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I suggest caution. It is probably not a replay but . . . .


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Two years ago Redskins fans were giddy over the hiring of the Ole Ball Coach. I have no doubt that Joe Gibbs will turn things around for you in time if the front office stays out of the way. I thought that about Spurrior, too (assuming he worked hard), but friction developed with the FO that wore away trust, the coach's authority, and his desire to hang around. Dan Snyder has not become a contented wallflower at Redskins Park for long. He will still meddle and frictions will develop. If he has grown smarter, he will not permit it to sour Gibbs. He has given Gibbs power, but he gave power to Marty, too, and just couldn't stand not being the final say-so on everything. He ran him off. I hope he has come to the realization that Jerry Jones came to: the fans are fed up with mediocrity and, though they will still root for the team in front of their TV sets, they will quit being docile CASH cows unless things change. He will listen to his pocketbook. If he has realized that, you will not be disappointed again.

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Two years ago Redskins fans were giddy over the hiring of the Ole Ball Coach. I have no doubt that Joe Gibbs will turn things around for you in time if the front office stays out of the way. I thought that about Spurrior, too (assuming he worked hard), but friction developed with the FO that wore away trust, the coach's authority, and his desire to hang around. Dan Snyder has not become a contented wallflower at Redskins Park for long. He will still meddle and frictions will develop. If he has grown smarter, he will not permit it to sour Gibbs. He has given Gibbs power, but he gave power to Marty, too, and just couldn't stand not being the final say-so on everything. He ran him off. I hope he has come to the realization that Jerry Jones came to: the fans are fed up with mediocrity and, though they will still root for the team in front of their TV sets, they will quit being docile CASH cows unless things change. He will listen to his pocketbook. If he has realized that, you will not be disappointed again.

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I don't know how old you are, but if Gibbs can co-exist for 12 years with Jack Kent Cooke, then he can certainly get through 5 with The Daniel.

And don't compare Gibbs to Marty or Spurrier. Neither one of those guys can hold Gibbs jock, especially Spurrier who had proven exactly nothing in the NFL.

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I don't know how old you are, but if Gibbs can co-exist for 12 years with Jack Kent Cooke, then he can certainly get through 5 with The Daniel.

And don't compare Gibbs to Marty or Spurrier. Neither one of those guys can hold Gibbs jock, especially Spurrier who had proven exactly nothing in the NFL.

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Yeah, and don't be so sure that Jerrah has learned anything either. If the Girlz have the year NEXT year that most people expected them to have THIS year (6-10 to 8-8) $hit could get ugly real quick.

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Yeah, and don't be so sure that Jerrah has learned anything either. If the Girlz have the year NEXT year that most people expected them to have THIS year (6-10 to 8-8) $hit could get ugly real quick.

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There is a difference in "Hope" "Faith" and "Experience" We fans had hope that Spurrier would be the answer, We also had faith that with all the money Snyder wasted on the "BIG NAME" players we would be in the playoffs again. Us fans now have another word "Gibbs" We know that based upon not only his coaching tenure, but NASCAR that he will bring the Redskins back to the promised land. Jerry Jones doesn't have the cash that Snyder does and he isn't as a shrewd business man. Yes Snyder has screwed up but I have to believe that as a business man first he will learn from Gibbs and will have the skins consistently in the race from now on.....


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There is a difference in "Hope" "Faith" and "Experience" We fans had hope that Spurrier would be the answer, We also had faith that with all the money Snyder wasted on the "BIG NAME" players we would be in the playoffs again. Us fans now have another word "Gibbs" We know that based upon not only his coaching tenure, but NASCAR that he will bring the Redskins back to the promised land. Jerry Jones doesn't have the cash that Snyder does and he isn't as a shrewd business man. Yes Snyder has screwed up but I have to believe that as a business man first he will learn from Gibbs and will have the skins consistently in the race from now on.....


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Snyder wont be messing with Gibbs. He will sit back and let him do what he does best. All Snyder will do is give Gibbs what he asked for. He has taken a bad rap and if he had let Gibbs go to Atlanta he would have been ran out of town. He was smart enough to hire him and chase Spurrier out of town. Why would he want to mess that up when he is in awe of him as the rest of us fans? All Snyder wants is to hold that trophy and he finally has a coach that can get it for him. Snyder is a fan he was hurting like the rest of us and he did something to ease the pain. I know I feel a whole lot better Redskin football and there is nothing anyone can do to change those feelings. I have 110% faith in coach Gibbs he's humble and he's a winner. No one can prevent him from doing what he does best which is put together a game plan for his team to be competitive and victorious.

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Snyder wont be messing with Gibbs. He will sit back and let him do what he does best. All Snyder will do is give Gibbs what he asked for. He has taken a bad rap and if he had let Gibbs go to Atlanta he would have been ran out of town. He was smart enough to hire him and chase Spurrier out of town. Why would he want to mess that up when he is in awe of him as the rest of us fans? All Snyder wants is to hold that trophy and he finally has a coach that can get it for him. Snyder is a fan he was hurting like the rest of us and he did something to ease the pain. I know I feel a whole lot better Redskin football and there is nothing anyone can do to change those feelings. I have 110% faith in coach Gibbs he's humble and he's a winner. No one can prevent him from doing what he does best which is put together a game plan for his team to be competitive and victorious.

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