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Maske Chat about Gibbs on the WP


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Alexandria, Va.: After seeing the Redskins struggle for over a decade despite the hype of big name people coming into the organization such as Deon Sanders, Dan Snyder, Steve Spurrier, and Bruce Smith; do you think Joe Gibbs is good enough to lead the Skins to the playoffs in 2004?

washingtonpost.com: The Return of the King (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: Joe Gibbs isn't just a big name. He's THE big name, and he's one of the five or so greatest coaches in the history of football. I wouldn't bet against him.


Sterling, Va.: Hey Mark, this has been a great couple of days hearing that Joe is coming back. The thing that has been puzzling a bit to me, has been the fact that at least two of the quotes i've heard from our star players is that they are happy but not ready to make predictions of going to the superbowl and the like. While these comments seem innocuous on the surface, the manner in which they were said, and the fact that our players seem so defeated and spent is worrisome. Do you think these guys actually have the heart to be Gibbs guys, and which current players stand out to you as Gibbs guys right of the bat?

washingtonpost.com: Players and Alumni Share the Excitement (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: The strange thing here is that the fans know Joe Gibbs a lot better than the players. Most of them aren't from this area, and most were pretty young when he last was coaching. But they will find out about him soon enough.


Denver, Colo.: Mark: Thanks for the great reporting on this one. you guys were all over this, great coverage!

I'm am a bit dumbfounded at the reverence that the national media shows towards The Tuna. If you look at their coaching statistics Gibbs leads the Tuna in all categories that matter: reg season win%, playoff win%, superbowl appearances and suberbowl victories. Gibbs coached 4 fewer seasons then Parcells but only trial his by 24 in reg season victories (even spurrier averaged 6 wins/season). What gives, why did he not seem to get the same recognition outside of the DC area??

Mark Maske: Maybe that just results from the fact that Parcells has done great things more recently than Gibbs because Gibbs was out of it. You can't go wrong with either one. Personally, I'd take Gibbs. I think you can make a case that he might be the best coach of all-time.


Los Angeles, Calif.: Mark, hello.

We're already hearing that Snyder will pay whatever it takes to get Gibbs the players he needs. But, with a hard salary cap in the NFL, how can Snyder pay more for players than other owners? Don't they all have the same limit? And, while some owners choose not to reach the limit, many do, right?

washingtonpost.com: A Real Steal at Any Price (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I've been told that if you thought the Redskins did a lot of things last offseason, forget it. This offseason will make that look like nothing.

Yes, there is a cap that is basically the same for every team. But if you're willing to spend cash like Snyder is, you can structure contracts in such a way to fit a lot under the cap. The problem is that if you do that for four or five years in a row, it can catch up with you.


New York, NY formerly Washington DC!!: Mark,

Thanks for all your hard work and coverage on this.

According to the Post...high ranking officials in the Redskins have said that Joe Gibbs will set the "complete directon of the team". However it is also being reported that there will still be a roundtable of Gibbs, Snyder and Cerrato on all player decisions.

If there comes to be another situation of Gibbs wanting one person, Cerrato wanting another...is Snyder still the tie breaker if Gibbs indeed will have total control as is being reported?

Thanks and keep up the great work.

Mark Maske: I do think there will be a roundtable and there will be discussions. But if there is a disagreement, Gibbs gets what he wants. To me, that means Cerrato does the scouting. Gibbs does the choosing. And Snyder does the negotiating and the spending.


washingtonpost.com: The Return of the King (Post, Jan. 8)


Washington, D.C.: Gibbs is back! What a New Year's present! Now that he's back, what type of offensive style can we expect given the personnel the tea currently has?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Is Back With Redskins (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I think this offensive line, without any changes, can be a very good offensive line for a Gibbs team. He needs a better tight end and a power running back, and those things can be gotten. To me, the quarterback and the receivers are good enough. You will see a team that runs the ball in a very straightforward manner, then takes its shots downfield in the passing game when it can.


