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John Kiem Chat Thread


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I edited the Post w/ MSP's version to save time:

Welcome to CPND HogChat, StevieSuperior

Your host is capitolpunishment.chat.server, running ChatSpace 3.1 - Server Edition

This room is recording transcripts

<chrisbob> John, has this surprised you, especially the speed with which it happened?

<JohnKeim> No. Not at all. I leaned toward Spurrier not returning. I knew how unhappy he was and he looked disenchanted with the goings-on at Redskins Park. Losing doesn't suit him well.

<berrym> John Are things completely chaotic at the park or is Snyder stepping up to the plate and doing anything?

<JohnKeim> Things are always chaotic. They claim they were surprised; I don't think so. I think they had a plan in place. I don't know how they couldn't.

<StevieSuperior> I don't suppose people like Modrak, Ruskell, or Wolf are going to be getting any calls for an interview?

<JohnKeim> They don't seem to feel that Cerrato is the problem.

<chrisbob> SO John who are the front runners in your mind?

<JohnKeim> I would put out the same names everyone else will, guys like Dennis Green, Romeo Crennel, etc. I heard today that Lovie Smith likely will go to Atlanta...

<chris4013> John, do you get the sense that the FO intends to do some restructuring with how they do things with the new coach, or are they content to say its all spurriors fault?

<JohnKeim> Knowing how much they blamed the coaching during the season, at least privately, I would say the latter. Again, there's talk of elevating Vinny to GM.

<CounterTrey> So John can you expand on Huff's comments earlier today about the lack of respect and discipline this team had under spurrier?

<JohnKeim> He's right. Spurrier would make threats and not follow through. I know this irked a lot of players and even some coaches. One coach was livid with Spurrier all season and said he didn't act like a head coach. Called him selfish....

<chrisbob> Do you think Snyder and the FO will have more input on building a coaching staff instead of letting the new coach pick all his assistants?

<JohnKeim> Most coaches get in their contracts that they have final say. I would imagine any coach who comes here will ask for that. This franchise has been red-flagged around the league. No coach would give the FO too much power.

<mhd24> Hey John, please tell me that Rhodes is not a candidate for the job?

<JohnKeim> Rhodes wanted out of here. If they hire him they'd be foolish, but I also know he didn't like it here....

Spurrier's arrogance showed in how slow it took him to make some adjustments to his style.

<bugs> Did Snyder really want him to leave or did Snyder want him to fire his assistants and is that why he left?

<JohnKeim> Snyder's side says he was shocked by this move. They say he felt Spurrier could succeed with the right coaches around him. I also think the $15 mill he would owe Spurrier made a difference.

<bugs> If Snyder hadn't questioned Spurrier so much, could Spurrier have won or is Spurrier just a lousy NFL coach? If Spurrier had had a different owner, would he have been successful?

<JohnKeim> Bugs: Good question. I think in the right setup Spurrier could win. But he needs a lot around him to help him succeed, starting with a strong GM. But Spurrier has flaws that must be corrected or he won't win anywhere.

<WarpathWest> Hi John! Was the lackluster performance in the later portion of the season a result of players knowing that Spurrier wouldn't be returning?

<JohnKeim> SS: I know some players are happy that he's gone. Others aren't, mainly because they don't want more change. That's the case for Champ. McCants is sorry to see him go. Others, like Bowen, say it doesn't matter that it's all on the players anyway.

<WarpathWest> it is on the players, it didnt take Dallas long to adapt to Parcells

<JohnKeim> WW: No, I don't think that was the culprit. They played pretty hard at Chicago. But Dallas and Philly were that much better, in terms of being prepared, etc.

<TheAxeMurderer> Do you see Champ coming back?

<JohnKeim> AXE: No, I don't see Champ coming back.

<bugs> Why was Spurrier's wife so unhappy? The losses? She missed Florida? What was it?

<JohnKeim> Spurrier's wife was unhappy because her husband was unhappy. Also, the organization didn't treat them well. I heard they tried to cancel her weekly dinner meetings with the coaches and their families. Things like that add up.

