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What The F??? The Fix Is In!

Even Madder

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WTF, I saw it too, 10 point swing in a minute or so. That is so BS. Unless they periodically remove duplicate votes (or do not show all results consistently (like accumulate a bunch of votes then show them later). Still seems like BS to me.

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Has anyone considered the fact it may not be fox but in fact a ravens fan. Remember some Saints fans were looking for a program to cheat the poll, who's to say one of the ravens fans didn't find one or create their own. It's too much of a coincidence that this happens first against Roy and now Ramsey. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

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If there were 150,000 votes cast, which is pretty likely, then you'd need about 18,000 votes to swing it from 53-47 Ramsey to 53-47 Lewis. Not possible.

It happened in less than a minute. I was voting at the time, and at 1:47 it was 53-47 Ramsey, and the very next vote it was 53-47 Lewis.

That many votes in less than a minute would probably overwhelm their server (or, more likely, they just wouldn't get in).

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Why would a fan log all those votes at one time? If you can stuff the ballot, you'd do it a few thousand at a time, not all at once.

this isn't a ballot stuffing situation, someone has altered the numbers. Ramsey dropped over 10% in less than 15 minutes!!!!!, with the number of votes in this late in the vote, that is almost impossible to do :cuss:

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