Hampton, Va.: If Gibbs is team President, does that mean Cerrato reports to him? That should solve some of the conflicts in the organization, because there's no way they'll treat Gibbs like they did Snyder or Schotty... right? Please tell me I'm right?!

washingtonpost.com: A Quick Study (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I think that is exactly why Gibbs has that title.


Manhattan, New York: Hey Mark,

Joe Gibbs is a great coach, but he simply cannot turn this team around without a good running back. You hear all this talk about drafting D- Linemen, but what about RB's? I personally hope that the 'Skins will take Kevin Jones of VT. He has blistering speed, and the ability to break tackles. Whats the possibility of this happening?

Mark Maske: I think Kevin Jones is a possibility for the No. 5 pick, along with some other people. Also, remember that Cincinnati will have Corey Dillon on the trading block.


Morristown, Tenn.: How much of the current roster do you see Gibbs keeping?

Mark Maske: You always turn over 20 or so roster spots anyway, and you are constrained by the salary cap. In terms of sheer numbers, I don't see it being too much more extensive than that.


Ft. Washington, Md.: How long will it take for Joe Gibbs to assemble his coaching staff? What is the responsibilities and authorities of a Team President of a football team? Will Dan Snyder leave the football business alone for good?

Mark Maske: He has most of his staff in place already, I'm pretty sure. The team president title, to me, simply means that he will be in charge of the football side of the operation. Dan Snyder will negotiate with players' agents and do deals, but Gibbs will pick the players.


Owings, Md.: Mine is more a statement than a question. I don't know if was Snyder the business man or Snyder the desperate owner that brought Joe Gibbs back to Washington DC. My guess is that it is a mix of the two but we should all sit back and applaud him for this one, perhaps even stand up while were doing it.

For the first time since I don't know when there was a bounce in my step to pick up the paper this morning and read the sports page and find out just how this whole thing went down. For the first time since I don't know when I'll probably have a bounce again in that same trip tommorrow because I'll again look forward to reading and hearing about all that is going on in the Redskins organization.

Perhaps if I could ask a question it would be "How long do you think it will take him to turn the organization around?"

My guess would be that its already going through the players heads.Those of those players who are not ready to assume the role of professional and follow a true leader in more than just sports probably shouls start shopping today for a new team.



Mark Maske: You can go from very bad to very good overnight in the NFL these days. The Redskins now have a solid chance to do that.

I remember writing in one of these chats a few weeks back that the Redskins couldn't get good overnight with a coaching change because the few coaches who could do that--Parcells, Jimmy Johnson--weren't available. I didn't know at the time that Gibbs was an option. You certainly can do it with him.


Gaithersburg, Md.: Mr. Maske: Congratulations to you and Leonard Shapiro on your reporting -- you scooped everybody! Great work! How were you able to develop the story, when everybody else was in the dark?

Mark Maske: We got lucky that night with help from a source who is very reliable and very plugged in to another NFL coaching candidate, and told us that the Redskins were planning a major surprise and it would be Joe Gibbs. Things kind of went from there and we were able to use some other sources to pin it down. There were some nervous, anxious moments, believe me, but it was very exciting when we finally pinned it down. I grew up in this area and I know what Joe Gibbs means to people around here, so I realized the impact of this from the moment we were first told that it was going to be him. We were also scared to death of messing this story up.


Hagerstown, Md.: Mark,

How do you think Joe Gibbs offense will help

Patrick Ramsey and do you think that Coach Gibbs would maybe go with a more veteran qb.

He used to like the more veteran quarterback

and had the younger quarterbacks watching and


Mark Maske: I think a veteran quarterback is a possibility. But I also think that Ramsey has the arm and the mind to succeed in a Gibbs offense.


