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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to begin on Spike TV starting April 5th


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As you can see by the title of the thread, starting on April 5th, Spike TV will begin to show reruns of Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

And for those if you who are thinking, "GEEK!", this is for you

:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:


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I disagree strongly. Though it took time to gather steam, the characters were much more well-drawn on DS9 than TNG. Now, understand, Data and the like are more ENJOYABLE characters, but the writing and PC sermonizing was kept to a minimum on the show. Well, except for that one episode where they're back in time in San Fran--you know the one, TC.

But the Dominion War, the intrigue, the blurring of the moral/ethical line because of necessity, exploration of the characters made DS9 second only(in its best seasons) to the original, IMO.

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You may be right and that I didn't give it a chancr to build up the steam. I watched is for awhile and just couldn't get into the plot.

Maybe I'll give her another twirl and see what happens...

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The key may be gritting your teeth for some of the early episodes(seaons 1 and 2) just to get a sketch of the characters and then start watching when they hit season 3 and beyond. THEN it gets a lot more interesting.

See, the show was at first supposed to be like a Western. DS9 was a frontier outpost, the Bajorans were "spiritual" but also kind of naive and nothing on the damn station worked and "justice" was somewhat elusive.

Over time, elements of this would remain but they'd introduce characters, culture or stories that were more compelling. One of the best is Sisko's son, played by Tony Todd, as an older man trying to bring his father back.

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Originally posted by TC4

As you can see by the title of the thread, starting on April 5th, Spike TV will begin to show reruns of Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

And for those if you who are thinking, "GEEK!", this is for you

:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:


We're big enough to take a few insults but when the moon is full...lock on to that shiny heiny and fire all phasers.

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I'm an original series fan and never much liked TNG (What a bunch of wussies - substituting p for the w is a more accurate description). DS9 is easily the best of the new Star Treks if you can get by the first two seasons. They essentially tried to correct a lot of the cypto-socialist crap TNG tried to foist on the Federation story line (bringing back money, capitalism and even religion) . They definately had more interesting characters, GARIK is the best. Can you imagine a major character from TNG who's first option is to vaporize his enemies? Additionally, I think it is the only Trek series that had major fleet battles shown. Also what other series had a two year storyline based on a full blown war (TNG would have tried to attempt peaceful negotiations every time an Dominion ship came into view - in DS9 the federation ships would just blow it out of space). Yeah, I'm more into action in my preferences, but then I'm a guy. TNG was chick series.

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Enterprise except for the Vulcan hottie sucks plus it comes on during Smallville.

DS9 reminds me of this other series that was on sci fi like forever til it was replaced with that earth final conflict

I'll probably pass on it though I still can watch voyager for 7 of 9 til the weather allows for the missus to show off her old/new figure :tongue:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Enterprise except for the Vulcan hottie sucks plus it comes on during Smallville.

DS9 reminds me of this other series that was on sci fi like forever til it was replaced with that earth final conflict

I'll probably pass on it though I still can watch voyager for 7 of 9 til the weather allows for the missus to show off her old/new figure :tongue:

Well Dave, if I am not mistaken, Star Trek:Voyager will premere on Spike TV in 2007

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Voyager is TERRIBLE. Only Tuvok is worth a damn as a character.

They re-inserted the suicidal level of PC-ness and "negotiation" and it does NOT help a show for the ship to be so far out of the reach of the Federation and the rest of the "world" so to speak.

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I liked DS9 a lot, but, as many mentioned, it took it a few seasons to really get going. But by the last season it was a very good show, with well developed characters, grittiness, and lots of good action.

Babylon 5, another fantastic show, also took until the third season to really start becoming good. I thought it was interesting that DS9 started depicting large battles shortly after Babylon 5 had huge, gorgeous battles. The Dominion, war, though, was very neat, though I felt it came to a rather sudden conclusion.

It will be good to see DS9 again. For me, Star Trek is like pizza, even when it's "bad," it's still pretty good. :-)

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The thing about Sisko is that he grew on me. I still scratch my head at Avery Brooks breathy voice on that show, but he's worlds better than that skank Janeway.

Odo, Kira(smokin--what a little butt she had on her, eh!?) and even the Ferengi began to show great depth.

BTW, what a ridiculous idea the writers thought when they made the Ferengi the chief "enemy" of the Federation. That ain't last long.

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