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Is this a weak draft year?


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I'll admit I don't know everything about every college player like some of you do, but am I correct in thinking this isn't a strong draft year? Outside of Eli Manning and Roy Williams is there any dominant "franchise" type guy? It seems the year we get a really high pick, the draft isn't that strong (at least in our area of need). It kind of reminds me when the Wizards finally won the lottery and there was no consensus on the top guy.

Drafting 5th is close to having two first rounders, but can we can get help for the D-Line in the draft?

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

, we have so many areas that need shoring up.

Huh? I have missed a good portion of the season but the biggest hole was DE, DT and RB. Am I wrong in the assesment? I know our O line played like crap, but that had to do more with Helton and Ramsey than anything else.

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I think you'll also find that the draft projections will change a lot based on how FAs around the league handle their negotiations. (For example, how the Skins negotiate with Champ will affect our draft priorities a lot.)

There's a lot of GM-agent work to be done before the draft.

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The draft is usually weak and not very deep based on seniors, because with 32 teams now drafting, there are not enough quality players to go around. However, every year it seems like 15 to 30 top juniors declare, which strengthens the class.

That said, if you look at last years draft, not that many 1st and 2nd round draft picks provided immediate help to their teams. It usually takes college players two to three years to really develop in the NFL.

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I think it's a very strong year. There are three potential franchise QB's in Rothlisberger, Manning, and Rivers. There's a franchise players in Winslow, Taylor, Jones, Fitzgerald, Roy Williams. There's a buunch of Defensive players that would make any team good. Tommy Harris, Wilfork, Pollack, Ubeze, Smith, ect. Even Ball from UCLA is a stud as a Strong SIde DE. There are two franchise offensive tackles in Gallery and Andrews. It's a really good draft to get depth and players that can put your team over the top.

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