Clayton - Germantown, Md.: Mark,

How great is this? I mean, when I heard the news and with every article I read, I have to hold back the tears. Even as I type these words I'm getting goosebumps. With that said, Is there a chance, a teensy weensy chance, that Gibbs' return will turn sour. Just like every other big name Snyder has reached into his wallet for?


washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Is Back With Redskins (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: Certainly there is a chance that it could go bad. He was away for 11 years. He hasn't had to deal with the salary cap. He used to be able to persuade Jack Kent Cooke to overpay veteran guys to stick around as role players. He used to be able to stash young players on injured reserve with made-up injuries. But he is a great, great coach and I wouldn't bet against him.


Baltimore, Md.: Mark, you were one of the few that backup Spurrier all season, saying he was going to come back for another year, and that he never lied.

Has your opinion of him changed?

Mark Maske: Yes. Enough said on that.


Kingstowne, Va.: Any concern that Gibbs will end up like Bud Grant did in his second stint with the vikings? Remember, Grant coached the Vikes to 4 Super Bowls between 1967 and 1982. He quit, citing burnout. In 1983, Les Steckel took the Vikes to a 3-13 season. Grant returned in 1985. The Vikings went 7-9, and Grant retired for good, ignominiously. What's to prevent the same situation from playing out in DC? Thanks for a lifelong Skins fan.

Mark Maske: Yes, there is a chance. But as I said, I think Joe Gibbs is right at or near the top of the best coaches ever in this sport, so you'd have to think the odds are in his favor. Even after being away for 11 years, his system is not outdated. It's still being used around the league.

Mt. Lebanon, Pa.: What's substantially different about the Redskins this morning with Gibbs as coach than it was the day before Spurrier fell on his sword? Author's prompt: "difference" doesn't mean "distinction."

Same team. Same owner. Same sterling opponents. Same problems. Put it in a ball gown and take it to the prom, it's still the ugly sister: The Redskins.

Thanks much.

Mark Maske: Better NFL coach.

What was different about the Cowboys from the day before Parcells took the job until the day after he took it?


Washington, D.C.: Joe Gibbs has been away for so long. Marty Schottenheimer was probably the best coach the Redskins had since Gibbs left and his style of coaching was very similar to Gibbs. But the players of 2001 didn't play for Marty at first because they didn't like his old school, in-your-face disciplined approach. How are we certain the 2004 Redskins will accept Joe Gibbs approach to them?

Mark Maske: Gibbs has a light touch mixed in with his discipline, when needed. He inspires dedication and loyalty. And he is a far, far more creative and innovative coach than Marty is. He also has three more Super Bowl trophies to make players believe what he's saying.


Fairfax, Va.: I'm as excited about this as everyone else, but one

thing keeps running through my paranoid fan head

-- what if this doesn't work? This is basically the

last, best card Snyder can play. If Gibbs can't turn

the Redskins around, where do you go from there?

There's nothing to do except rebuild from the

ground up.

Mark Maske: Snyder cannot top this one, short of resurrecting Lombardi. If this didn't work, the only way left to go would be to find a young, unproven coach and try to build with and around him.


Upper Marlboro, Md.: Hey Mark,

This is like a Holiday for me. In fact I actually took off from work today. My question is, why is every talking about how Free Agency will affect Gibbs? He won the big game with three different QB's. Not only that but he won his first Super Bowl his second year as head coach. I also can't understand why people are saying he needs 2 or 3 years, when it only took him six regular season games to turn things around in 81'.

Mark Maske: I don't think it will take him two or three years. I do think free agency and the salary cap will be different for him. He used to be able to keep veteran teams together and convince Cooke to outspend people year after year. The rules won't let you do that now.


Lexington, Ky.: I can't get Wilbon to comment on this. I hope that you will.

After watching every Redskin game this year twice, it became clear to me that an underachieving defense with blown asignments, giving up long third downs, and playing soft with a lead made the difference in being in the playoffs this year. Would you PLEASE share your thoughts on where the Redskins would have been this year if the defense had performed as well as last year under Marvin Lewis.

Mark Maske: I think the lack of discipline on defense--tied to George Edwards being overmatched as a first-time defensive coordinator--was a major downfall of the team. That won't happen to Gregg Williams.


