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Philly Media At It Again...


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Alot of Philly fans condone the same kind of crap. Don't believe it, look back on one of their fan sites and search out the post of them making light of the death of Favre's father, I can't imagine skins fan ever doing crap like that or if they did the rest of us would rip them to shreds, not too mention I can't recall any professional paper in any other city bashing a city as nonchalantly as they did charlotte their, a reflection on that rathole of a city and their fans. :eaglesuck

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Originally posted by du7st

Ok then be pissed at the writer of the article and the newspaper. Some of your responses with equally idiotic views on Philly and its people shows that you are on the same level as this writer.

I hope you are just playing devil's advocate here. Once again I will say that fans bashing fans or fans bashing cities bears no consequence. A man of supposed "journalistic integrity" has no business writing that.


Let me add that if Wilbon or Kornheiser or anyone for that matter wrote that kind of trash in a paper around here, he would most likely be fired. I would say the same thing that I'm saying now. Just plain stupid.

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Originally posted by du7st

Ok then be pissed at the writer of the article and the newspaper.


I just don't get why this has to even be written and published. It makes no sense to me. With the already tarnished image of my fellow Eagle fans, why exacerbate the perception with article like this? It makes us all look even worse just by association.

The responses in this thread (and way too many others) prove this point. Because of this, half of the country (and all the illiterates) think that Philly fans "made light of the death of Favre' father", etc. It's just not necessary to project that image.

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Originally posted by sippin2020

I hope you are just playing devil's advocate here. Once again I will say that fans bashing fans or fans bashing cities bears no consequence. A man of supposed "journalistic integrity" has no business writing that.


Let me add that if Wilbon or Kornheiser or anyone for that matter wrote that kind of trash in a paper around here, he would most likely be fired. I would say the same thing that I'm saying now. Just plain stupid.

Who said that that writer had any "journalistic integrity" ? :)

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The writer and newspaper are not synonymous with the city of Philadelphia and its people - how hard is it for you to understand that? Responding to this editorial by trashing Philadelphia and its people is ridiculous. I don't respond to your post by saying that all people from Virginia are thickheaded because you can't understand this simple point. Do we get it now?

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Originally posted by du7st

The writer and newspaper are not synonymous with the city of Philadelphia and its people.

But to some they are.

Philly's a great place to live and work. But if you've never experienced it, the only view you get is from the city's media. In that regard, it's not a pretty picture, especially for those who take the media as all-knowing.

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I tend to agree with you Blazer with regards to Philly as a city. I spent a few days there with my wife and three kids and had a great time.

However, the perception of Philly sports fans is pretty accurate to a point regarding their behavior towards opposing fans in theie respective Philly sports venue., be it the Linc, the Vet, Wachovia Center etal.

This guy is just spitting venom because he is just a bitter little man with nothing better to do. :jerkoff:

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Originally posted by rdsknbill

This guy is just spitting venom because he is just a bitter little man with nothing better to do. :jerkoff:


It's obvious he has a mandate from his editor and the publisher. That's what I don't understand.

Yes, Philly crowds can be rough, especially if you're not in home colors. However, I think I can speak for most of my fellow fans in that if we were to witness any abuse, we would stand up to it and put an end to it. I wouldn't sit idly by and let a drunk barbarian harass someone. The few incidents of this that I saw in 10 years of going to the Vet were quickly ended by fans and/or security. That's been my experience.

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Originally posted by sippin2020


Just another reason to hate those dirtbags up North. It's one thing to have a bunch of hate-spewing fans, but when the press gets involved and bashes the whole city and population, I think that might be a tiny bit too far.

Here was my original post. Dirtbags referring to Eagles fans for the exact reason the Blazers pointed out. The media isn't helping the cause here. In fact allow me to jump on the Philly bandwagon for a moment and do some name dropping. I've been to Philly several times and had a better time haging out on South Street than I've ever had on a Friday night in Fairfax. Gotta go for the Pat's and Geno's as well. OK enough of that.

