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US will leave Iraq if asked?


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If this is true then the nightmare is over. If you believe the polls like 80% of Iraqi's want us out. If this undersec of State is speaking for the administration then we're gone before the election!! Smartest move George ever made. Only problem is it highlights the stupid moves he's made up to this point.

I can't believe it's true. But here it is in black and white...

U.S. will leave Iraq if asked

WASHINGTON, May 13 (UPI) -- U.S. and coalition forces will leave Iraq if asked to do so by an interim Iraqi government, a State Department official told the House Thursday.

During occasionally combative questioning by bipartisan members of the International Relations Committee, the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman said that the United States would respect the wishes of a newly sovereign Iraq even if it meant withdrawing troops before Iraqi general elections are held in 2005. The sovereignty handover is scheduled for June 30.

Grossman repeatedly insisted that he did not believe such a request would be made by the new Iraqi body.

The notion that coalition forces would take marching orders from Iraqis was challenged by a military representative testifying before the committee. Lt. General Walter L. Sharp of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that U.S.-led multinational forces were authorized under U.N. resolutions to operate in Iraq at least until a permanent constitutional government was elected.


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Originally posted by thew

If this is true then the nightmare is over. If you believe the polls like 80% of Iraqi's want us out. If this undersec of State is speaking for the administration then we're gone before the election!! Smartest move George ever made. Only problem is it highlights the stupid moves he's made up to this point.

I can't believe it's true. But here it is in black and white...


I'm completely against pulling out of Iraq right now, so it would make sense to me that Bush & co. would leave:doh:

I've been in disagreement on almost every move they've made, both politically and militarilly, so it wouldn't suprise me if he did pull out of Iraq. The only thing I agreed on was attacking Afghanistan, after that it was all down hill.

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The U.S. State Dept. has also laid prostrate for Saudi fathers who kidnap their children from their American mothers and flee to Saudi Arabia, so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this, too, were true. Simply put, the State Dept. values the opinions and wishes of non-Americans more highly than those of Americans.

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That's about the only way we can save face now. Bush and company have screwed the pooch so bad, this is the only option we are left with.

They don't want our style of government, no matter how much we tell them they do.

Our troops won't have far to go, though. They can just go East into Iran or west into Syria.

That's the plan, right? Oh, wait. Is there a plan?

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