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We won a Super Bowl with a crappy Offense & a top ranked Defense


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4 hours ago, hail2skins said:

The debates about whether the 83 Skins team or the 91 Skins team was better was interesting. The 91 team I feel was more well rounded on both sides of the ball, but tend to be forgotten a bit because of that lack of a single on the field playoff moment like the other Gibbs teams.


The current Patriots dynasty has won 5 out of 8 Super Bowl appearances, but there's little question that the 2007 team is the best of those teams, and likely one of the best of all time. They just picked the wrong day to have a bad game, like the 83 Skins and 13 Broncos.


 The 83' Redskins team was the beauty of Gibbs's mind.

 Winning the SB behind th' Diesel with a sprinkling of the Smurfs, especially opponents not being able to stop the counter gap.

 When 83' began, they started out losing to Dallas 31-30 on a monday night; I remember that game fondly, because I punched my then-fiancée's front windshield and watching the cracks as they crept across in about 4 different directions. It was ok because she was a Cowboys fan and she had insurance.


But, the point is, Gibbs was ahead of the curve; he knew he didn't have the top talent across the board but he had plenty of good players. As the season went on, opponents would stack the box to stop Riggins and Joey T. simply went deep because the WRs were at best in one-on-one coverage. Gibbs played hop scotch against defenses, a mind game if you will, because as it was well documented, Gibbs went against tendencies, and it caught defenses off guard, expecting to see run but getting pass, and vice versa.


With Smith the issue is him not going deep except in desperation. If he IS playing from behind, then he's already behind the curve, and defenses can adjust accordingly. Gruden needs to get it through Alex's skull that is he doesn't want defenses up on the line all the time he's gonna have to throw deep to push the LBers back some. He doesn't have to imitate Rodgers but he has to take shots here and there, and not on 3rd downs if he wants to give the WRs a chance.

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