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question about e. manning

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Oh everyone is Just Hating cause He is a beast and they are jealous. Granted he hasnt played a down in the NFL yet but you would think people would wait to cast their judgement. That shows that all this negativity is just jealousy. Now on the Chargers thing. I dont blame him for not wanting to play for them. If you had the choice would you rather be on a mediocre team who has not done anything in years or on a team that not long ago was in the super bowl and now has a new coach and is atleast appearing to try to go in the winning direction. I think what Eli did is fine, atleast he told the Chargers how he felt rather than letting them draft him and sitting out all season and causing the Chargers to waist thier #1 pick.

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Originally posted by luapgibva

Oh everyone is Just Hating cause He is a beast and they are jealous. Granted he hasnt played a down in the NFL yet but you would think people would wait to cast their judgement. That shows that all this negativity is just jealousy. Now on the Chargers thing. I dont blame him for not wanting to play for them. If you had the choice would you rather be on a mediocre team who has not done anything in years or on a team that not long ago was in the super bowl and now has a new coach and is atleast appearing to try to go in the winning direction. I think what Eli did is fine, atleast he told the Chargers how he felt rather than letting them draft him and sitting out all season and causing the Chargers to waist thier #1 pick.

By that logic would it have been okay for Taylor to tell our front office that he wanted to play for the pats and we should trade down with them, afterall we've had one playoff appearance since 1992 and they've had 2 sb wins in 3 years. Or how about fitzgerald to Philadelphia, I'm sure he'd much rather play there then in Zona. If Eli can do it why can't the others. Eli is spoiled jerk who looks like a baby for acting the way he did.

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I would say part of it is the Chargers thing. People think that he should consider it a privelege (sp?) to play in the NFL (anywhere) and this incident made him seem arrogant and selfish. Also, he plays for the Giants now and we all love to root against and hate anything to do with our NFC east foes.

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Your just Hating on him! Why? What did he do that was so wrong. When you are looking for a job arent you able to choose what company you want to work for. And yes I totally agree with you statement about Taylor and Fitz. If they didnt want to play for the organizations that were going to draft them they should have spoken up rather than sit out during a contract dispute. As far as I go I think if you dont want to be a skin then go. That goes for everyone on the team including Lavar or Coles. If they dont want to be a skin then leave. I would rather have mediocre players who want to be skins and will play their hearts out. Now I am not saying that Coles and Lavar arent these types of players I am just using them as examples.

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So basically what's the point of a draft, why not just let kids out of college be free agents and sign where they want, after all that's where your logic is heading. If you can't see that I can't help you. The draft is set up to help bad teams get better, if kids have the right to choose where they want to go, the draft serves no purpose so why not get rid of it and just have a free for all??

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Hey relax I know plenty about the purpose of the draft. All I am saying is Manning sr. went to a crappy team and look were that got him. He was looking out for his kid which is just what every father would do. Hey it was a request and it got granted. These things happen all the time and we just dont hear about all of them. This one was made public and now everyone is throwing the book at Eli. What about Elway? Was he a "spoiled jerk and made to look like a baby" as you stated earlier. Let the kid play one game atleast before making your statements. Even then it would be too soon since some of the best Qb's in history have had horrible rookie seasons cause they werent ready to start.

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I'm not questioning his talent so I don't need to see him play to make a determination of his attitude. And I really couldn't comment on Elway as I wasn't old enough to know all of the circumstances but I would say at that point in time he was in the wrong as well based on what I do know. As far as SR. Plent of guys went to crappy teams and helped turn it around rather than running away from the situation. See Peyton, Vick, Bledsoe, etc. It just sets a very bad precedent in my opinion.

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Originally posted by luapgibva

What about Elway? Was he a "spoiled jerk and made to look like a baby" as you stated earlier. Let the kid play one game atleast before making your statements.

The fact that Elway was a great QB does not change the fact that it was a spoiled brattish thing to do. So if a player is good, he is exempt from the rules?

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right but those teams showed a sign of trying to improve. I.E trying to get new coaches. What have the chargers done? Nothing! In fact it was the chargers who were scared of a let down and traded away from Vick. They could have shown that they wanted to improve by drafting who may be the next great thing at Qb but they ran. All I am saying is that if a team were going to draft me and expect me and me alone to be the savior I would say no thanks. Show me something first. Bring in some free agents. Get me a proven coach. Dont just try and bring one player in and put all the weight of the team on him. I mean he is just a kid and will need three years before he can do anything.

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Well everyone is praising Ramsey and in my mind I think he did a spoiled bratty thing as well yet eveyone on this website wants to have his children. But he sat out and then played one season well and everyone is forgetting about how he almost went to the bears cause the millions and millions of dollars werent good enough for him.

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Marty isn't a proven coach?? He may not be a sb champion but he made regular playoff appearances in KC and had our team looking pretty good by the end of his first year. They do need more talent, but you get that BY DRAFTING!!! :doh:

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So all you need to do is make it to the playoffs. Football better than anysport shows that any team can make it to the playoffs. I mean win something and then you get to be a good coach. What is his post season record? 5-11 yeah that is great. And if teams just rely on the draft to improve why is there free agency? why allow trades?

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Dont try and make me look dumb. Just cause you get a team to 8-8 as Marty did with us doesnt mean you get a team looking good. Our players did not respect him. And if you go back and read what was out around the draft you will see that Marty even told Manning not to come to S.D. if he could help it

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First if it's so easy to make it to the playoffs then how come we've done it once since 1992. Secondly, yeah free agency is important, but the best teams are also the ones who have drafted well in recent years, which is more difficult to do when jerks say they won't play for your team. Thirdly yeah our team was 8-8 but they were also 8-3 over the last 11 games with Tony Freaking Banks at qb. And I could be wrong but that Marty thing was nothing more than a rumor, but if True I would've shipped Marty out of town on the first bus I could find if I owned the team. Then taken Manning anyways. put the pressure on him and see if he'd really sit out.

