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This Date in Redskins History (November 5th)


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Record: 5-7

Home: 4-2

Away: 1-5


--Redskins have not played on 11-5 in 11 years (2206)

--Redskins are currently on a one game winning streak on 11-5

--Prior to the 2006 win, the Redskins lost three in a row on 11-5 dating back to 1989

--Redskins have played the Giants, Cowboys, and Cardinals all twice on 11-5

--This will be the Redskins first ever meeting with Seattle on 11-5

--The Redskins have had trouble scoring on 11-5. In their 12 games, they have only topped 30 points once (1972) and have been held under 20 points in 8 of the 12 games


1939: Win vs Philadelphia Eagles 7-6: Missed extra point costs Philly


1944: Win vs Cleveland Rams 14-10


1950: Loss at New York Giants 24-21


1961: Loss at New York Giants 53-0: Oh, that 1961 team.... quit possibly the worst in franchise history. Norm Snead had another dreadful day; going 7-20 with 2 INTs. He was eventually replaced by George Izo who went 2-6 with 2 INTs.


1967: Loss vs St. Louis Cardinals 27-21


1972: Win at New York Jets 35-17: The Super Bowl bound Redskins took down Joe Namath... a young RB named John Riggins scored a TD for the Jets.


1973: Loss at Pittsburgh Steelers 21-16: See, it isn't just the new generation of Redskins that loses to Pittsburgh on Monday Night.... at least this one was on the road.


1984: Win vs Atlanta Falcons 27-14: A Monday Night win at RFK, sort of a ho-hum game-- the Redskins had three one yard TD runs that night (two from Riggins and one from Joey T)


1989: Loss vs Dallas Cowboys 13-3: Yeesh, I'm sure everyone that was alive for this one remembers. 1989 was a weird year for the Redskins. Rough start with a very strong finish, just missing the playoffs despite going 10-6. But this was a low point in the middle of the season and it certainly felt as if the entire year had unraveled. For those that don't know, this was the 1-15 Cowboys team-- so yes, the one came against us. This was Jimmy's first year and Steve Walsh started the game that night. I can't remember if Aikman (rookie year) was injured or if they chose to give Walsh a start. I also clearly remember watching this one in our living room. 1989 was the last year before I discovered satellite dishes-- so if the game wasn't on locally, I didn't see it. This was a Sunday Night game in the early years of the league producing games on Sunday Night. Obviously, everyone thought we would win. It is still a little baffling how we only scored 3 points. Doug Williams had a decent night in terms of yardage. Lohmiller missed one field goal and Williams had a couple of picks. It was one of those nights where you just kept assuming we'd get it together, but you look up in the 4th quarter and it was like "oh crap." I have a clear snapshot memory of Doug Williams after the game looking dejected and the Cowboys celebrating. This was one of those days where I didn't want to go to school the next morning.


1995: Loss at Kansas City 24-3: I feel like the Redskins have been 3-6 a lot over the years. In those situations, that 10th game is usually the do or die game for my interest level in that given season. I can still at least fool myself if we are 4-6, but 3-7? That's usually when a considerable amount of air is let out. We were 3-6 going into this game. 1995 wasn't a year we expected playoffs, so it wasn't a huge deal. But we did have some close losses earlier in that year that stung quite a bit. This was a "death march" game for me. Rarely over the years have I honestly felt the Redskins had absolutely ZERO chance to win a game that kind of mattered at the time. There were some instances in 1994 where I felt that way and at the end of the 2009 season as well. But this was one game I clearly remember thinking we had absolutely no chance. Chiefs were awesome in 1995-- their D was dominant and they were 7-1 going in. I remember watching at the sports bar. Chiefs got up 14-0 and then it was 17-3 for awhile-- so I guess we "hung around" but we never had a prayer that day. 0-2 at Arrowhead all time.


2000: Loss at Arizona Cardinals 16-15: This was the last in an almost decade-long series of debacles in the desert. And it may have stung the most. If you read my stuff, you know I think the 2000 team was our biggest missed opportunity of my lifetime as a Skins fan. The defense was really, really good and the offense should have been way better had Norv been able to get it together and figure out earlier that Brad Johnson wasn't the answer that season. On this day, Johnson was hurt and George started. This may have been the ultimate Norv game. Just an insane series of circus acts cost us this one-- almost all on offense. We had a dominant drive to start the game and as Stephen Davis is going in for the TD, he fumbles (he had a knack for the crushing fumble) and Aneas Williams scoops it and goes 103 yards the other way for a TD. So that right there swings the entire game. From then on it's nip and tuck-- we keep getting down well into their red zone and stalling. We also give up a long kick return that sets up an Arizona TD. The Cardinals offense honestly "earned" almost nothing that day-- our defense was fine. But our O and special teams couldn't get out of their own way. Kicker was always an issue in the Norv years, but none more so than 2000. This was one of two games that Kris Heppner played for us-- he missed a long FG earlier in the game and then late in the 4th he blew a 30 yarder-- the ones he did make were from LESS than 30 so you can see how close we kept getting. This was just a stupid/crushing loss and it really came back to haunt us.


2006: Win vs Dallas Cowboys 22-19: You know, for whatever reason this one doesn't register with me like it does many other fans. I was pumped about the ending of course, but 2006 was so disappointing to me that I've never really looked back on this game as any sort of truly great moment in team history. It was a unique ending for sure and surprising as heck, but all in all, I was sort of over it pretty quickly and in my fan history it barely registers. Not even in my top 25 Redskins moments. I watched with my father in law (Boys fan) at his house and again, I definitely went bonkers over the ending. That was really cool. And I also enjoyed the various fan videos that surfaced from inside FedEx after that, but all in all, this was, and remains, just another game to me. The 2005 wins over Dallas were much, much more memorable to me.





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The 2006 win was one of the most unbelievable moments I ever witnessed.  I guess that being there makes a difference, but it perfectly encapsulated who our superstar was in Sean, an improbable win that we typically would have lost under any other coach, and the massive swing from low to high as opposed to the opposite which is what we're used to.

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