Hinesville, Ga.: Hey Mark do you see any high profile free agents or trades coming to the Skins like Mark Brunell,Warren Sapp,Corey Dillon, Terrel Owens, Bobby Taylor,Jevon Kearse or Jason Taylor ? thanks

Mark Maske: Maybe all of the above.

Just kidding. But I do think the Redskins will be after everyone. They will spend a ton of money, and you don't have to worry about too far down the road when you have a 63-year-old coach.


Milford, NH: Mark,

With all the talk about the "star" players and big salaries and the salary cap notwihstanding, Gibbs is the kind of guy who knows how to get most out of "ordinary blue collar" player (e.g. Joe Jacoby and Tim Smith or Mark Rypen) and that is where Gibbs' genius lies. Will Snyder be able to control his urge to have "star stallions" (e.g. Deion Sanders) in his stable just as show pieces?

Mark Maske: Snyder will get the guys that Gibbs tells him to get.


Upper Marlboro, Md.: First Mark, I'd like to say how much I enjoy reading your columns and chats in The Post. The question that I have for you today is: How do you feel the signing of Joe Gibbs will encourage or deter Champ Bailey's decision to remain with the Redskins longterm?

Mark Maske: It certainly can't hurt, but I think it will come down to money. The Redskins won't let him go for nothing. They will either sign him or franchise him. If they franchise him, they will keep him or get plenty in return for letting him go.


Falls Church, Va.: Mark,

Amid all the hoopla on TV, in The Post, talk radio and ESPN, I found only one seriously negative column on the Gibbs return -- the one by Len Pasquarelli on ESPN.com. He questions Gibbs' sanity for coming back, says he's been away from the game too long, will find current players and salary caps hard to manage, will have problems with a meddlesome owner, yadda, yadda. Do you agree with any of these points, or do you think Pasquarelli was just playing the "bad cop" columnist trying to balance out the inevitable hype that came with this announcement?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Could Be In for Bumpy Ride, (ESPN.com, Jan. 7)

Mark Maske: It sounds to me like someone who's mad he didn't know the Redskins were going to hire Joe Gibbs.


Bethesda, Md.: Thanks, Mark, for your excellent coverage of the Redskins during these past few dark and dismal years. I've read Coach Gibbs is brining back former offensive line coach Joe Bugel and possibly some other former assistant coaches from the glory years. However, I've noticed one former assistant coach is missing from this list, Richie Pettibon. Was Pettibon offered an opportunity to rejoin the Redskins as defensive coordinator or was former Bills head coach Gregg Williams offered the job first?

Mark Maske: You need to mix the old and the new. You can't just reassemble the old crew. You need some people who have been coaching in the league. I think Gregg Williams was the first choice and was a very, very solid choice.


Winchester, Va.: How and why is Coach Gibbs coming back, what say will he have on personnel moves?

Mark Maske: My opinion is that he's coming back because he looked around and said, "I was better than Parcells and Vermeil the last time, and I can be better than them again.'' Because he's healthier now than he was when he left coaching. Because he conquered NASCAR and has turned that operation mostly over to his sons. And because he liked his grandchildren knowing, when he dabbled in the Falcons thing, that he did something great before racing.

I've got to run now but, as always, I've enjoyed it and we'll be talking again.


washingtonpost.com: That wraps up the discussion. Thanks for all your questions!

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Alexandria, Va.: After seeing the Redskins struggle for over a decade despite the hype of big name people coming into the organization such as Deon Sanders, Dan Snyder, Steve Spurrier, and Bruce Smith; do you think Joe Gibbs is good enough to lead the Skins to the playoffs in 2004?

washingtonpost.com: The Return of the King (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: Joe Gibbs isn't just a big name. He's THE big name, and he's one of the five or so greatest coaches in the history of football. I wouldn't bet against him.