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Originally posted by luapgibva

Did I say it was easy to make the playoffs? I just said that any team can make it. Look at playoff stats and see how many teams are switched over from one year to the next.

My point stands, he's done it consistently, there aren't many coaches available who have won a freaking superbowl. I gotta go back to school to get my grade for one of my finals. I'll be happy to continue this later.

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If you go to the playoffs 11 times and have nothing to show for it what good is that. Would you rather have a coach go to the playoffs 11 times and come away empty handed or a coach go 2-3 times and get SB victory? you tell me. I just think he is a middle of the road coach and he hasnt done anything for SD and has shown nothing while there. Maybe he did have some good seasons at KC but that was in the past. To go back to my original point as a team wanting to improve get an up and coming coach get some free agents and then see how many players want to come to your team. Or get yourself a superbowl winning Icon that eveyone will respect and let him whip your team that seems to have forgotten how to win back into shape.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

By that logic would it have been okay for Taylor to tell our front office that he wanted to play for the pats and we should trade down with them, afterall we've had one playoff appearance since 1992 and they've had 2 sb wins in 3 years. Or how about fitzgerald to Philadelphia, I'm sure he'd much rather play there then in Zona. If Eli can do it why can't the others. Eli is spoiled jerk who looks like a baby for acting the way he did.

Agreed. You cannot let the player dictate the draft. Sure, every player in this year's draft probably wanted to go to the Patriots, Eagles, Rams, Panthers, etc. ...but you have to allow the lesser teams a shot at the better players coming out of the draft. It helps the league in general because your lesser teams have the opportunity to make dramatic improvements, thereby increasing the quality of the league.

Otherwise you will end up with a situation like baseball...where the Yankees will field this year's American League All-Star team and your small market teams never have a shot at the title.

Looking back you can say what if Terry Bradshaw refused to play for the Steelers? Or Aikman for the Cowboys? Where would those teams have been?

Eli came off looking like a spoiled brat...he and his family even knew it was "wrong" to make this request...otherwise Archie wouldn't have been so pissed when the Chargers leaked it.

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By that logic would it have been okay for Taylor to tell our front office that he wanted to play for the pats and we should trade down with them, afterall we've had one playoff appearance since 1992 and they've had 2 sb wins in 3 years. Or how about fitzgerald to Philadelphia, I'm sure he'd much rather play there then in Zona. If Eli can do it why can't the others. Eli is spoiled jerk who looks like a baby for acting the way he did.

that's a good point. but i doubt it would ever get to the point where the previous super bowl winner would have all the good picks. if that were true then free agency would create a larger dicomomy (sp?) between the good and bad teams rather than parity.

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peyton manning went to a ****ty team, and look was he has done for them.... what's the difference with Eli? is he just not as talented, can't take that burden of responsibility?

and luap, what ramsey did isn't even comparable to what eli has done. when a players agent holds out for a better contract that is common. when a players father tells an NFL team that he doesn't want to play for them and is prepared to sit out the entire season if he gets drafted by them it is a whole other ballpark. you can't tell the difference? or are you just that biased that you chosse not to see it?

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

that's a good point. but i doubt it would ever get to the point where the previous super bowl winner would have all the good picks. if that were true then free agency would create a larger dicomomy (sp?) between the good and bad teams rather than parity.

Well I chose the Pats because of the Rumors involving him and Taylor, I doubt it would come to that either, but change the team, with the same principle, he could've said the fins cause he loves Miami, or to Tampa because of their previous defenses. Point is it sets a bad precedent for players to dictate where they go, sure a 3rd or 4th rounder would likely never pull such a thing, but could any one of the 32 first rounders do it. Answer is yes they could and would still be considered too talented to fall very far.

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Originally posted by pr11fan

Well I chose the Pats because of the Rumors involving him and Taylor, I doubt it would come to that either, but change the team, with the same principle, he could've said the fins cause he loves Miami, or to Tampa because of their previous defenses. Point is it sets a bad precedent for players to dictate where they go, sure a 3rd or 4th rounder would likely never pull such a thing, but could any one of the 32 first rounders do it. Answer is yes they could and would still be considered too talented to fall very far.

Well we live in an imperfect world. Unfortantly these things happen, and you're right a little snot nose punk comes out and does something like this knowing that someone is going to take him because of his talents. Its just a fact of live, its not fair but thats the way it is. I don't understand why all outrage is coming from. This isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened.

If the NFL wanted this kind of thing to stop happening they would have to make it, when a team drafts you, you are there property until you play out your rookie contract. You don't go back into the draft. If you don't play, and choose to sit out, you are still that teams player and no other team can have you unless they trade for you or the team that drafted you releases you.

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Originally posted by luapgibva

Well everyone is praising Ramsey and in my mind I think he did a spoiled bratty thing as well yet eveyone on this website wants to have his children. But he sat out and then played one season well and everyone is forgetting about how he almost went to the bears cause the millions and millions of dollars werent good enough for him.

It is laughable that you would even compare the two situations. Like AJwatson said, agents convince their clients to hold out all the time to get a better contract. Our very own Lavar Arrington did the same thing. It's not a nice thing to do from the organization's standpoint, but it doesn't even compare with refusing to play with a team that is about to draft you.

Seems that you're the one that wants to have Eli's children, and convince them to threaten a hold out for the teams that draft them. Continue the Manning tradition. :)

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