<newshog> Hi, John--Any feel for whether the players or FO or anybody would prefer a current coordinator over an established HC, or vice versa?

<JohnKeim> newshog: not sure quite yet. To be honest, I don't think they'll have much of a choice. What I hear around the league is that they'll have to settle for someone who is desperate. Someone asked about Dennis Green. He's a good coach and would be a good fit and he's worked with Cerrato, which may be a good or bad thing. But he might be too much for this group to handle. I'd see that as another short marriage.

<Grape> John, you're painting a bleak picture. Any good news in all of this?

<JohnKeim> Grape: Here's the good news -- I just saved a bundle on my car insurance. Sorry, that's the best I can do right now... Actually, I think if Spurrier had returned it would have been worse. This situation had deteriorated that much.

<Samuels60> Which HC out of the possible candidates would like to have the most?

<JohnKeim> Samuels: I like Denny Green because he's very proven. Fassel isn't bad. I think any coach who provides structure will make this place better.

<StevieSuperior> John, in your opinion if Snyder gets rejected by a few candidates due to the FO setup will he change the setup or take someone who can work with it?

<JohnKeim> SS: I'm not sure that will happen now.

<powerpro> Hi John, at this moment does it look like we will keep our main offensive players, seeing how it didn't seem like they were sold on Spurrier?

<JohnKeim> Powerpro: some were sold on him. The offensive talent doesn't need to change much, save for adding a RB, a center and a TE.

<berrym> John a few weeks ago you and I talked about how screwed Snyder's rep would be it Spurrier left. DO you think Snyder has screwed himself with this or can he make amends and hire a good HC and put out a wining team?

<JohnKeim> Berrym: I think Snyder can make himself look good by hiring a viable minority candidate. No matter how they spin this, however, people know he must share in the blame for this. Just think: Spurrier walked away from $15 million. That says a lot.

<King822> John, what do you think is going to happen with the running back situation next season? Do you think it depends on the type of coach we get?

<JohnKeim> King: It has to depend on that. But I'd look for lots of changes. The only players I'd keep for sure are Rock and Chad Morton.

<chris4013> John, are we in jeopordy of the FO wanting more control in the coaching, like a puppet coach (Barry Switzer/Campo)

<JohnKeim> chris: I don't think so. If someone comes in and assembles a decent staff and acts like a head coach, it'll just return to what it was before. My problem is that there's no one in this building who has succeeded in the NFL in their current job. Not sure how you can trust they'll turn it around.

<stephan> <chris4013> id like to know if their might be an inclination for the FO to take on more control with the coaching with a puppet coach like switzer jones

<JohnKeim> I don't think they can do more than they've done with another coach.

<stephan> <King822> John, if you had to say right now, who do you think will end up as the head coach here in Washington?

<JohnKeim> No idea. Sorry.

<stephan> <chris4013> what was ramsey's relationship to Spurrier? Is this bad or good news to him?

<JohnKeim> Probably mixed. I know Spurrier was tough on him and there was a feeling that Ramsey would get killed if he stayed in this offense.

<stephan> <mhd24> Question for John. Which assistant coaches were respected by the players?

<JohnKeim> George Catavolos; Stock, Nunn; Hue.

<stephan> <Trotter54> John, do you get the sense that Snyder is feeling any heat from the resignation combined with the attacks on his leadership ability from ex-Skins today (Walker, Riggins, Jacobey, May)?

<JohnKeim> He should feel some heat. This is not a good organization right now.

<stephan> <berrym> John with the rep that Snyder/Cerrato has for under cutting the HCs authority how can a HC candidate come into this job with any confidence that he will be able to succeed?

<JohnKeim> I don't know. Every coach thinks he'll succeed, but they'll come in with their eyes open. Very open.

<stephan> <jameson> Has he heard any talk of Redskins alumni coaching for us?

<JohnKeim> No. I know they'd like Russ Grimm to come back in some manner. But that's only if Russ is able to leave P-burgh.

<stephan> <newshog> Interesting--the way I see the $15 million he left on the table is that he really didn't like working in the NFL—not so much a reflection on Snyder (or else he'd have negotiated a buyout). What's the best way for Snyder to land on his feet after this?

