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Bruce's Latest Comments.....................


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Bruce Smith on what has been happening with the Redskins from Sportsline. It seems he contradicts himself by saying he wants to make sure he understands what's expected at the same time he is railing against the system he claims he doesn't full understand.

There's has definitely been a breakdown of communication," defensive end Smith said. "And what we're trying to do is bridge that gap. We're trying to make sure everyone's on the same page, make sure we have a clear understanding what's expected, try and influence him to treat us like men and not like some teen-agers that are delinquent or something like that."rolleyes.gif

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You know, after you've gone through kiddie leagues, parks 'n rec football, middle school football, high school football, college football and the pros for over a decade you ought to have some clue as to what's expected of the defensive end position. Or is Bruce speaking on behalf of others?

Is the WCO so alien that WRs have trouble grasping the concept that when the ball is propelled toward them, they - at least in theory - should attempt to grasp the ball with two hands and hold on? Are DTs having difficulty with the concept that one should attempt to arrest the forward progress of the person carrying the ball? In a WCO, do the offensive linemen do something other than block?

I think 'the system' is getting an enormous amount of blame.

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Bruce Smith has spoken about how Dick Vermeil's comments were unprofessional.

the fact is that Bruce's own comments belie his own sense of professionalism and his perceived role as a team leader.

when asked if Marty has lost elements of this team, Bruce said "I don't want to answer that" which of course leads one to the conclusion that there is merit to the assertion.

In the above quote, he continues to slap the coach behind his back instead of trying to bring the team together.

Marty has not come out and singled out any players for their poor performances. He even went as far as to assert that he didn't feel the team had quit on Sunday, which it obviously had.

In return, Bruce Smith can't even go the extra mile in toning down the rhetoric about how he felt he was treated two months ago in training camp.

That isn't going to get anyone ready to play the Giants.

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Time for a "Bull Durham" speech:

"THIS is a simple game.

You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you tackle the man with the ball.

You guys lollygag to the line. You lollygag to the huddle. You lollygag during the plays. You know what that makes you ...?


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I think I know what Bruce is going through when I see the old devoted steel mill worker, coal miner worker with black lung or the assembly line worker at the automotive plants in America.

He has now reached the age of "mandatory" retirement and wants to cry his heart out. He has been in many battles, scared, dusted, and riddin' through the ashes of time. His brow is thick, his speech less perkier, and yes is more ANIMATED in his pain to the truth.

He has reached the one thing he dreaded, because he really knows nothing else. The mere thought of sitting on a porch rocking back and forth with a corn pipe, disgusses him.

"Ha, now way, I am tough enough and, and, while I'll show them youngen's a thing a' two about toughness, I'll,,,ow, oh that hurts!" "Hey OLD MAN, Wake Up!, Wake UP!"

"I'll, huh"

"Old Man, you been talking in your sleep again, aint you?"

"Yeah, Old Man, when you retire, or are you scared, you'll just be a memory?"

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It seems to me that Bruce should be quiet, if for no other reason, he isn't 1/8 of the player he was just a few years ago. Simply put, he can't walk-the-walk anymore. But he's not at a loss for talking, it seems.

Last week, I thought about Randy White when I saw Bruce (after the first quarter). Randy was being pushed around by our replacement players; they were calling him granmaw late in the game. Bruce reminded me of him. Sad.

Bruce starts with a fury, but by the second quarter, there's little left. He often gets pushed inside on outside plays, gets trapped and isn't much of a factor. But, the sad thing is, he's the best end we now have even when he's got his tongue hanging (not wagging).

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Bruce is starting to bring to mind an article written a few years ago by Tony K. While I usually don't like Tony K's articles, I remember a line he said about then Wizard, Webber. It went something like "I don't care how good you are, if we're losing with you, we can lose without you." There's no reason to put up with malcontents on a losing team. Keeping them isn't getting you victories. So start over with people who want to play in your system.