Sterling, Va.: Hey Mark, this has been a great couple of days hearing that Joe is coming back. The thing that has been puzzling a bit to me, has been the fact that at least two of the quotes i've heard from our star players is that they are happy but not ready to make predictions of going to the superbowl and the like. While these comments seem innocuous on the surface, the manner in which they were said, and the fact that our players seem so defeated and spent is worrisome. Do you think these guys actually have the heart to be Gibbs guys, and which current players stand out to you as Gibbs guys right of the bat?

washingtonpost.com: Players and Alumni Share the Excitement (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: The strange thing here is that the fans know Joe Gibbs a lot better than the players. Most of them aren't from this area, and most were pretty young when he last was coaching. But they will find out about him soon enough.


Denver, Colo.: Mark: Thanks for the great reporting on this one. you guys were all over this, great coverage!

I'm am a bit dumbfounded at the reverence that the national media shows towards The Tuna. If you look at their coaching statistics Gibbs leads the Tuna in all categories that matter: reg season win%, playoff win%, superbowl appearances and suberbowl victories. Gibbs coached 4 fewer seasons then Parcells but only trial his by 24 in reg season victories (even spurrier averaged 6 wins/season). What gives, why did he not seem to get the same recognition outside of the DC area??

Mark Maske: Maybe that just results from the fact that Parcells has done great things more recently than Gibbs because Gibbs was out of it. You can't go wrong with either one. Personally, I'd take Gibbs. I think you can make a case that he might be the best coach of all-time.


Los Angeles, Calif.: Mark, hello.

We're already hearing that Snyder will pay whatever it takes to get Gibbs the players he needs. But, with a hard salary cap in the NFL, how can Snyder pay more for players than other owners? Don't they all have the same limit? And, while some owners choose not to reach the limit, many do, right?

washingtonpost.com: A Real Steal at Any Price (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I've been told that if you thought the Redskins did a lot of things last offseason, forget it. This offseason will make that look like nothing.

Yes, there is a cap that is basically the same for every team. But if you're willing to spend cash like Snyder is, you can structure contracts in such a way to fit a lot under the cap. The problem is that if you do that for four or five years in a row, it can catch up with you.


New York, NY formerly Washington DC!!: Mark,

Thanks for all your hard work and coverage on this.

According to the Post...high ranking officials in the Redskins have said that Joe Gibbs will set the "complete directon of the team". However it is also being reported that there will still be a roundtable of Gibbs, Snyder and Cerrato on all player decisions.

If there comes to be another situation of Gibbs wanting one person, Cerrato wanting another...is Snyder still the tie breaker if Gibbs indeed will have total control as is being reported?

Thanks and keep up the great work.

Mark Maske: I do think there will be a roundtable and there will be discussions. But if there is a disagreement, Gibbs gets what he wants. To me, that means Cerrato does the scouting. Gibbs does the choosing. And Snyder does the negotiating and the spending.


washingtonpost.com: The Return of the King (Post, Jan. 8)


Washington, D.C.: Gibbs is back! What a New Year's present! Now that he's back, what type of offensive style can we expect given the personnel the tea currently has?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Is Back With Redskins (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I think this offensive line, without any changes, can be a very good offensive line for a Gibbs team. He needs a better tight end and a power running back, and those things can be gotten. To me, the quarterback and the receivers are good enough. You will see a team that runs the ball in a very straightforward manner, then takes its shots downfield in the passing game when it can.


Hampton, Va.: If Gibbs is team President, does that mean Cerrato reports to him? That should solve some of the conflicts in the organization, because there's no way they'll treat Gibbs like they did Snyder or Schotty... right? Please tell me I'm right?!

washingtonpost.com: A Quick Study (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: I think that is exactly why Gibbs has that title.


Manhattan, New York: Hey Mark,

Joe Gibbs is a great coach, but he simply cannot turn this team around without a good running back. You hear all this talk about drafting D- Linemen, but what about RB's? I personally hope that the 'Skins will take Kevin Jones of VT. He has blistering speed, and the ability to break tackles. Whats the possibility of this happening?