The point is that this guy has no business writing this and du7st I hope you see that but I think at this point we are arguing two different things.

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Originally posted by webpeznet

The difference is this is a response to an attack - I believe all (or most) of us here are redskins fans, and it pains us to see a city that must put everybody else down to feel superior.

I wish SOME of you would do SOME research before bashing Eagles fans.

You are all so quick to criticize without doing any research.

"A winning team, backed by losers"

"Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Remember Freddie Mitchell back in September calling out Eagles fans for their front-runner act after the 0-2 start? He was right.

I would not play football in Philadelphia for any amount of money. You just couldn't sign me.

Hear the boos raining on Donovan McNabb and the Eagles after the first quarter Sunday? No team's fans will turn on them quicker than these people. They're miserable, 87-IQ dirtbags and they don't deserve to have a championship team. Maybe that's why the NFL gods have eliminated the Eagles for 43 years.

Should've heard the malcontents phoning in on WIP around 5:30. The Eagles have played 15 minutes and almost every caller was ready to bury them.

Conversely, most fans in the South really get it. I still remember five years ago doing an NCAA tournament game in Charlotte and watching about 2,000 College of Charleston followers encourage and will their team back into what looked like a hopelessly lost first-round game against Tulsa.

As a fan, I attended a South Carolina at Georgia Tech football game back in 1988 and saw the USC fans stand and cheer their team as it emerged from the locker room -- with a 35-0 deficit. Both instances were heartening to see; they bolstered your faith in humanity.

You can't expect that sort of up-with-people vibe out of pro fans anywhere. It's a different breed. But Philly fans? Fifty percent of them remind you of a Springer audience.

Worse, they wear their conduct with pride like a badge on the shoulder. "We're tough fans from a tough city," they say.

Right. It takes a lot more toughness to hang with your team when it's playing like crap than to bail on them and moan, "Here we go again!" in a matter of the first half-hour.

Andy Reid is handling the greaseballs perfectly, by the way. Telling everyone how great the crowd was Sunday. How much he loves them. What else can he say?

Thing is, these Eagles really do deserve a title, just for themselves. No team has shown more heart, resiliency and guts throughout the season.

If they get by the Panthers and somehow find a way to top the Colts or Patriots, they should just all stay in Houston and have their parade down there for friends and family.

DAVID JONES: 717-255-8187 or djones8681@aol.com "

That is just one of the articles the Panthers media has made bashing fans of Philadelphia. There have also been others bashing the city.

See, I don't condone an article coming from either Charlotte or Philadelphia media outlets, but at LEAST recognize that this is not a one way street.

(BTW- Charlotte has a higher crime rate than Philly. So does D.C. Thought I'd throw that in there.)


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Here's another one I just found. There are more.


Link isn't working. I'll copy+paste article.

Yo, Charlotte! Wondering how to talk smack with fans from the land of cheesesteaks, boobirds and Santa Claus abuse? First you have to learn the lingo. (Hint: It works best if you use small words -- why do you think they shortened Linc and Vet?)

YO!: All-purpose greeting. Usage includes: Yo, gimme a cheesesteak. Yo, your mother's ugly. Yo, sorry you're gonna get your butt kicked by the Panthers.

IGGLES: Correct pronunciation of the team Carolina plays this weekend.

TEAM OF DESTINY: Title the Iggles believe they just wrested away from Brett Favre and the Packers.

TWENTY-YEAR DROUGHT: Not an ecological catastrophe. Refers to a lack of championship titles for any of Philadelphia's four major sports teams since the 1983 76ers.

SUPER BOWL: What the Iggles say they must reach to have a successful season.

SUREKILL: What locals call an accident-prone section of Interstate 76 known as the Schuylkill Expressway. Quote from its designer: "If you don't like it, don't drive it."

SCHUYLKILL RIVER: Described by the Sierra Club as "plagued with pollution, especially stormwater and untreated sewage."

