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Tom-What about Fassel


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I will give you the one reason why Fassel's era went up and down. Believing the hype.

The Giant players believed the offseason hype that preceded each of their poor seasons. Including this one. I read some of the players this year saying that they just expected to win and probably didn't work as hard as they should have. Now, while some of that is on the coach, the players should have known better. This has happened before. After the Super Bowl season for example. They went through the season expecting to win.

Fassel should have recognized this was the problem and to a point did. He tried hard to get the players motivated and I read a lot that the practices went very well. But the players showed up Sundays and expected to win without the effort.

This year, after that Rams game, the players expected those results. It is kind of sad as they are supposed to be professionals.

As far as how Fassel would work for you guys, you would need a better RB. I think your offensive line would improve drastically just by Fassel's ways in itself.

Offensively, the only thing you are missing like I said is a solid RB. I don't think you have the type of RB on your roster that would suit Fassel. Oh yeah, TE. You need a better TE which is a key part of Fassel. Before Shockey they had Dan Campbell.

Defensively, I think you have the D in place for Fassel. One pass rusher and you're done. But he needs a solid D coordinator anyway. He doesn't handle much with the D.

The big question is if he will believe that he has to call his own plays in Washington. Despite what happened last year after he took over the play calling, he works better when he isn't calling the plays. Snyder would need to get Fassel to get an O coordinator. Someone he can trust.

I think Fassel would work well in D.C. Most of the team is in place for the kind of coach Fassel is. RB, TE, and one pass rusher is all you guys would need. You already have a semblence of special teams. But Fassel isn't good with that no matter who you have.

The big thing you would need to worry about is sometimes he makes bad coaching decisions during the game. Little things like clock management that could cost you.

All in all, I believe Fassel would have you guys competing for a wild card spot at worse next year.

I for one hope he doesn't land in Washington. I couldn't deal with Fassel and Parcells on opposite sides four times a year.

And Fassel is not disciplinarian like Coughlin. He won't call out his players publicly. But the Giant players loved him. And as others have said, I could see guys like Kenny Holmes and Cornelius Griffin following him there. The Giants have other free agents who would follow him.

Just one thing, don't do it!!!!!! I will go looney!!!!

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great post tom. you are a credit to your species ;)

the things that scare me about fassel are:

1. perenially horrid special teams

2. up and down seasons; 5-11 one years, 10-6 the next will get him canned by snyder post-haste, unfortunately

3. will he be able to crack down and get these lazy ass players to be discplined

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