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Punter - Darren Bennett to be a FA


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I heard Darren Bennett being interviewed on a local sports radio station this morning. For those of you unfamiliar with him, he's the Aussie who was the former Aussie rules football player who's punted for the Chargers for the last 10 years. He's a big guy and you've seen his sometimes spectacular special teams tackles on SportsCenter from time to time. He's been in the Pro Bowl and has brought a new technique - based on Aussie rules football - to punting that's been great for coffin corner punts.

Anyway, he stated flat out that he won't be resigned by the Chargers and he wants to go somewhere where he has a chance to be with a winning team. Personally, I'd love to have him, so I figured I'd throw his name in here.

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I dont like this idea, Redman, and I'll tell you why.

Bennett will be 40 by the time the 2004 season is over and we would be exchanging one old geezer for another old geezer. If you look at his punting averages, it is obvious that he is starting to slip. He is not the punter he was when he first came into the league.

The Skins are only old at two positions -- punter and OLB (Armstead)

I think we should bring in a young veteran punter like Josh Bidwell (28) of Green Bay, who will also be an UFA, or go with a young punter to develop. :)

Darren Bennett

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