We're 0-3 and getting outscored a billion to 16. Can somebody tell me getting rid of Bruce Smith will have an adverse effect on our record or performance? I realise we might not be able to for salary cap reasons, but we can certainly institute a Deon seat for him, you know a seat far away from all other players on the sideline. The really sad thing is if anybody booed him, he would think the fans were just chanting his name again. Ah well...

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on one play,mid 3rd qtr(KC),lang lines up @DT next to bruce..the chiefs have a breakdown and lang quickly gets into the backfield and makes a play..on that same play,smith is accounted for by gonzalez..they engage and smith can't shake him and near the end of the play gonzo throws him to the ground!!..whoa

i remember something bill parcells said:,"there's no shame in not wanting to hit somebody anymore"..or something close to that effect..and that's where bruce is,yet,is unaccepting of it..i reckon we could ask the football gods for some devine interventionsmile.gif..certainly bruce is enjoying some when one considers his committment,his performance,his future and his attitude,yet,still starts for us..?

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Smith doesn't want to hit anymore HERE. He just doesn't want to walk away on his own. He wants the Redskins to give him a shove so he can claim it is THEIR fault.

Whether that means he retires or moves on to another team who can know?

But Smith definitely doesn't want to be a Redskin, never has and never will. He wanted to do a Ray Bourque, come here and get some cash and earn a championship on a team already tailor made to go and then work on his acceptance speech for the HOF.

And on the day he retired, even with the SB in hand, would have done a one-day contract to go out as a Bill.

So, Bruce isn't fooling anybody.

The only thing he can do now that he is in this situation is be a punk and make it as difficult as possible for Marty to succeed here.

And while Bruce is not the sole reason for the state of the team, he hasn't taken one demonstrable positive step since January to work with the new people either.

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SO.....then what the Skins should do it keep Bruce on the roster and do the PC thang saying "a experienced pro with his knowledge is very valuable to our younger players" driving him nuts. Then when he finally retires, he can't complain that the skins busted his *** in public cause it didn't happen.

So, for the future we need a DE (Lang?), a DT or two. a OG, C, QB, LB and a better FB.


<IMG SRC="http://www.blackmind.com/Phiya/movbob.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://tenaciousd.com/images/tenaciousd_002.jpg" border=0>

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no, if it were me I would release Smith and at the same time continue to work ot address some of the issues the other players brought up.

I think there is room for Marty to compromise SOME.

But Bruce Smith has made just too many public statements that have either been non-supportive of the coach or downright defamatory that I don't think his continued presence is a net positive on the field or off it.

But, I don't think Marty will cut Smith loose. As with Deion he is going to play chicken and let Smith go when it suits HIM in the offseason.

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We don't owe Smith anything. He got the money he was promised and he came here without a gun to his head.

The simple fact is he is no longer an elite player but wants to continue to be treated as if he were the Bruce Smith of 1992.

At 38, there are slim pickings for most players in the NFL, you catch on where you can and hope you stay one step ahead of the inevitable moves of the GM to find someone younger and cheaper.

That's the NFL.

If the Redskins had more than Dorian Boose at backup DE I am sure Smith wouldn't be here right now.

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Bust his nutslaugh.gif

Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce has NOT made a play this season.

He is resting on his laurels and hoping dummies like you and me can't see him slackin' like a ...........

Let's face it. He knows the Skins aren't gonna go to the big dance, so what's he got left?

The sack title, which Reggie owns at this moment in timefrown.gif

Now what's a poor ole guy like BruUUUUUUUuuuce gonna do in the meantime, work? God forbid!

If he had utilized his talent at the fullest, he would have passed Reggie two years agolaugh.gif

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I hate to bring on the bash, and yes it hurts, but since he's sh**ing on the team, I might as well fire back, cause it don't look good...

If he can't do diddly against the first three team's O line, what the frick is he going to do against..

Denver, Giants twice, Philly twice, Arizona twice, Oakland

IMO if I were in his theatre, I'd say, "the balcony is now closed"

Hang it up Bruce.

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