Mark Maske: I think Kevin Jones is a possibility for the No. 5 pick, along with some other people. Also, remember that Cincinnati will have Corey Dillon on the trading block.


Morristown, Tenn.: How much of the current roster do you see Gibbs keeping?

Mark Maske: You always turn over 20 or so roster spots anyway, and you are constrained by the salary cap. In terms of sheer numbers, I don't see it being too much more extensive than that.


Ft. Washington, Md.: How long will it take for Joe Gibbs to assemble his coaching staff? What is the responsibilities and authorities of a Team President of a football team? Will Dan Snyder leave the football business alone for good?

Mark Maske: He has most of his staff in place already, I'm pretty sure. The team president title, to me, simply means that he will be in charge of the football side of the operation. Dan Snyder will negotiate with players' agents and do deals, but Gibbs will pick the players.


Owings, Md.: Mine is more a statement than a question. I don't know if was Snyder the business man or Snyder the desperate owner that brought Joe Gibbs back to Washington DC. My guess is that it is a mix of the two but we should all sit back and applaud him for this one, perhaps even stand up while were doing it.

For the first time since I don't know when there was a bounce in my step to pick up the paper this morning and read the sports page and find out just how this whole thing went down. For the first time since I don't know when I'll probably have a bounce again in that same trip tommorrow because I'll again look forward to reading and hearing about all that is going on in the Redskins organization.

Perhaps if I could ask a question it would be "How long do you think it will take him to turn the organization around?"

My guess would be that its already going through the players heads.Those of those players who are not ready to assume the role of professional and follow a true leader in more than just sports probably shouls start shopping today for a new team.



Mark Maske: You can go from very bad to very good overnight in the NFL these days. The Redskins now have a solid chance to do that.

I remember writing in one of these chats a few weeks back that the Redskins couldn't get good overnight with a coaching change because the few coaches who could do that--Parcells, Jimmy Johnson--weren't available. I didn't know at the time that Gibbs was an option. You certainly can do it with him.


Gaithersburg, Md.: Mr. Maske: Congratulations to you and Leonard Shapiro on your reporting -- you scooped everybody! Great work! How were you able to develop the story, when everybody else was in the dark?

Mark Maske: We got lucky that night with help from a source who is very reliable and very plugged in to another NFL coaching candidate, and told us that the Redskins were planning a major surprise and it would be Joe Gibbs. Things kind of went from there and we were able to use some other sources to pin it down. There were some nervous, anxious moments, believe me, but it was very exciting when we finally pinned it down. I grew up in this area and I know what Joe Gibbs means to people around here, so I realized the impact of this from the moment we were first told that it was going to be him. We were also scared to death of messing this story up.


Hagerstown, Md.: Mark,

How do you think Joe Gibbs offense will help

Patrick Ramsey and do you think that Coach Gibbs would maybe go with a more veteran qb.

He used to like the more veteran quarterback

and had the younger quarterbacks watching and


Mark Maske: I think a veteran quarterback is a possibility. But I also think that Ramsey has the arm and the mind to succeed in a Gibbs offense.


Clayton - Germantown, Md.: Mark,

How great is this? I mean, when I heard the news and with every article I read, I have to hold back the tears. Even as I type these words I'm getting goosebumps. With that said, Is there a chance, a teensy weensy chance, that Gibbs' return will turn sour. Just like every other big name Snyder has reached into his wallet for?


washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Is Back With Redskins (Post, Jan. 8)

Mark Maske: Certainly there is a chance that it could go bad. He was away for 11 years. He hasn't had to deal with the salary cap. He used to be able to persuade Jack Kent Cooke to overpay veteran guys to stick around as role players. He used to be able to stash young players on injured reserve with made-up injuries. But he is a great, great coach and I wouldn't bet against him.


Baltimore, Md.: Mark, you were one of the few that backup Spurrier all season, saying he was going to come back for another year, and that he never lied.

Has your opinion of him changed?

Mark Maske: Yes. Enough said on that.


