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Skins 5th & 6th Rd who do we get???


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Assumming we get either KW2 or Sean Taylor we need to address the defense with the 5th & 6th round picks regardless. While a lot of Skins fans say we need to trade down and get D-linemen(I am not in favor of this) a number of gems WILL fall to us in the 5th & 6th rds. I formulated a list of potential such GEMS. Not saying they will be there in those rounds but since this year's crop of D-linemen is weak a number of potentials MAY fall to us if were lucky. The average DT/DE in this draft will take about 2 years to develop some sooner depending on team philosophy,coaching, and playing time. Here they are:

Dave Ball DE UCLA


David has some fantastic stats – 54 tackles, 21 tackles for loss and 17 sacks. David is tall and quick. He changes direction very well. David has been well coached on pass rushing skills and it shows in his stats. He gets a lot of pressure and teams have to game plan for him. He has some leadership qualities and is a good teammate.

Needs to Improve

David looks much thinner than his listed weight. He needs to get stronger, bigger and play a little more under control. He has to stand up better at the point of attack. If David is 250-260 lbs at the combine, I think a lot of teams will be turned off.

Bottom Line

David reminds me a little of a player a few years ago in the draft that went in the third round to my favorite team, Ryan Denny. Denny was a lot stronger, but didn’t have the pass rushing moves that David has. Ryan Denny had great stats, but has not been as successful in the pros as he was in college. I’m concerned that David will have some of the same problems adjusting as to the NFL as Ryan, but I think David will succeed because he is a lot quicker. David Ball has to do something about his weight. I believe that this will be a problem for him. Some guys just have a lot of trouble gaining weight. I think David is a ‘boom or bust’ player and it isn’t because he doesn’t work hard or is a troublemaker. It is because he falls into that awkward place of being a tweener. He might be too tall and not the right size for DE and too light for DT. If he gains weight to about 275-280 lbs and keeps his quickness, then he turns into a boom player. If not, he is a bust -- a situational player at best that should not have been a 1st day pick. For David, the combines and the workouts are going to be very big. I hope he and his agent realize it. If he skips them, teams will think he is hiding something and will turn away from him. It will be a big three days for him. David's attitude will make him a good addition to a team.

Shawn Johnson DE Delaware


Shawn is a very smart player with good size and strength for his position. He is relentless in his pursuit, but his two best skills are his natural quickness off the ball and the use of his hands to shed and push off his opponent. He has very good balance and really commits to his responsibilities on each and every play. Shawn has very good change of direction skills and an excellent burst to the ball. This kid is a sleeper, but might not be a sleeper by the time we get to the draft.

Needs to Improve

The scouts are going to say the 1AA level of play is a negative. I’m going to tell you that Shawn will take no longer than any other DE in this draft to develop. It normally takes two to three years for any player picked after the 1st round to develop and I don’t think it will take Shawn any longer than that because of his ability to commit to his personal goals.

Bottom Line

Shawn plays like a mongoose. In case some of you aren’t sure of what a mongoose is, please let me explain. A mongoose- or the Indian mongoose to be exact- is renowned for killing cobras. That’s right snakes- which it is capable of doing due to its very quick movements. That’s how quick Shawn is off the line of scrimmage. He is quick, fast, uses his hands well, has good balance and plays with recklessness that you love to see in a DE. Shawn is smart and believe me, don’t let the fact that he played at a division 1AA fool you. This kid will be a core player for the team that drafts him with the capabilities of making impact plays. The only problem that I see with drafting Shawn is that some species of mongoose are not allowed into Canada or the United States because of their destructiveness. I call him Shawn (Mongoose) Johnson because he is quick and will be destructive to his opponents every Sunday. (That’s if he is allowed to play in the U.S.)

Nathaniel Adibi DE Virginia Tech


Nathaniel has good size for the position. He has long arms and legs. He has a good burst at the line of scrimmage. He is solid at the point of attack for college ball.

