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Larry Allen nixed trade to Detroit


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Wouldve netted Dallas a 3rd rounder...


Getting in shape: Coach Bill Parcells has told owner Jerry Jones that he won't have a problem with Pro Bowl guard Larry Allen as long as the 10-year veteran is in shape at the veterans minicamp in June.

Allen is the only member of the team not participating in the club's voluntary off-season training program.

"This is a unique situation and that's the overriding factor," said Jones. "Bill has told me that if Larry shows up in shape, 'the slate is clean with him.'

"There's a respect between both men, and if Larry plays well this season then it will be a moot point."

A club source said a potential trade with Detroit that would have netted a third-round pick fell through on draft day because Allen declined to restructure his contract. Allen, said the source, preferred to play in Dallas if he couldn't play in Oakland.

The Raiders selected tackle Robert Gallery with the second pick in the NFL draft and added center Jake Grove in the second round, essentially ending Allen's quest to play there.

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A club source said a 3rd rounder? More like the club janitor. I don't believe it for a second.


Please, Allen isn't worth a used jock and at his salary he's a straight up drain on the entire team. Only player not to show up to work out? Nice dedication, fat a$$.

Guess Parcells doesn't have the midas touch for every player, now does he? Hard to motivate a fat cat. ;)

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I don't think eating had anything to do with it. Don't forget, LA came into TC last year at a lower weight than he was 1995. I think all the power lifting may have taken a toll on his joints and soft tissues. He's had almost constant injury problems for the last 2 years, but IF he gets healthy, he's not too old or out-of-shape to be a good guard still.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

A club source said a 3rd rounder? More like the club janitor. I don't believe it for a second.


Please, Allen isn't worth a used jock and at his salary he's a straight up drain on the entire team. Only player not to show up to work out? Nice dedication, fat a$$.

Guess Parcells doesn't have the midas touch for every player, now does he? Hard to motivate a fat cat. ;)

Of course you dont, but if the club source said they offered a bag of used footballs, you would beleive it. Sometimes the biases must be put to the side. I havent seen any Detroit report to the contrary. Until then, its kosher to me.

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Allen is still a very good OG he is 2 years removed from being the most dominant og in the entire NFL. The guy is big and strong and a complete mauler but he's always looked overweight maybe thats Parcells beef with him. Regardless I can see a team giving up a 3rd for him in a heartbeat. We gave up a 3rd for a injury prone older Brunell and even gave him a huge contract.

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Originally posted by Samuels

Allen is still a very good OG he is 2 years removed from being the most dominant og in the entire NFL. The guy is big and strong and a complete mauler but he's always looked overweight maybe thats Parcells beef with him. Regardless I can see a team giving up a 3rd for him in a heartbeat. We gave up a 3rd for a injury prone older Brunell and even gave him a huge contract.


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Examine these 2 statements:

If they landed Detroit's 3rd rounder for him, that wouldve been highway robbery.


Allen is still a very good OG he is 2 years removed from being the most dominant og in the entire NFL. The guy is big and strong and a complete mauler but he's always looked overweight maybe thats Parcells beef with him. Regardless I can see a team giving up a 3rd for him in a heartbeat.

The 1st was made by you. The second was made by someone who doesn't realize Allen is just cashing a paycheck. You agreed with it anyway.

The problem is, Dallas CAN'T be right in every single way - that's called bias.

The 3rd rounder can be a "highway robbery" if you believe Allen to be finished. It can be a bad trade if he has a few more PB seasons left in the tank followed by a few decent years. Or it can be an OK trade if he's 80% of his dominant self for a few seasons.

But, still - it's moot. And I don't believe the offer was made.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler


Examine these 2 statements:

If they landed Detroit's 3rd rounder for him, that wouldve been highway robbery.


Allen is still a very good OG he is 2 years removed from being the most dominant og in the entire NFL. The guy is big and strong and a complete mauler but he's always looked overweight maybe thats Parcells beef with him. Regardless I can see a team giving up a 3rd for him in a heartbeat.

The 1st was made by you. The second was made by someone who doesn't realize Allen is just cashing a paycheck. You agreed with it anyway.

The problem is, Dallas CAN'T be right in every single way - that's called bias.

The 3rd rounder can be a "highway robbery" if you believe Allen to be finished. It can be a bad trade if he has a few more PB seasons left in the tank followed by a few decent years. Or it can be an OK trade if he's 80% of his dominant self for a few seasons.

But, still - it's moot. And I don't believe the offer was made.

Until proven otherwise, and Ill wait, a 3rd rounder WAS OFFERED.

Now, he can still play, and he can still be a force. But to be able to land a top 5 3rd rounder for a player whom you are NOT SURE will show up in shape or are NOT SURE will be even close to the player he once was, would be highway robbery.

Big IF's with a player like Allen who feels he has nothing more to prove. Especially, if the master motivator cant get him to go along with the program. Hey, if he does, kudos to JJ for setting him straight. And if he is set straight, then that is why I agree with the previous statement about his ability and potential. However, if he wants to be a baby again, then yes, the 3rd rounder is highway robbery.

Either way, Ill take that chance. And thats the bottom line. Obviously, playing under awful conditions in Dallas for the Tuna is still better than playing for the hapless (with a bright future no less) Lions.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

Awful conditions?

Yeah, getting paid about 8 times what your worth in Dallas sounds pretty awful. A lot worse than taking a paycut to play in Detroit.

As usual, your biases have gotten the best of you.

I should of put the sarcasm smiley next to that one. But gee, I thought even a 3rd grader could figure that one out. "Awful conditions" yes, to him, but to those who want to work, its heaven.

Like I previously stated, he feels he doesnt need to prove himself to anyone, and in a way, he is right. But with the Tuna around, everyone is the same, and as such, everyone must DO the same. Regardless. Now if he can come to grips with that, they have something there at left guard to be proud of. But if not, again, the 3rd rounder from Detroit wouldve been highway robbery.

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