off and take advantage of the opportunity he'll get to show what he can do. The thing is... he hasn't worked a day in his life. Most everything has been given to him... .and he hasn't the work ethic to pull himself up by the bootstraps and makes things happen for himself.

He deserves all that has been bestowed on him.

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I don't think this guy is going to make it. Someone will give him a tryout but I don't see him playing special teams so most teams will not sign him. He wanted to be like Lebron James but it aint goin happen. There will be a tragic end to this story.

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Originally posted by BadKarma

Looks like the kid is going to have to suck it up for a year at a division 1- AA school.

Try JMU Maurice ;)

hehe, dude, did you go to JMU? I currently attend right now and am in marching band, and hate going to the games mainly cause they are dull. If Clarett was there, now thatd be something to watch, unless he got out of shape with all this time off. He can be the next great JMU alumnus behind Charles Haley and Gary Clark.

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Stuff like this really pisses me off. This kid has the world by the balls and his friging agent is drumming up sympathy votes. Utterly pathetic. Maybe if the kid could have done his job in the first place, he wouldn't be in the mess he's in.

Sorry, but I don't want to hear about the bad and evil agents and lawyers, we all know they're bad, Clarette just chose to believe what they were telling him because it was the easy way. The choice is up to him, it's time to sh!t or get off the pot but if he gets off, I won't feel bad for him. He had his chance.

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