Needs to Improve

Nathaniel has not even scratched the surface of his POTENTIAL. He can do much better at the point of attack. Does not use his hands very well. Has one pass rush move and that's it. He must add about 20 to 25lbs. He is just a tadpole.

Bottom Line

Nathaniel does everything right now on athletic ability. That program has taught him nothing or he refuses to learn. Flip a coin and take your pick. How long will it take Nathaniel to become a professional defensive end in the NFL? That is the big question and that will dictate when he is taken in the draft. He has the athletic talent. At this point, I think he goes in the 2nd round because there are not that many fast, athletic DE’s in this draft. You have Harris, Udeze, Smith, Odom (yellow flag) and then our tadpole, Adibi. Nathaniel has as much pure athletic talent as the others, but he is not as far along in his development.

Bo Schobel DE TCU


Bo has good size for his position. He has long arms and long legs. He is very strong and stands up well in the running game. He is quick off the line of scrimmage and even shows some LB skills. He works the game plan and makes few mental mistakes.

Needs to Improve

Bo needs a lot of work in pass rushing techniques. Right now, all he does is bull rush and rush up field. He has a looonnng way to go before he is a finished player.

Bottom Line

Bo will be a very good DE in the NFL. He has the talent and just needs time to develop with some good coaching. He has the basics. He has a very good burst off the line, good strength and he is smart. Bo has the athletic talent and the work ethic. How long it takes for Bo to develop will be up to him. In essence, only Bo knows. (Oops) I think Bo is a 1st day pick. That means that the scouts think he has the POTENTIAL to be an impact player at some point in his career. Bo should be moved to the weak side instead of where he plays now in college -- on the strong side. I feel that he will be an impact in a few years from that side of the line of scrimmage. Bo should be a core player for the team that drafts him. I know you think that only Bo knows- but I’m here to tell you…Drew knows, too.

Jordan Carstens DT Iowa St


Jordan is big, strong and fast. He has very good lateral movement that helps him in the running game. He has all the moves you need in the passing game to be successful in the NFL. He can play in a 1gap or 2gap defense. He is a leader and likes the pressure of the big game. He is a very athletic defensive lineman. Jordan is the type of player that has to be on your team for your team to be successful. Jordan Carstens is not a ‘cute brand new SUV’. He is a pickup truck with a Hemi engine.

Needs to Improve

Jordan wants to overpower everyone before he uses his athletic talents. It is a mind set that he will have to change when he gets to the NFL. He also plays a little too upright at this point of his career. In the pros, you can’t play that way and get away with it. The O-lineman will double team you and put you flat on your back. Remember -- as strong as you think you are, there is always someone stronger.

Bottom Line

Jordan is getting lost in the wash a little bit because of all the junior DT’s that are coming out. I believe when he has his College/Pro day he will jump right back up the boards. I think Jordan could play DE or DT at the next level. He will be an excellent 1 gap DT and a strong, powerful and quick DE. In a 2gap system, he will do everything in his power to stop the run and if he learns to use better leverage, he just might dominate. No matter what system you have, this kid will be an asset to your team and you will never be sorry that you drafted him. Jordan will be a core player, a leader and an impact player. If you ask Jordan to smack himself in the head with a board three times and then jump in a lake, he’ll do it, but don’t be fooled. Jordan is very smart. Before he does what you ask of him, he’ll look deep into your eyes and tell you that you had better have damn good reason for asking him to do that. What more do you want? He is a first day pick and for me, I look long and hard at him in the 2nd rd. Jordan (Hemi) Carstens is a pickup truck -- not a cute SUV.

The Bottom to the Bottom Line - 04/12/04

Jordan has not been able to work out for the teams that are interested in him because of an injury. This will cause Jordan to drop to the second day of the draft. IMO if he is taken in the 4th round I would think that if he had been healthy and able to work out that he would have been a 1st day pick. Any way you look at it when he is healthy some team will get themselves a hell of a player.

