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Originally posted by codeorama

Sad to say, but that may happen regardless of gay marriages or not.

Insurance is the biggest rip off in the history of the US.

This is so true. I've seen and witnessed the heartburn that people are having with insurance companies after a natural

disaster like Hurricane Isabel.

Regardless of courts decision on gay marriages, the insurance

companies may have a greater impact.

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Originally posted by Predicto

And there is actually a lot of homosexuality in nature, especially among the higher animals. The chimpanzees, who are our closest biological neighbors, are positively pervy.

Homosexuality is a crime against nature itself. Homosexuality does not perpetuate the species and therefore cannot be considered a natural act. Just because it happens in nature doesn't necessarily mean it's natural or right.

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Ok here's my POV.

I don't like the overly political leftist gays. I don't like leftists in general, but it seems in contradiction of their stated aims of "equal rights" gays like to equate their struggles with blacks or other ethnic groups. They ain't.

I am disgusted that the gay men in San Francisco during the AIDS outbreak were more concerned with keeping the bathouses open than serving their own community wisely. I am disgusted by gay activist groups that throw condoms on Catholic bishops.

While anyone is capable of anonymous and promiscuous sex, it ain't heteros that populate the rest stops and parks of this country. And you can bring up prostitution for straights, but gays have that too, so we head back to that.

Now all that said, I don't think all gays are rest-stop tricking, boy-molesting, flaming homers.

I think government needs to get out of the marriage business.

But gays should also realize there is no "right" to marriage. You have a right to life(except in the eyes of NOW lol,) right to think as you wish and express opinions and worship as you will and be secure in your person and possessions. You do not have a "right" to create a legal fiction between you and another person.

I think people should be free to contract with one another and they can go to a church or whoever and call it whatever they want. But we do need to draw a line, is bigamy and polygamy next?

And how will that work when it comes to child support, division of assets, etc?

I know it would kill romance, but maybe people need to draw up elaborate contracts prior to marriage and THAT will determine such things.

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I know a lot of gay people and they are just people. Some are aholes, some are great human beings. They're pretty much the same as everybody else, except for one insignificant aspect. If they want to marry, why stop them? It does no harm to society.

As far as traditional religious objections (which, in my opinion, envelope most moral objections to homosexuality as well), first of all, in religion one should be more concerned with their own behavior than that of others. Live and let live. Second, there is a principle of separation of church and state in this country. Give Caesar what is Caesar's. The state has no objection to gay marriage outside of religious objections which have no place in our law. Let these poor people be and let them marry.

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Originally posted by spm

Second, there is a principle of separation of church and state in this country. Give Caesar what is Caesar's. The state has no objection to gay marriage outside of religious objections which have no place in our law. Let these poor people be and let them marry.

Show me where it says there is a separation of church and state.

Our law was founded on Judeo Christian principles, BTW.

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Originally posted by codeorama

No doubt, I mentioned this on another thread, anyone that has been around dogs knows that they are omnisexual.... they'll hump anything regardless of sex.

Code however they are humping because that is form of play for the dog when they are younger. As they get older then they will hump to created litters.

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Originally posted by OaktonSkinsFan

Homosexuality is a crime against nature itself. Homosexuality does not perpetuate the species and therefore cannot be considered a natural act. Just because it happens in nature doesn't necessarily mean it's natural or right.

Yet another nugget of [ir]rationale from OSF. Your last statement in nothing short of an oxymoron. If it happens in nature, it is natural.

Homosexuality in nature is anything but a crime. If you subscribe to Darwinism, it would hold that since homosexuals do not reproduce, over time that trait would become extinct thereby eliminating homosexuals in nature. Yet that has never come to pass. By estimates, homosexuals continue to compromise about 10% of the population of just about every bioligical species on earth. In fact, nature perpetuates homosexuality and by definition, that is natural.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Code however they are humping because that is form of play for the dog when they are younger. As they get older then they will hump to created litters.

I disagree....

I have asked my vet as well because there is one situation that my older dog will always hump the younger one. When they get into my bronco, the younger one jumps right in, the older one needs help because the jump is too high. After he gets into the car, he will immediately go after the younger one and hump him. I asked my vet about it a while back and she said it was about showing who is in charge. The younger one is submissive to the older one, but the younger one is capable of jumping in the car without help, the older one shows the younger that he is still the boss regardless.

It makes sense to me. It relates to prison sex too. The prisoners are not all gay, it's more about control and showing who the boss is.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I disagree....

I have asked my vet as well because there is one situation that my older dog will always hump the younger one.

True but you asked one vet right?? I have talked to mulitple trainers and vets and the majority say dogs hump is a form of play. It is not always a sexual thing.

By the way how many vets do you have?? The reason I ask it is always good to have more then one depending on what needs to be done.