<JohnKeim> Newshog: It is a reflection on Snyder. Don't think otherwise. I think the best way to land on his feet is by hiring someone good and getting out of the way.

<stephan> <chrisbob> what current assistants have the best shot of being retained, is there anyone the FO is high on and wouldn't let go?

<JohnKeim> I think Hue will be retained. Not sure after that.

<stephan> <TomSkinsFan> Has there been any interest towards Jimmy Johnson? (former Cowboys and Phins coach)

<JohnKeim> I'm sure there will be. But JJ is close to Norv and didn't like how Norv was treated in the end.

<stephan> <mhd24> John, will Snyder consider hiring a gm not named Cerrato, and let him hire the coach?

<JohnKeim> Not at this time.

<stephan> <gottascore> Is there ANY chance that Snyder will hire a proven GM and then let the GM hire a head coach? I'm just dumfounded that the FO may have not learned, and if they don't do it right this time, they will never learn. This is the most concerned I've been in 40 years as a Redskins fan.

<JohnKeim> You should be concerned.

<stephan> <mhd24> John, will Marv Levy be given any consideration as coach? He's indicated that he wants to be one again, and he's been a skins coach before.

<JohnKeim> I can't imagine he'd want to come here.

<stephan> <lavarleap56> Any word as to what Lavar thinks and given the offensive players we have could Al Saunders be considerd???

<JohnKeim> lavar: Not sure about Al. I'm sure a lot will be.... Thanks for the questions. Talk to you again soon...

<JohnKeim> I'd better get going. Got more work to do. Wish I could give more answers on the next coach. One thing to keep in mind: this team has some good pieces with with to work. That should give you some hope. And I think that ending this marriage, regardless of who's at fault, will help next season.

JohnKeim Quit (JohnKeim)

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I edited the transcript so that I could follow what Keim was saying better. In case anybody else would like to see the edited version, here it is, hope I got it right. :D

Keim is very negative about the FO, to say the least. His only consolation is that we are better off than if Spurrier hadn't resigned.


Welcome to CPND HogChat, StevieSuperior

Your host is capitolpunishment.chat.server, running ChatSpace 3.1 - Server Edition

This room is recording transcripts

<chrisbob> John, has this surprised you, especially the speed with which it happened?

<JohnKeim> No. Not at all. I leaned toward Spurrier not returning. I knew how unhappy he was and he looked disenchanted with the goings-on at Redskins Park. Losing doesn't suit him well.

<berrym> John Are things completely chaotic at the park or is Snyder stepping up to the plate and doing anything?

<JohnKeim> Things are always chaotic. They claim they were surprised; I don't think so. I think they had a plan in place. I don't know how they couldn't.

<StevieSuperior> I don't suppose people like Modrak, Ruskell, or Wolf are going to be getting any calls for an interview?

<JohnKeim> They don't seem to feel that Cerrato is the problem.

<chrisbob> SO John who are the front runners in your mind?

<JohnKeim> I would put out the same names everyone else will, guys like Dennis Green, Romeo Crennel, etc. I heard today that Lovie Smith likely will go to Atlanta...

<chris4013> John, do you get the sense that the FO intends to do some restructuring with how they do things with the new coach, or are they content to say its all spurriors fault?

<JohnKeim> Knowing how much they blamed the coaching during the season, at least privately, I would say the latter. Again, there's talk of elevating Vinny to GM.

<CounterTrey> So John can you expand on Huff's comments earlier today about the lack of respect and discipline this team had under spurrier?

<JohnKeim> He's right. Spurrier would make threats and not follow through. I know this irked a lot of players and even some coaches. One coach was livid with Spurrier all season and said he didn't act like a head coach. Called him selfish....

<chrisbob> Do you think Snyder and the FO will have more input on building a coaching staff instead of letting the new coach pick all his assistants?

<JohnKeim> Most coaches get in their contracts that they have final say. I would imagine any coach who comes here will ask for that. This franchise has been red-flagged around the league. No coach would give the FO too much power.

<mhd24> Hey John, please tell me that Rhodes is not a candidate for the job?

