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Skin fans need to look in the mirror


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You guys are starting to act like Cowboy and Eagle fans, freaking out over a stupid contest on foxsports. Sending emails to everyone that votes for the hall of fame. Everyone now count 1, 2, 3, 4, ............. 10

Just because we don't know the reasons behind the decisions doesn't mean you all need to start the conspiracy bandwagons.

The fox thing they might have had some application that ran right before the end to delete any multiple votes from the same computers, remember we were going against Ray Lewis fans not just Raven fans, so they would outnumber Ramsey.

About Monk, it took WR's such as Stallworth and Swann a long time to make the HOF, as it will Monk. Monk will make it but it will take time.


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Originally posted by carlsbadd

Look Booma , We have every right to be pissed. Since you post here more than most, you should know better than to ever try to compare us to Cowboys and Eagles fans!

Thems fightin' words.

I agree we have the right to be pissed but to send emails screaming at the HOF voters is a little sad, and makes us as fans look bad.

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Good lord Booma why wont you accept the fact that they could have ran their "application" only against those votes cast for Patrick. The fact of the matter is that you don't know that this didn't happen and everything FOX was doing prior to the final vote indicated that they didn't want Patrick to win.....so this was indeed not only possible but also likely.

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Originally posted by Whiskeypeet

The fact of the matter is that you don't know that this didn't happen and everything FOX was doing prior to the final vote indicated that they didn't want Patrick to win.....so this was indeed not only possible but also likely.

Whisky if they didn't want Patrick to win they wouldn't have let him pass the first round.

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Whisky if they didn't want Patrick to win they wouldn't have let him pass the first round.

Booma they had no way to judge the degree to which Skins fans were willing vote after the first round. At that point they could have assumed the volume of votes was due to the novelty of the poll or something that would pass the longer the poll lasted. For all they knew Patrick would lose to Derick Brooks in the second round.

I know you read their round by round commentary of the poll. Each discussion of a Ramsey victory wasn't cast like the victories of others. There was either mention of the Skins fans or the Patrick Ramsey fan club. They knew what we were doing so to stop us in the finals they changed the voting procedure so we couldn't do it anymore.

Anyway, your right in a sense. This is stupid. I'm not going to waste any more time thinking about it.

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It is often difficult to reason when people are emotional. I agree with you......NONE of us on here.....unless you are a FoxSports representative KNOWS how this happened. The ranting and raving and conspiracy speculations are exactly that...specculations.

If you go back to the very FIRST round, Fox stated they were going to inquire just HOW PR jumped so quickly. In the last round, I voted and when I tried to vote again, I was not allowed to do so. After I reconfigured my cookies, I could vote.

Maybe the guys at Fox cleared all the multiple votes from single IP addresses.

Ray Lewis is tough. Hard to deny that.


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52-48 Ray was the final tally at midnight Pacific. I went from 53-47 to 52-48 at about 11:25 then stayed right there.

Time to move on to the next challenge rooting for the skins in FA and the draft (much more important than Howie's "poll").

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Look you m***f&*^s you've all missed the point!!!!

How can there be justice for any one after fox f*cked Clay and rigged "Idol" for Reuben???????

If we allow fox to get away with this type of lunacy then the terrorists really have won!!!



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Look. Fox had rules in place for the contest. Those rules were that you could vote multiple times. They changed the rules with 1 hour left in the whole contest. Regardless of what methods they did, it was wrong. You don't change the stated rules of the game midway, or even worse, at the end of a contest to ensure the guy you want to win prevails.

That's for the Supreme Court of the State of Florida to do. Fortunately for us all, they were stopped. No one is here to stop Fox.

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Originally posted by KevinMac

Look. Fox had rules in place for the contest. Those rules were that you could vote multiple times. They changed the rules with 1 hour left in the whole contest.

Interesting... If these truly were the rules, then why so many posts about how to alter your web browser in order for the Fox site to be unable to recognize you?

Look guys/gals. It's evident that many were trying to cheat in this contest. Perhaps there were more PR's fans trying to cheat than RL's fans - I don't know. The bottom line is... Fox got wise to it.

Get over it. It's not like PR needs another truck. He's got plenty of money. If he wants one, he'll go buy it.

I'm out.

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I'm not calling anything a conspiracy necessarily but there are a couple of things that need to be looked at.

1. Why wait until the END of the voting to remove all of the duplicate entries for Patrick instead of doing it all along and are we SURE duplicate entries for Lewis were deleted.

2. Why did THREE former Cowboys make the Top 10 in the HOF voting when a guy who held the NFL record for receptions when he retired couldn't?

CONSPIRACY? Perhaps not but VERY fishy nonetheless.

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Originally posted by Jimbo

2. Why did THREE former Cowboys make the Top 10 in the HOF voting when a guy who held the NFL record for receptions when he retired couldn't?

Bullet Bob Hayes should get in before Art Monk. As a Cowboy homer, I think Drew Pearson should too but I'll be realistic.

Ramsey never should have won the Tough Guy award, he didn't deserve it although he has my respect for the beating he took. If the Skins didn't have clueless Spurrier in charge, Ramsey never would have been in the voting.

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