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NFL total access- Pat Kirwan on the Lavar contracet dispute


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Pat Kirwan said that he has reviewed the contract and everything seems to be in order. Each page was signed by Poston and the Skins and Lavar, Poston, and the skins all signed on the dotted line. Arrington is disputeing that a 6.5 million dollar roster bonus due in 2005 is missing.

Kirwan also said that he does not understand why these players are keeping their agents ( Owens, Northcutt, and Arrington) when they have cost them Millions of dollars. Im sure everyone is up to date on this situation but i wanted to post this because its the first i had heard anyone say that it was Postons fault and not try to hint at any Skins wrong dueing.

Kirwan also said that the Skins are not in salary cap hell come 06-07 because Snyder has the cash to get players and the team is stocked with young talent that is under contract for years to come. All the players that Snyder has signed can play the contracts out and with the annual rise in the cap we are fine due to Snyder owning the stadium the team has crazy cash flow and a owner that likes to put money back in the team.

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this is great news, but some on the board have said this countless times. im glad a reporter finally steps up and does the same. you get into cap hell when you sign players that are old and will not fulfill their contracts or those that get injured, dont perform ala Trotter, but it remains to be seen what happens to him. I was never for that signing, but I really hope he does well this year as a Skin.

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Check back in 2006. My guess is the Redskins will have once again fallen into the salary cap mess they just climbed out of about two years ago; that same mess the Cowboys needed two years to climb out of after the premature retirements of such guys as Michael Irvin, Troy Aikman, Daryl Johnston, Mark Stepnoski, among others, and also realizing they no longer could afford to pay Deion Sanders. That $24 million of dead money still fresh in your minds?

Well, lookee here. Brunell is 34. You think he's playing seven years? Accelerated signing bonus will be on the way in three years. Springs is 29. You think he'll see the end of his six-year deal? Not a lot of 35-year-old corners excelling in this league. Daniels is 31. No way he plays another five seasons. Griffin's a six-year deal. He has a shot. He's only 27.

And really, Portis is the only other of these free-agents with a legit shot at finishing out his contract. He's only 22. He'll be 30 in eight years.

Joe Gibbs, you've got two years, three at the most to win big. Otherwise . . . .

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Don't be lazy and just guess. What will be the Cap hit for Brunell, Daniels, Springs if they are to be terminated early. Figure it out, then post your opinion with some facts niot a BS guess

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I don't care what team you are talking about, it is possible with just a few bad contracts to wind up in cap hades. Even contracts that seem logical and fair at the time might wind up to be severe baggage for a player that turns out to be a back up player.

With that written, It is way too early to start yelling about cap hades. We don't know how large the cap will be in 2006. The cap grew larger this year than was expected. We can make educated guesses, but ultimately that is all they are...guesses.

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Originally posted by Soonerz

I don't care what team you are talking about, it is possible with just a few bad contracts to wind up in cap hades. Even contracts that seem logical and fair at the time might wind up to be severe baggage for a player that turns out to be a back up player.

With that written, It is way too early to start yelling about cap hades. We don't know how large the cap will be in 2006. The cap grew larger this year than was expected. We can make educated guesses, but ultimately that is all they are...guesses.

Well said, everybody in the world keeps having this Salary cap hell to come like it's the friggin plague or something.

Let it play out first.

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Originally posted by SB33


Don't be lazy and just guess. What will be the Cap hit for Brunell, Daniels, Springs if they are to be terminated early. Figure it out, then post your opinion with some facts niot a BS guess

The Redskins have acquired five players for contracts totaling $168 million. But disregard that number for now. Hollow, I tell you.

The key number is $47 million(but sure to climb higher): That is the amount Danny Boy paid in signing bonuses. That's cash money out of his pocket. Today. That's how he massages the cap. Today. Remember, he is young. Danny is but 37 - from that plastic generation of living for today and worrying about tomorrow next month.

Now then. The Redskins had like $11 million of cap room on March 1. When they traded Champ Bailey, that lopped off his $6.8 million franchise tag. Add another $6.8 million in.