Kingstowne, Va.: Any concern that Gibbs will end up like Bud Grant did in his second stint with the vikings? Remember, Grant coached the Vikes to 4 Super Bowls between 1967 and 1982. He quit, citing burnout. In 1983, Les Steckel took the Vikes to a 3-13 season. Grant returned in 1985. The Vikings went 7-9, and Grant retired for good, ignominiously. What's to prevent the same situation from playing out in DC? Thanks for a lifelong Skins fan.

Mark Maske: Yes, there is a chance. But as I said, I think Joe Gibbs is right at or near the top of the best coaches ever in this sport, so you'd have to think the odds are in his favor. Even after being away for 11 years, his system is not outdated. It's still being used around the league.

Mt. Lebanon, Pa.: What's substantially different about the Redskins this morning with Gibbs as coach than it was the day before Spurrier fell on his sword? Author's prompt: "difference" doesn't mean "distinction."

Same team. Same owner. Same sterling opponents. Same problems. Put it in a ball gown and take it to the prom, it's still the ugly sister: The Redskins.

Thanks much.

Mark Maske: Better NFL coach.

What was different about the Cowboys from the day before Parcells took the job until the day after he took it?


Washington, D.C.: Joe Gibbs has been away for so long. Marty Schottenheimer was probably the best coach the Redskins had since Gibbs left and his style of coaching was very similar to Gibbs. But the players of 2001 didn't play for Marty at first because they didn't like his old school, in-your-face disciplined approach. How are we certain the 2004 Redskins will accept Joe Gibbs approach to them?

Mark Maske: Gibbs has a light touch mixed in with his discipline, when needed. He inspires dedication and loyalty. And he is a far, far more creative and innovative coach than Marty is. He also has three more Super Bowl trophies to make players believe what he's saying.


Fairfax, Va.: I'm as excited about this as everyone else, but one

thing keeps running through my paranoid fan head

-- what if this doesn't work? This is basically the

last, best card Snyder can play. If Gibbs can't turn

the Redskins around, where do you go from there?

There's nothing to do except rebuild from the

ground up.

Mark Maske: Snyder cannot top this one, short of resurrecting Lombardi. If this didn't work, the only way left to go would be to find a young, unproven coach and try to build with and around him.


Upper Marlboro, Md.: Hey Mark,

This is like a Holiday for me. In fact I actually took off from work today. My question is, why is every talking about how Free Agency will affect Gibbs? He won the big game with three different QB's. Not only that but he won his first Super Bowl his second year as head coach. I also can't understand why people are saying he needs 2 or 3 years, when it only took him six regular season games to turn things around in 81'.

Mark Maske: I don't think it will take him two or three years. I do think free agency and the salary cap will be different for him. He used to be able to keep veteran teams together and convince Cooke to outspend people year after year. The rules won't let you do that now.


Lexington, Ky.: I can't get Wilbon to comment on this. I hope that you will.

After watching every Redskin game this year twice, it became clear to me that an underachieving defense with blown asignments, giving up long third downs, and playing soft with a lead made the difference in being in the playoffs this year. Would you PLEASE share your thoughts on where the Redskins would have been this year if the defense had performed as well as last year under Marvin Lewis.

Mark Maske: I think the lack of discipline on defense--tied to George Edwards being overmatched as a first-time defensive coordinator--was a major downfall of the team. That won't happen to Gregg Williams.


Hinesville, Ga.: Hey Mark do you see any high profile free agents or trades coming to the Skins like Mark Brunell,Warren Sapp,Corey Dillon, Terrel Owens, Bobby Taylor,Jevon Kearse or Jason Taylor ? thanks

Mark Maske: Maybe all of the above.

Just kidding. But I do think the Redskins will be after everyone. They will spend a ton of money, and you don't have to worry about too far down the road when you have a 63-year-old coach.