Mondre Dickerson DT Tennessee


Mondre has very good size, strength, speed and lateral movement for his position. He has the ability to be a 1gap/2gap D- lineman. When he uses good leverage, he can be a load to handle. Mondre has good pass rushing techniques and has good enough foot speed to be used in a stunting type of defense.

Needs to Improve

Although Mondre has good pass rushing techniques, he is not that quick off the line of scrimmage. Mondre also needs to grow up because he is about to play with the big boys and they will flatten him right on his ass when he takes downs off.

Bottom Line

The amount of talent and athleticism is not the question with Mondre. He has the lateral agility to string plays out and the hand control to shed blocks. He has good pass rushing moves, so why is he not a 1st day pick? You guessed it! L-A-Z-Y! This is a shame because he might be one of the more athletic DT’s in this draft and believe me, that’s saying a lot. When he plays, he is close to being one of the more complete players at his position. If someone can push the right button and make this kid grow up, they will have a hell of a player. Mondre (Wake–up) Dickerson…do you think this profile will do it? Sometimes seeing things in print will shake the lard out of people. One can only hope.

Ahmad Childress DT Alabama


Ahmad has the athletic talent to stop everything that comes near him. He has very good lateral movement to go along with a very long wingspan to disrupt the passing lanes of a QB. He is an enormously talented human being.

Needs to improve

Ahmad right now is a man-child just growing into his body and

talent. He will have to mature in every part of his game, on and off the


Bottom Line

Ladies, there has been a Sasquatch sighting. Big Foot, Yowie, Yeti or whatever else you would call a human being that has this much talent in that size body and can still walk without tripping. I think that before it is all said and done, this kid moves into the late 1st to early 2nd round. Once he works out for some teams, they will not be able to deny his abilities. This is a ‘boom or bust’ player that I personally would not pass me from the 15th pick on. Throw out the stats -- they mean nothing in this case. The smartest thing this kid has done so far was to leave the Alabama program. There is nothing left for him there. He will just learn a lot of bad habits as he tears through every offensive lineman in the college game. He will take time to develop, so sign him to a contract that will make him very rich by the 4th year. Then, if he is not a big lump of Jell-O, sign him forever. You must take a chance on this man-child. If you do not need a DT, draft him anyway, then sit back and watch the "draft experts" go wild. My friend Sasquatch is real and I have the pictures to prove it.

The Bottom of the Bottom line - 4/12/04

Ahmad has hurt himself with his immaturity. He came to a job interview, over weight and lacking in the urgency needed to impress the scouts with his talents. I am of the opinion that the sighting of Sasquatch was false and the picture I have must have been doctored. He will drop to the second day of the draft. He has the talent. The best thing for his lazy ass would be to not draft him at all. Maybe that would embarrass him and motivate him. We all know that this will not happen. He has too much POTENIAL. He will drop to the second day of the draft.

Junior Siavii DT Oregon


Junior is a run stuffer and one of the best that’s coming out this year. He does an excellent job at stacking up the double team in the run game. Junior uses his hands very well to shed blocks and has very good lateral movement. He has nice long arms that help him to knock balls down at the line of scrimmage. You will need a Hummer 2 with a wench to move this kid off the line of scrimmage. He can play in a 4/3 or a 3/4 defense.

Needs to Improve

Junior is still learning the position. There are some character issues that have been raised about him. If what I read is true and that’s all there is to the story, I don’t think it is a big concern.

Bottom Line

Junior is the type of kid you build your defensive line around. He has natural strength and as long as he keeps his weight in check, he will learn the techniques needed for his position and dominate. I will never understand why this type of player is rated so low by the scouts in the NFL. When DT’s dominate, the entire defense benefits from it. Pass rushers don’t get double teamed, LB’s have the freedom of not worrying about the run, which gives them more time to freelance, QB’s have less time in the pocket so DB’s need less time to stay with the WR’s, I could go on and on. The fact is, that when you have one or two guys on the D-line that cannot be handled unless they’re doubled teamed, you have the start of a pressure, turnover-creating defense. That is a fact! So why do the scouts rate a run stuffing, double-teaming DT as a 3rd, 4th or 5th round pick? It is beyond me! You would think the playoffs and the Super bowl are proof of the worth of this type of player.

