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Poll: Betts or Weaver?


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Back in the 2002 draft, after the Broncos beat us out for Clinton Portis, Anthony Weaver fell right into our laps. Instead of taking him, we traded down with Baltimore to pick up an extra 5th (which I believe was the one we wasted on Lott) and move up a few spaces in the 3rd. All of us were saying/ thinking ... :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: when the FO picked up Betts, whom most experts had projected as a 4th or 5th round pick, and I know several people specifically expressed displeasure at trading down when Weaver was available. Weaver started all 16 games as a rookie. Betts has shown flashes of being Stephen Davis v 2.0, but doesn't seem to be able to stay healthy. Well now, whom would you prefer the Skins had selected - Weaver, or Betts & Andre Lott?

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Is Weaver any great shakes? Would he be the cure, or at least a legit (not wishful or grass is greener type of thinking) ingredient, for the DL?

I don't watch the Ravens, so I really don't know. I tend to think that he would just be another guy on the Skins DL, and we would be lamenting the team passing on someone else. Isn't he kind of like Renaldo Wynn - solid, but nothing spectacular?

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I was one of those who wanted us to take Weaver when he fell to our #52 slot.

But to be fair to Danny and Vinny I also remember that that decision was the *ONLY* decision in 2002 Draft that I criticized.

Also, you are repeating anti-Snyder/Cerrato spin when you say, "Betts, whom most experts had projected as a 4th or 5th round pick". There were a few web sites that rated him as a 4th or 5th rounder. But IMO the more serious analysts rated him as a 3rd rounder, some in the early 3rd.

Drafting is alway easier in hindsight.


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