WIRETAPS: Planted by the FBI in Mayor John Street's office and on the phones of prominent fund-raisers and municipal employees. See also: Corruption probe.

HOAGIE: What you better order in Philly instead of a "sub."

BOO: How Iggles fans celebrate a 20-yard run. Why didn't they hit that deep receiver for 45, the bums?

CHEER: How Iggles fans greeted the stretcher that carried Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin off the field with a career-ending neck injury in 1999.

DONOVAN MCNABB: Iggles quarterback, booed when he was selected in the 1999 draft because fans wanted running back Ricky Williams instead.

BOOBIRDS: Iggles fans.

SNOWBALL: Weapon of choice for boobirds. Famous past targets include then-Cowboys Coach Jimmy Johnson and Santa Claus.

BATTERIES: What boobirds throw when they don't have snow.

NEW JERSEY: Philadelphia's good side.



CHEESESTEAK: Fine cuisine.

WIT: How to order a cheesesteak, "wit" onions or "wit-out."

CHEEZ WHIZ: Popular cheesesteak topping, along with "provo" (provolone) or "pizza" (wit sauce and mozzarella).

CRACK: That thing in the Liberty Bell. (You were expecting a North Philly reference?)

THE LINC: Lincoln Financial Field, opened this season, replacing the infamous Vet (the one with a jail in the basement).

DUUUUUUUCE: Chanted when Iggles running back (and South Carolina grad) Duce Staley carries the ball. Equivalent of the Panthers "Hoooooooov" for fullback Brad Hoover.

WEST COAST OFFENSE: What the Iggles call their boring repertoire of 3-yard passes.

SYLVESTER STALLONE: Movie star that a city official once said had done more for Philly's image "than anyone since Ben Franklin."

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Famous historical guy with a gravesite where people toss away pennies. Who was it who said "a penny saved is a penny earned" anyway?

"ROCKY" STATUE: Most photographed historic object in Philly.


NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME: End of Iggles season.

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I am so biased I don't think I can argue this coherently anymore. Half of me is saying, damn Carolina did the same thing, that sucks I just got the smack laid down on me.

The other half is saying, let Carolina slide on this one, Philly does this all the time and we expect it from them.

So, I've totally screwed up my agrument and will now bow out, go home, and drink beer.

Enjoy gentlemen.

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Originally posted by sippin2020

I am so biased I don't think I can argue this coherently anymore. Half of me is saying, damn Carolina did the same thing, that sucks I just got the smack laid down on me.

The other half is saying, let Carolina slide on this one, Philly does this all the time and we expect it from them.

So, I've totally screwed up my agrument and will now bow out, go home, and drink beer.

Enjoy gentlemen.


Hey, I'm not condoning the Daily News article at all. It was classless and tasteless. However, just wanted to remind the people here that it is usually a two-way street. Some people forget that when dealing with Philadelphia. :)

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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz


Hey, I'm not condoning the Daily News article at all. It was classless and tasteless. However, just wanted to remind the people here that it is usually a two-way street. Some people forget that when dealing with Philadelphia. :)

Sometimes the press and the stereotypical fans make it very easy to forget. Especially within this division, I really have no clue what goes on outside of Dallas, Philly, and NY in the press. But those three cities are under a huge microscope.

Enjoy your Flyers game. I'm out.

:pint: :pint: :cheers:

:puke: :doh:

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Originally posted by du7st

The people and city of Philly have positives and negatives just like anywhere else. Get over yourselves.

Exactly, and this guy thinks that Philly is the greatest thing on earth!! First of all, Carolina isn't referring to a city, you moron, as you referred to in your post. Secondly, since when is it common practice to bash every opposing team, franchise, city, and state that you play week after week?

Sounds to me like this dude knew the Eagles were in for some sh!t tonight...it'd be nice to see a reply by a Charlotte journalist on the dump we know as Philadelphia!!

We are only speaking the truth!

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