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2 Quick Questions about this site?

Guest Xtrmskn04

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Guest Xtrmskn04

First, as I am browsing, I seem to get logged out occasionally and have to re-enter my name and password. Anyone else have this problem?

Also, I keep subscribing to theads that I post reply to. I though this was the way to then go to one page and keep up with the discussions that are going on. However, I keep getting emails everytime someone replies to one of the threads I subscribed to. My email is getting overrun. Please help? Anyway to avoid this?

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If you get like 10 e-mails for posts in the same thread, just do what I do

Delete all but one of the e-mails and click on the link in the remaining e-mail to go to the thread and then read everything after your post

VERY timesaving

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