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Say we were to draft Sean Taylor


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I want Kellin Winslow on my team more than Taylor. He's got fire in the belly. Unlike any sport in the world Football is a game of emotions. We cover ourselves with Winslow. If Spurrier stays or go we'll have an offensive threat that will be hard to match up with. We have good enough SS already.

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Part of being a safety is being a sure tackler. I don't feel that our safeties tackle well. I mean, compare their play to the opposite tandem we saw yesterday. Woodson deflected a ball that ended up in Newman's hands, and he's always laying big hits on RBs. That's why it's ok for those safeties to move up, they're smart and they're good hitters. Our guys... when they move up, we end up getting burned on pass routes (they're not smart enough), or Troy Hambrick breaks a tackle or two and he's off.

That said, the hype has said ST will definitely be a great safety, and may be better than Roy Williams. I am not a true believer. I was definitely sure in the case of Roy, because he displayed not just talent, but a lot of football smarts that have only been redisplayed in the NFL. ST has made a couple of mistakes that make me think while amazingly talented, he might let his emotions rule him a bit much (this, in fact, is the only negative stuff I have read about him).

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I think the Skins can find a solid DL/DE in the later rounds of the draft. I think the Skins take the best player available regardless of offense, or defense. Just my opinion. We could've had a nice starting safety in Mike Doss, but passed on him for Taylor Jacobs. That may, or may not be a mistake in the later years.

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Iffy's also as out of position on run plays as the LB's..he's got an equal share in the running game gaffes. Bowen's played mostly decent.

the sentiment out there is correct about a pass rush helping our secondary. Look at the Panthers. They've had their struggles as of late, but their secondary, aside from maybe Minter, is mediocre talentwise, but they benefit from the fact that when their front four is firing on all cylinders, the secondary has to cover for about half a second.

Madison and Surtain get so many picks because their opposing QB's are getting harrassed like Anita Hill by Taylor and Ogunye (I know I spelled it wrong, my bad).

We can keep these safeties and work on the d-line....but I'm not totally against a potential playmaker like Sean Taylor...who knows...maybe his draft stock drops and we get him in the 2nd Round...and this time....we draft the guy.

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I concur. Both safties need upgrading and Taylor would be a good pick. We need to get the DE through FA. I am not sure about our LBs anymore. I just think they are so undisciplined that they hurt us more than help us. We need a disciplinarian as a Defensive Coordinator bad, or cut them loose.

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Who are the DE'S avaiable in FA this offseason?? I agree in trying to get a DE in the FA. In the draft I like that Taylor and Winslow option, although I never seen these guys play I hear they are very good. But we need to keep CHAMP! Yes keep CHAMP! The guy is an ELITE CB!! Most of these people are ready to bash him because of one bad season they did'nt average up to his previous seasons. If you include the injuries this guy has been playing with and the lack of pass rush from our Defensive line you would understand. This guy plays with heart. This is the weakest dline we have had in recent seasons. As a matter of fact, we never really had a really dominant d-line since Bailey was with the skins and he has become a pro-bowl cb with different Defensive Coordinators every single year! I think we need to draft a faster DT also. We are so slow!!! I can't remember the last time we had a fast defense. But anyways speed upfront makes a big difference. And I think some of the BUCS defensive players are a little overrated. I would like to see the Bucs secondary perform with our DL.

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