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Cross burned infront of Black minister's house


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no comment. No f**ckin comment. :mad:


Cross Burned at Black Man's Home in Wash.

ARLINGTON, Wash. (AP) - A cross was burned on the front lawn of a black minister in the middle of the night following threats to his son at school.

The 3-by-5-foot cross held together with duct tape was discovered about 2 a.m. Wednesday, Police Chief John L. Gray said. Firefighters doused the flames.

Besides canvassing the neighborhood and increasing patrols there, police sent pieces of the cross to a State Patrol crime laboratory for testing.

``We want to hold the offenders accountable and send them the direct message that this is intolerable,'' Gray said.

The Rev. Jason Martin, 38, pastor of a Pentecostal congregation in Marysville, said he moved into the neighborhood with his wife and six children 17 months ago. He said he wasn't afraid, but ``I'm very concerned for my children.''

Last year, he said, a student at Arlington High School threatened one of his sons by saying he would blow up the family's house, and last week someone deliberately drove a car over the lawn.

``I think it's because of race,'' he said. ``We're one of the only black families in this community.''

According to the 2000 census, slightly more than 1 percent of Arlington's 12,000 residents are black.

High school teachers met to discuss the cross burning Wednesday, and students signed a poster in support of the family.

03/25/04 08:58

© Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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Sigh. Just have to keep in mind that this is a rare circumstance these days, ( compared to years past), and that things are indeed moving forward. Hard as that may be right about now in reading that. Sigh. Sometimes, people are stupid till proven otherwise.


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It's unfortunate but why is it when black cops left a white dude in a bad neighborhood and his charred body was found later no one posted that?

I'm not going to post all the times I was in Philly and white or Asian women were yelled at for brushing by someone(because of race.) Or the times I had things said or thrown at me or my girlfriend at the time. I was even assaulted on a trolley one time. No one did anything, of course, despite the fact the thing was crowded and I was a 7th grader and these cats were much bigger than me.

Sorry, this is terrible but it's no MORE terrible than what happens to other people, it might be less if nothing comes of it.

I apologize if it seems as if I'm dismissing this incident, it's just that I find it interesting what's newsworthy and reinforces an image of one group as victims and others as victimizers.

Hell, for all that, what about the black kids that were getting beaten up by Mexican students in Cali?

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Originally posted by Ghost- Daquarium Simpkins


It's unfortunate but why is it when black cops left a white dude in a bad neighborhood and his charred body was found later no one posted that?

I'm not going to post all the times I was in Philly and white or Asian women were yelled at for brushing by someone(because of race.) Or the times I had things said or thrown at me or my girlfriend at the time. I was even assaulted on a trolley one time. No one did anything, of course, despite the fact the thing was crowded and I was a 7th grader and these cats were much bigger than me.

Sorry, this is terrible but it's no MORE terrible than what happens to other people, it might be less if nothing comes of it.

I haven't even heard about it. If i did, i'd post it in a heart beat. We can't expect things to be fair. Fair doesn't exist. If you want somethin to be fair, you have to go and make it fair. We may be created equal, but as long as we are human, we will never all treat each other equally. Right or wrong, we're still all human. It still makes me sick to my stomach though. :puke:

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