So then, he signs Shawn Springs to a six-year, $30 million deal that includes a $10 million signing bonus. But for cap purposes, you prorate the signing bonus over the life of the contract. So Springs' cap figure then for 2004 is $1.666 million plus his base salary. I'd imagine after handing a guy $10 million this year, his base salary is minimum. So Springs counts about $2.5 million.

Just go down the line: Portis' eight-year deal included a $17 million signing bonus. So for the first year, he's probably counting about the same. Brunell? Well, his deal is seven years and his signing bonus is $8.6 million. So that's $1.22 million a year plus his base salary. He'll probably count $2 million. This year. Griffin's prorated signing bonus is $1.33 million. Again, probably no more than a $2 million cap charge. And Daniels, ah, a relative bargain, with a $3 million bonus spread over five years. Probably counting less than $2 million.

So if you add up only the cap charges, assuming most of these guys are playing for minimum base salaries after pocketing such largess for bonuses, that means those five cap charges probably are just less than $11 million.

Hey, he has room to buy even more, especially since Washington has only three draft choices left.

So where's the catch?

Glad you asked.

Check back in 2006. My guess is the Redskins will have once again fallen into the salary cap mess they just climbed out of about two years ago; that same mess the Cowboys needed two years to climb out of after the premature retirements of such guys as Michael Irvin, Troy Aikman, Daryl Johnston, Mark Stepnoski, among others, and also realizing they no longer could afford to pay Deion Sanders. That $24 million of dead money still fresh in your minds?

Well, lookee here. Brunell is 34. You think he's playing seven years? Accelerated signing bonus will be on the way in three years. Springs is 29. You think he'll see the end of his six-year deal? Not a lot of 35-year-old corners excelling in this league. Daniels is 31. No way he plays another five seasons. Griffin's a six-year deal. He has a shot. He's only 27.

And really, Portis is the only other of these free-agents with a legit shot at finishing out his contract. He's only 22. He'll be 30 in eight years.

Joe Gibbs, you've got two years, three at the most to win big. Otherwise . . . .

The Redskins, they are dancing with the devil once again.

Oh, and one more: $66 million worth of signing bonuses were paid to eight players to change teams in free agency, the most going to wide receiver Laveranues Coles ($13 million), Peerless Price ($10 million) and Kyle Turley ($10 million). None of those eight teams won a playoff game.

So yes, we all saw what the Redskins did on Wednesday.

By this time, 2006, we'll know what they've done.

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What salary cap mess were they in two years ago? If that was cap hell, then it's vastly overrated.

Portis' signing bonus was $11.5M. Check your facts.

As you said, you're just guessing about it. You don't have any facts to substantiate your claim that the team will have a cap mess in 2006 - it's just conjecture on your part. Just as it's conjecture on the part of others here to say that everything is fine.

Yet your analysis flies in the face of a couple of things. One, you have this piece from Kirwan. I'm not saying he is the end-all and be-all authority, but he apparently does have access to the contracts AND he used to do it for a living. Apparently, he believes that what the Redskins are doing is sustainable and provides solid reasoning as to why that is so. I take him as having more authority than you. Also, Gibbs has gone on record as saying that he believes that the numbers DO, in fact, crunch. I realize that you're probably smarter about this than Gibbs, but I gotta believe that Gibbs is the kind of guy to want to know this information, IN DETAIL, before going ahead with it.

Of course, you're thinking "Of course Gibbs is going to say that for public consumption, but he's a short-timer and will be gone by 2006." That's possible, I suppose, but you have no way of knowing that, or proving it. I know that Gibbs has said that he intends to coach the duration of his contract. I would take him as a higher authority on that matter than you.

As SB33 said, this is just BS guessing on your part. You haven't provided any real analysis of EXACTLY how these signings will cripple the Redskins. Naturally, if a bunch need to be released at once, that could be a problem. What makes you believe that to be the case? Again, post facts, not guesses and allusions to an old Dallas Cowboys team.

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