<JohnKeim> Rhodes wanted out of here. If they hire him they'd be foolish, but I also know he didn't like it here....

Spurrier's arrogance showed in how slow it took him to make some adjustments to his style.

<bugs> Did Snyder really want him to leave or did Snyder want him to fire his assistants and is that why he left?

<JohnKeim> Snyder's side says he was shocked by this move. They say he felt Spurrier could succeed with the right coaches around him. I also think the $15 mill he would owe Spurrier made a difference.

<bugs> If Snyder hadn't questioned Spurrier so much, could Spurrier have won or is Spurrier just a lousy NFL coach? If Spurrier had had a different owner, would he have been successful?

<JohnKeim> Bugs: Good question. I think in the right setup Spurrier could win. But he needs a lot around him to help him succeed, starting with a strong GM. But Spurrier has flaws that must be corrected or he won't win anywhere.

<WarpathWest> Hi John! Was the lackluster performance in the later portion of the season a result of players knowing that Spurrier wouldn't be returning?

<JohnKeim> SS: I know some players are happy that he's gone. Others aren't, mainly because they don't want more change. That's the case for Champ. McCants is sorry to see him go. Others, like Bowen, say it doesn't matter that it's all on the players anyway.

<WarpathWest> it is on the players, it didnt take Dallas long to adapt to Parcells

<JohnKeim> WW: No, I don't think that was the culprit. They played pretty hard at Chicago. But Dallas and Philly were that much better, in terms of being prepared, etc.

<TheAxeMurderer> Do you see Champ coming back?

<JohnKeim> AXE: No, I don't see Champ coming back.

<bugs> Why was Spurrier's wife so unhappy? The losses? She missed Florida? What was it?

<JohnKeim> Spurrier's wife was unhappy because her husband was unhappy. Also, the organization didn't treat them well. I heard they tried to cancel her weekly dinner meetings with the coaches and their families. Things like that add up.

<newshog> Hi, John--Any feel for whether the players or FO or anybody would prefer a current coordinator over an established HC, or vice versa?

<JohnKeim> newshog: not sure quite yet. To be honest, I don't think they'll have much of a choice. What I hear around the league is that they'll have to settle for someone who is desperate. Someone asked about Dennis Green. He's a good coach and would be a good fit and he's worked with Cerrato, which may be a good or bad thing. But he might be too much for this group to handle. I'd see that as another short marriage.

<Grape> John, you're painting a bleak picture. Any good news in all of this?

<JohnKeim> Grape: Here's the good news -- I just saved a bundle on my car insurance. Sorry, that's the best I can do right now... Actually, I think if Spurrier had returned it would have been worse. This situation had deteriorated that much.

<Samuels60> Which HC out of the possible candidates would like to have the most?

<JohnKeim> Samuels: I like Denny Green because he's very proven. Fassel isn't bad. I think any coach who provides structure will make this place better.

<StevieSuperior> John, in your opinion if Snyder gets rejected by a few candidates due to the FO setup will he change the setup or take someone who can work with it?

<JohnKeim> SS: I'm not sure that will happen now.

<powerpro> Hi John, at this moment does it look like we will keep our main offensive players, seeing how it didn't seem like they were sold on Spurrier?

<JohnKeim> Powerpro: some were sold on him. The offensive talent doesn't need to change much, save for adding a RB, a center and a TE.

<berrym> John a few weeks ago you and I talked about how screwed Snyder's rep would be it Spurrier left. DO you think Snyder has screwed himself with this or can he make amends and hire a good HC and put out a wining team?

<JohnKeim> Berrym: I think Snyder can make himself look good by hiring a viable minority candidate. No matter how they spin this, however, people know he must share in the blame for this. Just think: Spurrier walked away from $15 million. That says a lot.

<King822> John, what do you think is going to happen with the running back situation next season? Do you think it depends on the type of coach we get?

<JohnKeim> King: It has to depend on that. But I'd look for lots of changes. The only players I'd keep for sure are Rock and Chad Morton.

