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Where does Tim Hasselback fit into all this?

Commander PK

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I hope he fits into a seat next to Elisabeth at home. I like Tim and he is a good QB but I have a personal bias involving Gibran and his brother, so that's why I wanna keep Gibby as 3rd string. I talk to Gibran and his brother before (sometimes) and after games. I got to know them at camp and they are great people.

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

Well he's 3rd stringer until someone better comes along, and that aint Hamsandwich. :laugh:

Why is everyone so down on Hamden? :paranoid: Sure, he's about as green as they come, but I don't see a reason why he couldn't sit at #3.

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Originally posted by Skinsfan75

I liked Hasselback, I thought he showed a lot last year. It would be great if they did keep him as a third stringer. Ramsey is definately the better of the two, but I think for once we could have some stability at that position if they kept him:cheers:

He made Wureffel look like he had a cannon arm though :paranoid:

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True he is not a prototypical Gibb's QB......but most 3rd stringers arn't. Fact is, he may not have a cannon for an arm....but he was much cooler under pressure then Ramsey and showed far better pocket presence. Granted most of you are thinking of the game when he had a 0 passer rating....but all in all I think he played pretty well last year (at the very least showed that he belongs in this league).....I'd keep him as our third stringer in a heart beat.

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