Donnell Washington DT Clemson


Donnell is bigger than the average in size for his position. He is faster than the average in speed for his position. He is as quick as the average D-lineman. Donnell can get across the line of scrimmage in the 1-gap defense, but has played mostly in a 2-gap defense. He has tremendous upside POTENTIAL.

Needs to Improve

Donnell is a junior. He might have been a top fifteen pick if he had stayed in for one more year. He needs to learn the NFL techniques for his position.

Bottom Line

Donnell is being impatient and my guess is that some agent got a hold of him and told him that playing in a 2-gap defense at Clemson would not get him noticed. No sacks, no money. To be honest with you, the agent just might have been right. We all have a tendency to overlook the obvious. As long as this kid was not on ESPN, he was going to be under the radar, so he might as well come out now and get the money a year earlier. When this kid is done with the combines, I feel he will move up to that latter part of the first round for these reasons. Size, speed, need. He is very athletic for any size player. He might just wind up running a 5.0 in the forty. The need of the teams at the end of the first round that lost in the playoffs because they could not stop the run lead me to think he could move up also. In the second round you have to take a chance on him early. If you are an O-lineman in the NFL and you have to go up against this kid in the future, go and buy yourself a Hemi pickup truck. That is the only you are going to move this kid around the field. You are definitely going to need a Hemi…definitely!

Tim Anderson DT Ohio St


Tim has good size and strength for his position. He is a 1gap-2gap DT. He has good lateral movement and strength in the running game and is very quick in the passing game. He is across the line and in the backfield more times than an old man with a prostate problem visits the bathroom.

Needs to Improve

Tim has to tie the scouts down to a chair and tell them to stop looking at Will Smith and Darion Scott. The real leader of the D-line is Tim (Tool Man) Anderson.

Bottom Line

Tim has all the tools of the trade. He has all the pass-rush moves and he stands strong at the point of attack. He is smart and is a leader. He is a slave to the game plan. The coaches will love this kid. In the 4th quarter, he will rise above the rest of his fellow players and make the big play. Tim is not flashy. He is just good. This draft has some very good DT's in it. Tim, in any other draft, would be a 1st rounder but in this draft, he

falls to the second round. Not flashy enough. Some team is going to get themselves one hell of a player- a core player, a team player, a professional. There is no reason for a scout to overlook a player the quality of Tim unless he got kicked in the head by a mule. Tim (Tool Man) Anderson brings all his tools when he goes to work.

Matthias Askew DT Michigan St


Matt is very big and very strong for his position. He has been overpowering his opponents. He has good techniques at the college level and uses his hands well. He understands his job and shows leadership skills with his play on the field. He will be a good teammate and, at the least, a core player. This kid has tremendous upside to his future.

Needs to Improve

Right now, Matt guesses a lot. It just so happens he guesses right most of the time. He should stay in another year. If he did stay another year, he would be a top 15 pick in next year’s draft.

Bottom Line

I am positive that as we get closer to the draft, this kid will get closer to the first round. He is just a mountain of a kid with room to grow and has new purpose in his personal life to be successful. Matt has a lot of things to learn yet about the game. He plays too high right now and in the pros, that is a big mistake. At the snap, he stands up to see into the backfield to react. It will take him a year or two to break this habit, but when he does, he will dominate in both phases of the game. Right now, he tries to do too much for his team. The reason for this is to impress scouts with his stats. This is not a bad thing, but it does lead to bad habits in his techniques that will have to be corrected for the NFL. Matt’s athleticism for a kid his size is outstanding and the closer we get to the draft, the more the scouts will not be able to deny this. Remember the draft is about trying to project a player’s potential in the NFL, not his play in college. Matt has improved every year. Add that to his size and athleticism and you have to project him as a POTENTIAL stud DT in the NFL.

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