<chris4013> John, are we in jeopordy of the FO wanting more control in the coaching, like a puppet coach (Barry Switzer/Campo)

<JohnKeim> chris: I don't think so. If someone comes in and assembles a decent staff and acts like a head coach, it'll just return to what it was before. My problem is that there's no one in this building who has succeeded in the NFL in their current job. Not sure how you can trust they'll turn it around.

<stephan> <chris4013> id like to know if their might be an inclination for the FO to take on more control with the coaching with a puppet coach like switzer jones

<JohnKeim> I don't think they can do more than they've done with another coach.

<stephan> <King822> John, if you had to say right now, who do you think will end up as the head coach here in Washington?

<JohnKeim> No idea. Sorry.

<stephan> <chris4013> what was ramsey's relationship to Spurrier? Is this bad or good news to him?

<JohnKeim> Probably mixed. I know Spurrier was tough on him and there was a feeling that Ramsey would get killed if he stayed in this offense.

<stephan> <mhd24> Question for John. Which assistant coaches were respected by the players?

<JohnKeim> George Catavolos; Stock, Nunn; Hue.

<stephan> <Trotter54> John, do you get the sense that Snyder is feeling any heat from the resignation combined with the attacks on his leadership ability from ex-Skins today (Walker, Riggins, Jacobey, May)?

<JohnKeim> He should feel some heat. This is not a good organization right now.

<stephan> <berrym> John with the rep that Snyder/Cerrato has for under cutting the HCs authority how can a HC candidate come into this job with any confidence that he will be able to succeed?

<JohnKeim> I don't know. Every coach thinks he'll succeed, but they'll come in with their eyes open. Very open.

<stephan> <jameson> Has he heard any talk of Redskins alumni coaching for us?

<JohnKeim> No. I know they'd like Russ Grimm to come back in some manner. But that's only if Russ is able to leave P-burgh.

<stephan> <newshog> Interesting--the way I see the $15 million he left on the table is that he really didn't like working in the NFL—not so much a reflection on Snyder (or else he'd have negotiated a buyout). What's the best way for Snyder to land on his feet after this?

<JohnKeim> Newshog: It is a reflection on Snyder. Don't think otherwise. I think the best way to land on his feet is by hiring someone good and getting out of the way.

<stephan> <chrisbob> what current assistants have the best shot of being retained, is there anyone the FO is high on and wouldn't let go?

<JohnKeim> I think Hue will be retained. Not sure after that.

<stephan> <TomSkinsFan> Has there been any interest towards Jimmy Johnson? (former Cowboys and Phins coach)

<JohnKeim> I'm sure there will be. But JJ is close to Norv and didn't like how Norv was treated in the end.

<stephan> <mhd24> John, will Snyder consider hiring a gm not named Cerrato, and let him hire the coach?

<JohnKeim> Not at this time.

<stephan> <gottascore> Is there ANY chance that Snyder will hire a proven GM and then let the GM hire a head coach? I'm just dumfounded that the FO may have not learned, and if they don't do it right this time, they will never learn. This is the most concerned I've been in 40 years as a Redskins fan.

<JohnKeim> You should be concerned.

<stephan> <mhd24> John, will Marv Levy be given any consideration as coach? He's indicated that he wants to be one again, and he's been a skins coach before.

<JohnKeim> I can't imagine he'd want to come here.

<stephan> <lavarleap56> Any word as to what Lavar thinks and given the offensive players we have could Al Saunders be considerd???

<JohnKeim> lavar: Not sure about Al. I'm sure a lot will be.... Thanks for the questions. Talk to you again soon...

<JohnKeim> I'd better get going. Got more work to do. Wish I could give more answers on the next coach. One thing to keep in mind: this team has some good pieces with with to work. That should give you some hope. And I think that ending this marriage, regardless of who's at fault, will help next season.

JohnKeim Quit (JohnKeim)

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The magic bullet. ABC.

Anybody but Cerrato. We need to put that in our tag lines. That's pretty much what it boils down to for most of you. Anybody but Cerrato. And NONE of you know why you think that way except you don't like the fact that he and the owner are friendly.

Someone should have asked Keim how being surprised by Spurrier's departure and having a plan in place in case he left are somehow mutually exclusive concepts.

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