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Richmond Flowers

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I was watching Comcast and all of a sudden saw a highlight of the Arena Football New York Dragons with Richmond Flowers catching a TD. I said hey, wait a second, is that the same guy who was tearing it up in training camp for the Redskins last year? I checked the Skins' roster and then went on the Dragons' roster and I'm pretty sure it's him. I thought he had a lot of potential and I'm surprised he wouldn't try to be picked up by another team when the Redskins cut him. When did we let him go? After the Thrash trade?

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I had the privilege to see Richmond play college ball at UTC. He is a quality guy and i loved it when he was a redskin. The problem is we have to many receivers to evan thank about him. He is a James Thrash type of player, what ever the coach ask he will do.

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It’s pretty obvious why the guy isn’t on a NFL roster and is bounced around summer to summer looking to catch on with a team and hasn’t been able to. He’s undersized, doesn’t have the talent and athletic ability to play in this league. Plain and simple.

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