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Does catching a Rat make the war right?


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Originally posted by Art


We certainly hope the people of Iraq are against terrorism. In your unending effort to simply counter the words from the right, are you actually suggesting the majority of Iraqis are FOR terrorism?


Not officially favoring terrorism does not mean this muslims are now against these Muslim terrorist groups. People don't have to make sense. Taking this rat catching as a vindication for a policy doesn't make sense.

Of course we are doing a good thing in Iraq, even that doesn't make it the right thing to do for this nation at this time. Don't you thnk we could do plenty of good things by invading Cuba too?

I don't see my role here as a counter the words of the right wing, I see it to help take the blinders off some of you.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

979guy, I think you're spot on. Not to mention the gazillions of dollars the Saudis have tied up in the US economy--it would hurt us, if not cripple us, if they pulled it out. Also, their oil production dwarfs that of Iraq. If we attacked Saudi Arabia, they'd cut off supply and we'd be up a creek for a little while at least.

One point in which I agree with fully with JackC: either the war was right or it was wrong, but the capture of Saddam does not change that property one way or the other. If it was right, then it was right even before we captured Saddam. If it was wrong, then it remains wrong even after the capture.

It would cost us money to invade Saudi Arabia? It would hurt our economy? Can anyone translate that into French for me?

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Originally posted by JackC

I sure walked into that one! :)

Sorry, couldn't resist :cheers:

Hussein is done. Its a good thing. But I think you're right that it doesn't 'prove' anything. If he talks though, depending on what he gives us, it could change perspective (say for instance he gives up some WMD hiding places in return for taking the death penalty off the table).

I think Dean would be smarter to take the high road. 'Its a wonderful thing that a brutal dictator will never again terrorize his people' and leave it at that. His capture doesn't in and of itself justify the war. But Dean's equally incorrect when he asserts it 'doesn't make us safer'.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

Sorry, couldn't resist :cheers:

Hussein is done. Its a good thing. But I think you're right that it doesn't 'prove' anything. If he talks though, depending on what he gives us, it could change perspective (say for instance he gives up some WMD hiding places in return for taking the death penalty off the table).

I think Dean would be smarter to take the high road. 'Its a wonderful thing that a brutal dictator will never again terrorize his people' and leave it at that. His capture doesn't in and of itself justify the war. But Dean's equally incorrect when he asserts it 'doesn't make us safer'.

The one thing it proves is the Iraqi people no longer have to live in the fear we have never felt before.

Dean is a fool, we have one of the most dangerous men in the world in our custody, it makes the entire world safer. Think if we had the NK dictator in our custody, it is the same thing.

Dean before the war said Sadam was bad and an enemy or ours, now he says he doesn't mean anything. Can you make up your mind one way or the other :doh:

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