Milford, NH: Mark,

With all the talk about the "star" players and big salaries and the salary cap notwihstanding, Gibbs is the kind of guy who knows how to get most out of "ordinary blue collar" player (e.g. Joe Jacoby and Tim Smith or Mark Rypen) and that is where Gibbs' genius lies. Will Snyder be able to control his urge to have "star stallions" (e.g. Deion Sanders) in his stable just as show pieces?

Mark Maske: Snyder will get the guys that Gibbs tells him to get.


Upper Marlboro, Md.: First Mark, I'd like to say how much I enjoy reading your columns and chats in The Post. The question that I have for you today is: How do you feel the signing of Joe Gibbs will encourage or deter Champ Bailey's decision to remain with the Redskins longterm?

Mark Maske: It certainly can't hurt, but I think it will come down to money. The Redskins won't let him go for nothing. They will either sign him or franchise him. If they franchise him, they will keep him or get plenty in return for letting him go.


Falls Church, Va.: Mark,

Amid all the hoopla on TV, in The Post, talk radio and ESPN, I found only one seriously negative column on the Gibbs return -- the one by Len Pasquarelli on ESPN.com. He questions Gibbs' sanity for coming back, says he's been away from the game too long, will find current players and salary caps hard to manage, will have problems with a meddlesome owner, yadda, yadda. Do you agree with any of these points, or do you think Pasquarelli was just playing the "bad cop" columnist trying to balance out the inevitable hype that came with this announcement?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs Could Be In for Bumpy Ride, (ESPN.com, Jan. 7)

Mark Maske: It sounds to me like someone who's mad he didn't know the Redskins were going to hire Joe Gibbs.


Bethesda, Md.: Thanks, Mark, for your excellent coverage of the Redskins during these past few dark and dismal years. I've read Coach Gibbs is brining back former offensive line coach Joe Bugel and possibly some other former assistant coaches from the glory years. However, I've noticed one former assistant coach is missing from this list, Richie Pettibon. Was Pettibon offered an opportunity to rejoin the Redskins as defensive coordinator or was former Bills head coach Gregg Williams offered the job first?

Mark Maske: You need to mix the old and the new. You can't just reassemble the old crew. You need some people who have been coaching in the league. I think Gregg Williams was the first choice and was a very, very solid choice.


Winchester, Va.: How and why is Coach Gibbs coming back, what say will he have on personnel moves?

Mark Maske: My opinion is that he's coming back because he looked around and said, "I was better than Parcells and Vermeil the last time, and I can be better than them again.'' Because he's healthier now than he was when he left coaching. Because he conquered NASCAR and has turned that operation mostly over to his sons. And because he liked his grandchildren knowing, when he dabbled in the Falcons thing, that he did something great before racing.

I've got to run now but, as always, I've enjoyed it and we'll be talking again.


washingtonpost.com: That wraps up the discussion. Thanks for all your questions!

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

I can't wait for free agency and the draft to start. :jump:

i'd honestly be happy if we started with what we have now. i can't imagine what this team is going to look like after a big offseason!

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

I can't wait for free agency and the draft to start. :jump:

i'd honestly be happy if we started with what we have now. i can't imagine what this team is going to look like after a big offseason!

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Hinesville, Ga.: Hey Mark do you see any high profile free agents or trades coming to the Skins like Mark Brunell,Warren Sapp,Corey Dillon, Terrel Owens, Bobby Taylor,Jevon Kearse or Jason Taylor ? thanks

Mark Maske: Maybe all of the above.

Just kidding. But I do think the Redskins will be after everyone. They will spend a ton of money, and you don't have to worry about too far down the road when you have a 63-year-old coach.

Good lawwwwd!

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Hinesville, Ga.: Hey Mark do you see any high profile free agents or trades coming to the Skins like Mark Brunell,Warren Sapp,Corey Dillon, Terrel Owens, Bobby Taylor,Jevon Kearse or Jason Taylor ? thanks

Mark Maske: Maybe all of the above.

Just kidding. But I do think the Redskins will be after everyone. They will spend a ton of money, and you don't have to worry about too far down the road when you have a 63-year-old coach.

Good lawwwwd!

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