Does anyone smoke in your house ;)

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Originally posted by jbooma

True but you asked one vet right?? I have talked to mulitple trainers and vets and the majority say dogs hump is a form of play. It is not always a sexual thing.

By the way how many vets do you have?? The reason I ask it is always good to have more then one depending on what needs to be done.

Does anyone smoke in your house ;)

No smoking in my house...LOL.

I only have one vet because I have never had a problem or needed a second opinion, they have always done a great job.

There are 3 people in that office that will see either of my dogs on any given appointment. But I have had in the past 10 years about 5 different individuals at that office see my dogs.

BTW, the younger one is WAY more playful. Yet he has NEVER attemped to hump Cody, the older one. Murphy is submissive to Cody, he will laydown on his back in front of him. Cody is for the most part, not interested in other dogs, he only likes to play with a tennis ball.

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Originally posted by codeorama

It makes sense to me. It relates to prison sex too. The prisoners are not all gay, it's more about control and showing who the boss is.

The reason prisoners have sex with one another is to get off. It is as simple as that. They way they show control or power is by beating each other up. The other reason is it is human nature to not want to be alone.

What people don't know is you don't have to be gay to have sex with the same kind. Look at women. Many women pleasure one another, but are they gay?? No

I know men who are not gay but go that way because they are accpeted more and turned off emotionally not physically by women.

What I would like to know is being gay natural? What I mean is why do you only see people tend to to turn gay in their teens or later. If you are born gay wouldn't you show gay traits all throughout your development?

Some doctors thing what turns people gay is their environment, being molested, bad house, growing up with no father figure, etc....

It is a very interesting debate that know one knows about. Some of my friends who are gay didn't realize it to when they were older, why is that??

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Originally posted by codeorama

BTW, the younger one is WAY more playful. Yet he has NEVER attemped to hump Cody, the older one. Murphy is submissive to Cody, he will laydown on his back in front of him. Cody is for the most part, not interested in other dogs, he only likes to play with a tennis ball.

Code are both of your dogs fixed??

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Originally posted by jbooma

The reason prisoners have sex with one another is to get off. It is as simple as that. They way they show control or power is by beating each other up. The other reason is it is human nature to not want to be alone.

What people don't know is you don't have to be gay to have sex with the same kind. Look at women. Many women pleasure one another, but are they gay?? No

Honestly, booma ... where the heck do you get this stuff?

The take on prisoners goes against practically every single thing ever written or discussed on the subject by people who study it. Don't believe me? Do some research, brother, any research ... please.

And the part of about "many women pleasuring one another" is just .. well ... confusing. What's your point? And while we're at it, how many is "many?" And how do you figure those "numbers" compare to MALE numbers? And what's your definition of "gay," anyway?

Sorry to jump your case here, but sometimes I just can't tell when you're being serious and when you're not. This post just has me scratching my head.

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Originally posted by Om

Honestly, booma ... where the heck do you get this stuff?

The take on prisoners goes against practically every single thing ever written or discussed on the subject by people who study it. Don't believe me? Do some research, brother, any research ... please.

Om, I have first hand knowledge I work in the organization that runs one of the biggest county jails in the US. Now I am not saying this is the only reason it happens, but this is a big reason. The show "Oz" on HBO is so far from the truth sometimes that it affects what people think.

There is truth to the psychological beating it puts on another man as well.

The point about women is if two straight women have sex then are they gay?? Then why is it always if two staight men have sex does it mean they are gay?? You don't have to be gay to have sex with the same kind that is all I was saying.

Now you might be a little wierd and confused but that is a different problem :laugh:

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Om the only reason all these reports are done anyway is to squeeze more money for the prinsoners. We do it all the time to try and get more money put in the jail system.

Honestly some of these jails and prisons are far from as bad as we portray it.

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Oh come on, brother. Don't wiggle.

Show me ANYTHING you use in your work that supports the contention that forced sex in male prisons is more about -- as you put it -- "getting off" than it is about control.

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Originally posted by Om

Oh come on, brother. Don't wiggle.

Show me ANYTHING you use in your work that supports the contention that forced sex in male prisons is more about -- as you put it -- "getting off" than it is about control.

I can't show you anything but have heard while working here. I communicate with many guards all the time.

You also have to take in consideration the jail, prison, etc... how many years each have etc...

There are so many factors. My main point in this was men don't have to be gay to have sex with one another, for what ever reason they do it.

I can bring you down here an you can see for yourself if you like, but don't think you would like that :cool:

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Om the other thing is don't believe all these reports and research done on jails. There is a reason why all this happens and doesn't have to do with specific needs but political purposes. TV loves to put jails and prison on Dateline and other such shows because the public is so interested about what goes on behind bars. They make it look very good on TV but are lying the entire time. It is pretty sad if you think about it. When we do have great things to say about the jails they don't want to tape it then.

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